Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 192: Exchange information

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Clem said to an awkward guard:

"Take this child to the temple."

"What happened......"

"Someone has acted violently against him. I have used a healing potion, so it shouldn't hurt, but for safety's sake, I still hope you take him to the temple."

"Yes. Got it!"

After handing over the matter to the guards, Clem judged that there was no longer something he should do here. I am a soldier of Wangcheng's duty, or stop intervening in other workplace affairs.

"Can you please ask the person who saw the whole thing the details?"


"Then I will leave it to you later."

Seeing that the guard received the command and became confident, he began to act wisely, and Clem stood up and ran forward without a word. "Where are you going..." He heard the guard's voice but ignored it.

At the corner where the youth passed, Clem slowed down.

Then he followed behind them.

Soon, I saw young people and old people walking on the road.

He wanted to hurry the other party as soon as possible, but he was only one step away, but he couldn't show his courage. Because he felt a thick wall that was invisible to the naked eye-a shocking sense of oppression.

They turned around and walked towards the darker area. Clem followed. He clearly followed behind, but Clem did not dare to call him.

Isn't this like tracking?

Clem was bored by his behavior. Even if you don’t know how to talk, you can’t follow people. Clem wanted to try to change the situation, trailing behind sullenly.

After stepping into the deserted back alley, Clem repeated several deep breaths and, like a man who confessed to his favorite woman, summoned the courage to call out:


Hearing someone calling behind, the young and old turned their heads at the same time.

The old man was gray-haired and his beard was completely white. However, his back was straight, like a sword made of steel. The distinctive facial features have conspicuous wrinkles, although it seems to be kind and kind, but a pair of sharp eyes is like an eagle staring closely at its prey.

It even exudes the noble character of some senior nobles.

The youth is different. When he doesn’t do it, he doesn’t seem to have any sense of standing there. The handsome is not noticeable, but Clem knows how powerful the power is hidden under this calm.

"Is there a problem?"

The young man smiled, but Clem felt that there was an invisible pressure pushing himself, and his throat grunted.

"Ah, ah--"

Oppressed by the courage of the youth, Clem was speechless. Seeing him like this, the youth seemed to relax his tightness.

"Who are you?"

The tone is slightly soft. Clem was freed from the heavy sense of oppression and his throat returned to normal function.

"The name is Clem. It is a soldier in this country. Thank you for your courage, that was my duty."

Clem bowed his head deeply.

Ma Yuan shrugged and said, "It doesn't matter. Then we are gone."

He ended the conversation and was about to leave, but Clem looked up and asked him:

"Please stay away. Actually... I am ashamed, but I have been following you. Because I have something to ask, although I can’t do anything, I want to laugh at me, but if you don’t mind, can you just like Teach me skills?"

"What do you mean?"

"Yes. I have been studying martial arts for a long time, hoping to take it to a higher level, and seeing your impeccable movements just now. I hope you can teach me a little bit about that technique, so I venture to ask."

Ma Yuan looked at Clem up and down, and there was a slight smile in the corner of his mouth: "Sorry, I am not good at this. But the housekeeper of our mansion should be able to teach you better." He gestured to Sebastian with his eyes. Probably Sebass also had some affection for this young man. He took a step forward and said to Clem: "Well...Let me see your hands."

Clem reached out his hands, and the old man looked carefully at his palm. This makes Clem a little embarrassed. The old man turned his palm over and glanced at his nails, then nodded in satisfaction.

"Thick and hard. What a pair of fighters should be."

Hearing that the other side was smiling, Clemton felt a hot chest. The joy in his chest is enough to match the feeling of being praised by Ge Gefu.

"No, to my point... It's just barely on the side of the soldier."

"I don't think you need to be so humble... Then can you show me your sword?"

The old man took the sword, looked at the grip, and then stared at the sword with sharp eyes.

"It turns out... is this a spare weapon?"

"How do you know!"

"Sure enough. You see, there are dents here?"

Clem gazed at the part the old man was pointing at. Indeed, there was a bit of wear on the sword body. Probably in which training session, did you cut it to the wrong place?

"Let you laugh!"

Clem was ashamed of himself.

Clem knew that he still had to improve, so in order to improve the odds as much as possible, he was almost neurotic in maintaining weapons. No, it should be said that he thought so, until this moment.

"It turns out so. I have a rough grasp of your temperament. For the soldier, hands and weapons are the mirrors that reflect the character. You are a very admirable person."

The red-faced Clem looked up at the old man.

What he saw was a kind and gentle smile.

——Which of the nobles, the old man and the young man, must be the housekeeper and young master.

Clem felt admiration for the two from the bottom of his heart.

Ma Yuan, who has been quiet, suddenly said: "I can't give you language guidance, but it's okay to do training with you, do you think?"

Clem was about to thank him, but the youth stopped him, and then said: "I have something to ask you. You said you are a soldier, right? That's it. We saved a woman a few days ago-- "

Sebastian's surprise from the beginning immediately reflected. It is best to leave this matter to the upper kingdom, but how did Ma Yuan determine that Clem could help them?

Later, Clem listened to him and felt very angry.

Some people took the slave liberation order issued by Lana so badly used, and the current situation has not improved so far, so that he can not hide the unpleasant feelings.

No, not right. Clem shook his head.

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