Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 54: Vampire Shatia

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"So, when is the departure time?"

"Well, how about leaving in two hours, or three hours? If it is too late, the streets will be completely swallowed up by the night, which should be the limit."

Annoying calculations appeared again in the man's eyes. Sebass still tried to pretend not to see them. Zac licked his lips a few times and said, "Hey, maybe there is no problem in this case."

"That's great. So, could you please start preparing immediately?"

After seeing Zac's back, Sebass waved his hand, as if to throw away the air wrapped around him. That's because he felt a filthy sense of filth, clinging tightly to himself.

"Shall we remind them in the past?" Lilith frowned. "That guy is not a good person."

"It doesn't matter, they deliberately."

"On purpose?" Lilith puzzled.

"Yes, the man is behind a bandit group, they want to hook this group."

"Pesticide for the people?" Lilith couldn't think of another reason.

"Cough, probably." Ma Yuan thought about it and thought it was better not to take those criminals back to Nasalik for human experiments. These things that are not humane at all may cause Lilith. Uncomfortable.

Before heading to Ye Lantier, Anz gave Sebas the order: "I want to capture humans who have learned martial arts or magic. However, I can only find those criminals who are not a problem even if they disappear." Therefore, as a part of the plan, Sebastian and Soleus will play the willful wealth of the wealthy family and the stewards who are being turned around, waiting patiently for Zac to catch the fish.

"What are we going to do, keep up with them?"

"Well, use stealth and keep your distance."

"Then when do they need our help?" Ankar was puzzled. If this trend continues, Sorell and Saba will successfully eliminate the bandit group. Is there anything else for them?

"Relax, there will be opportunities for us to play."

After two hours, Sebastian and Soleus took the coachman out of the tavern. Andrei hurried out and used stealth.

They watched Sorelline they got on a carriage and drove towards the suburbs. They silently followed, and no one said anything.

About an hour later, the carriage suddenly swayed violently, and at the same time heard a whistling noise from the horse pulling the carriage.

Ten strong men emerged from the nearby forest, surrounding the carriage round and round into a semicircle. These strong men wear different equipment, although the quality is not too good, but it is not particularly bad, you can know that they have also selected weapons.

They talked about how to dispose of their prey, who took the first and who was later, and so on, it was completely a relaxed attitude, and they have indeed done countless times for this kind of activity, if only this time will feel nervous, It’s rather strange.

As soon as Zac jumped off the bridge, he ran towards the emerging men in a small jog.

Of course, when jumping off the bridge, there was a way to cut the reins to prevent the carriage from running away. In order to prevent the door from opening on one side, I moved my hands and feet so that only the man's side could open.

The men showed the weapons in their hands to see the prey inside, and issued a silent warning, like saying that if they don't hurry out, they will suffer.

As if to respond to them, the carriage door was slowly opened.

A beauty appeared in the moonlight. The gathered mercenaries and robbers stared at the beautiful woman with indecent laughter and lustful eyes. You can see the overwhelming expression on the faces of the men.

However, one person was surprised, that is Zac.

If one sentence explains why he was surprised, it is "Who is this person?" Zac had never seen this beautiful woman, but the carriage was very familiar to him. The difference between them made Zac confused. Completely speechless.

Then, a woman with the same dress appeared behind her, causing some men to show doubts. According to what they have heard, the goal should be a misunderstood Miss Qianjin and an old housekeeper.

Then, when another woman who said that she was a girl was not too much, their doubts were immediately thrown out of Jiu Xiaoyun.

The silver-like hair shone brightly under the moonlight reflection, and the watery red eye pupil had a fascinating light.

Seeing the appearance of such a beautiful woman, the robbers could only sigh, and even couldn't even sigh the praise. This moment proves that when real beautiful things appear in front of you, even the animal desires will shrink.

While everyone was immersed in beautiful things, the group of "Black Dragon" was on alert. This woman is very dangerous.

A girl of about 14 years old in a black ball gown wearing a large dress with a lot of skirts, has skin like wax and correct facial features. It can be described as a true beauty of the world, with long silver hair swaying with the pace The plump **** of different ages also choppy. She is the guardian of the first floor to the third floor, "Zhen Zu" Shatia. Bradfren.

"Vampire breath." Ankar frowned.

Ordinary people may not be able to tell who this girl looks like a human being, but for adventurers like Andre who have rich experiences, the breath of vampires is too obvious. This is a pretty high-level vampire.

Ma Yuan had to say aloud: "Don't be too surprised. There are no humans in Nasari, all of them are aliens."

"So is that housekeeper?"

"That's a dragon."

"Dragon Man?!" Andrei was quite surprised. This is really a creature that only exists in the legend. I didn't expect to meet on this occasion.

The whole body was bathed in the eyes of the men who turned the soul upside down, and Xia Tiya's obscene smile appeared on his face, so he walked to the men unguardedly: "Everyone, thank you for being here for me. By the way, you Which one has the highest status? Can I negotiate with him?"

After seeing the robbers' eyes converging on one of them, Shatia decided that she had obtained the information she wanted to know. That is, no one else can.

"You... what do you want to negotiate?"

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