Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 61: Last wanton

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... Probably she has never seen anyone use martial arts. Ma Yuan swallowed her stomach silently for this reason and said, "I'm afraid her strength is too strong to detect Bryan's use of martial arts."

"..." It seems that this reason enriched everyone's expression.

"Are you almost ready?"

Shatia smiled happily, and the same lines as before just made Brian feel bloody. What should I underestimate? On the contrary, knowing that the opponent can look down on himself so much that he should have reached the limit of humanity, Brian can not help but be afraid.

——Want to escape?

Brian felt it was important to survive. If you don't win, you will escape, and you will look back in the future. As long as you survive and win in the end, Brian feels that he must still be stronger.

But even if you want to run away, the gap in physical ability is so H, what can you do?

Brian seemed to be awakened by his eyes, carefully confirming the strength of the aim.

The aim is the foot, reduce the opponent's movement speed, and then escape with all his strength.

Avoid the area where the opponent just blocked his full blow with his hands and attacked areas that were difficult to defend.

Bryan, who decided in this way, looked at the opponent's neck and at the same time retracted the knife into the sheath. When the "domain" was launched, he could hit the target even with his eyes closed. Then it is a matter of course to use the eyes to deceive the enemy.

"--Start to ravage."

Shatia took the pretense step again.

Although the other party was expected to enter the "field" before, but now it is the opposite. If possible, I hope she will not step into the "field".

How cowardly it is. Brian rebukes himself in his heart, but even if he wants to be angry, he can't ignite any fighting spirit, which is already like a flame of fuel exhaustion. He snorted, and so used the "realm" to observe Shatia's pace.

Three steps, two steps, one step-

——Enter the range.

Brian staring at the other person's neck saw Shatia's mocking expression in her vision.

——Aiming at a point, the opponent's right ankle stepped out.

Swing down the long knife in your hand, using your own weight to speed up as much as possible.

Despite the mental pressure, you can be sure that the speed is faster than just now. If you are on the defensive side, this speed can never be avoided.

When the girl's slender ankle slightly exposed under the skirt of the other party is about to be cut off-

—The knife handle slipped off Brian’s hand.

Brian, who didn't change his direction, didn't know what happened at this time. However, the special perception ability given by the "domain" made him know clearly that his love knife fell to the ground, and the back of the knife was firmly stepped on a foot wearing high heels.

impossible. But this is an indisputable fact.

The knife slipped from Brian's hand because the blade was trampled from the top by high heels, and the impact force was transmitted to the hand.

There is only one reason for not wanting to believe.

Because even if you have increased your concentration to the limit, you still can't perceive the other party's movements. That's right...even within the "field" that I am proud of.

Just reach out and hit easily. At this distance, Xia Tia looked down at Brian coldly. This amazing pressure almost crushed the air and Bryan together.

Brian breathed in disorderly breath.

Sweat was raining, soaking Brian's whole body, a strong vomiting appeared. The vision is constantly shaking.

He once went through several thrilling scenes, and it seemed like a commonplace to be in a desperate situation. However, compared with the situation we are facing now, those places are just like a fake-children's playground.

The high-heeled shoes left the blade, and Xia Tiya silently jumped back a big step.

"--Are you almost ready?"

This third sentence spoken by the other party made people feel extremely desperate.

The next word came out, "Let's start to ravage". However, Brian, who thinks so, heard a different sentence.

"Don't you use... martial arts?"

With a voice of pity and surprise, Brian took a breath.

Speechless. No, I should say I don’t know what to say. Would you like to respond jokingly like a clown: It was used just now, but it was easily cracked.

Brian, who bit her lower lip, picked up the love knife that fell to the ground.

"Don't you be that strong? I thought you were stronger than those guys who just entered...I'm sorry, my standard for evaluating the strength is in meters, one millimeter and two millimeters. I can't tell the difference."

"Can we... really help her?" Andre confirmed with Ma Yuan again, this **** is a monster, too late to hide.

"Huh." Ma Yuan nodded again, giving them a reassuring smile.


Screamed and attacked Shatia. The knife looked at Brian's Shatia with a surprised expression on the face-slashing down with the strength of the whole body.

The mobilization of the whole body's muscles can easily break the human in armor.

Shatia didn't mean to avoid this shocking blow at all, just staring at the white light that swayed, and Bryan's thoughts emerged.

However, the unbelievable situation that I have witnessed before negates his idea. Is it possible to succeed so easily?

The next moment proved that this hunch is correct.

A crisp voice sounded, and Brian saw another scene that made him unbelievable.

Shatia's left hand moving at high speed, his little fingernail-about two centimeters of nails bounced. And Shatia's hand didn't seem to force at all, there was a gap in the fist he held, and the little finger was still slightly bent.

Brian's all-out blow with this action, which is not even worthy of playing games.

A blow that can cut off the body armor, smash the sword, and penetrate the shield-

Struggling to condense the will to be crushed, pouring strength into the trembling hand under shock, raising the long knife again and swinging it down, the result was-or was bounced off by Xia Tiya.


Shatia yawned in a pretentious manner, and of course there was the right hand that stretched out to muzzle her mouth. His gaze also deliberately looked at the ceiling, and it seemed that Brian was no longer in his eyes.

Even so-Brian's knife was still bounced off.

No matter from which angle or direction, the attack was all bounced off.

The other party is a truly absolute strongman. Even if he keeps working hard and is talented, let alone reach the other party's field, he can't even reach his feet.

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