Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 163: negotiation

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"However, when I talked with Lei Wenhou, I suddenly thought that maybe everything was good for her. With this thought, everything makes sense. If so, there is not much between the nobles. The pipes, the women who could hardly hide in the palace, could manipulate the nobles as they please... this is not a monster, what is a monster?"

"This is just your misunderstanding. Lord Lana is not the kind of person you think."

Clem said firmly.

Those tears will never be fake. Lana is a tender and compassionate woman. Clem was picked up by her, better than anyone else.

However, what Clem said could not impress the prince. He smiled bitterly and walked away from Clem. Followed by Lei Wenhou.

In the hallway where the trail disappeared, Clem muttered to himself.

"Master Lana is the gentlest person in our country. My existence can be proved. If..."

Clem swallowed back the latter words. But the monologue continued in my heart. "If Lord Lana can rule the kingdom, the kingdom will surely become a great people-oriented country."

Of course, from the standpoint of the succession of the throne, this is an impossible wish. Even so, Clem still can't give up this idea.

8:11 on the third day of the fire month

Later, Clem went to the door of the most frequented room in the palace.

After several confirmations that no one was there, Clem reached out and turned the doorknob without thinking.

It is extremely common sense to open the door without knocking, but this is what the room owner asked him to do. No matter how Clem resists, the master just doesn't listen.

The result was Clem. As soon as the woman took the tears offense, he had no chance. As the saying goes, the master still allows him to put forward several conditions. For example, when the king was in the room, he dared not break in without knocking on the door.

However, pushing the door into the room without knocking on the door did indeed put great pressure on Clem. Doing such things is punishable. He opened the door with this idea, of course there will be pressure.

Clem was about to push the door open a little, but after hearing the half-covered door, there was a heated debate.

He heard two voices. Both sides are women.

The master of one of the voices, although Clem was still standing outside the door, she did not notice Clem, presumably because it was too hot. In this case, Clem did not want to cool her enthusiasm. Clem stood still and listened to the conversation in the room. Although eavesdropping made him feel a little guilty, interrupting the heated discussions between the two made him even more disappointed.

"--I said it. People basically pay more attention to their immediate interests."


"...Lana's plan to rotate other crops...although I really don't think it will increase the long will it take to get results?"

"It is estimated that it will take about six years."

"So in the past six years, how much money has been lost by planting other crops?"

"It depends on the type of crop, but... assuming the usual harvest is 1, I think it will probably drop to 0.8...that is, it will lose 0.2. However, it is estimated that the harvest will increase permanently by 0.3 after the sixth year. If at the same time Livestock breeding promoted by forage cultivation is on track, and the number will be even higher."

"...It sounds tempting to listen to you, but can farmers accept a loss of 0.2 for a full six years?"

"...The loss of 0.2, I think as long as the state provides a loan that is interest-free and guarantee-free, and it will be repaid after the harvest is paid back, there should be no problem... In case the harvest does not increase... there is no need to repay, or Other methods. The most important thing is that as long as the harvest increases, the loan can be paid in four years."

"I think it's hard."


"So I haven't said that. People pay more attention to the immediate interests-many people want to pursue stability. Even if they are told that they can be increased to 1.3 in six years, of course everyone will hesitate."

"I... don't know much. The experimental fields are going smoothly..."

"Maybe the experiment went smoothly, but there is still no guarantee of success."

"... It is true that all the conditions are not preset during the experiment, so the ticket cannot be packaged. Because if all factors such as local soil quality and climate are to be considered, the scale of the experiment will become too large..."

"It's difficult. I don't know if the 0.3 yield I just mentioned is the lowest or average. In short, it is not convincing. In this way, it must be able to ensure sufficient benefits. And to ensure that there is no loss at present."

"So how about providing 0.2 for six years free of charge?"

"The opposing aristocrats must have fun. Because the power of the king will weaken."

"However, as long as six years are guaranteed to obtain so many gains, national strength will also increase..."

"In this way, the power of opposing nobles will also increase. Only the power of the king drops by 1.2. The nobles who constitute the kings will never recognize it."

"Then ask businessmen..."

"You are talking about those big businessmen? Those businessmen also have all kinds of confrontational relations. If they help the Wangpai easily, they will ruin the business relationship with another faction."

"It's difficult... Lajus."

"...It is because you are not good at pre-empting, so there are many loopholes in the policy. Well... I also understand that there are two huge factions in the country, and the difficulty of passing the policy is very high... How to implement it only in the king's municipality ?"

"My brothers will definitely not agree."

"Oh, you said those white... the men who kept their wisdom in the mother's stomach for you."

"...I'm not the same mother as them."

"Oh, that's left to the king. But even if the royal family is not united, the harm is too great..."

The room fell silent, letting Clem know that the topic came to an end.

"Ah, you can come in. Okay, Lana?"


Hearing this, Clem's heart jumped hard. He was surprised that the other party noticed his existence, but at the same time he was not surprised and slowly opened the door.

"--excuse me."

A familiar scene broke into Clem's field of vision.

Although luxurious but not exaggerated-in such a room, two blonde ladies sit by the table by the window.

Both of them are beautiful young girls with gorgeous dresses.

One of course is the owner of this room, Lana.

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