Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 196: Incredible courage

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It didn't take long for Brian to find out the majority of the breath that followed the old man or teenager. Brian didn't care at all.

Soon the two turned around and walked towards the darker area. That kind of action that was induced led to Brian's uneasiness.

Don’t teenagers feel strange? Just when he began to be surprised, the teenager spoke to the youth.

The two started the conversation just around the corner, so Brian hid in front of the corner and eavesdropped on their conversation.

In short, teenagers are asking young people for advice.

Compare the talents of the two. If the teenager is a stone, the youth is a huge gem. The world they live in is really too different.

...It's sad. It is such a sad thing that I do not understand the difference in strength. Enough is enough, imp.

Brian didn't say anything, only muttered in his mouth.

These remarks were for young people, and they were also self-deprecating to the stupid self who thought he was invincible in the world.

He continued to eavesdrop - he was not interested in the subject of the prostitute - and the youth seemed to be willing to do an exercise for the teenager. Brian really didn't think that a teenager of that degree had any merits, and could attract such a powerful man.

How is this going? Am I seeing the wrong person again? No, it's impossible. That little devil's ability as a warrior is no big deal, and should be talentless!

How does a man want to exercise him? However, from here, only the sound can be heard, and the situation cannot be seen. Brian lost to curiosity and wanted to peep from the corner, eliminating the breath and moving slowly. It's time to say

The whole body was penetrated by a shocking breath.

Scream out of nowhere.

The whole body freezes.

It feels like a huge carnivorous beast exposing himself to his face. The violent murderous intention changed the world, let alone move it, even in a blink of an eye. Even mistakenly thought that the heart stopped beating.

Brian believes that Shatia Bradfren is the strongest existence in the world. At this time, this breath seemed to be comparable to her.

If it is a fragile person, I am afraid it is not an illusion, but really stopped the heartbeat.

His feet trembled, and he fell to the ground.

Even if he has such a virtue, wouldn't that young man die in anger?

If you're lucky, you will pass out.

Brian crawled on the ground, peeping at the situation of the two in fear, and suddenly saw an incredible scene. The shock made him completely forget the fear for a moment.

The boy was still standing.

Like Brian, his legs were shaking with fright. But still standing.

What is going on here? Why the little devil who doesn't have much skill can stand up!

Frightening his legs with embarrassment, the teenager can still stand, making it difficult for him to understand.

Does the teenager have magic props or martial arts that can resist fear? Or does he have a special natural ability?

Indeed, there is no guarantee that he does not have these things. However, looking at the unreliable back of the teenager, he intuitively felt that none of the above. Although the answer made him unbelievable, but only this possibility.

The teenager is stronger than Bryan.

impossible! There can be no such thing!

The teenager seems to be exercising, but the muscle mass is not enough. Predicting from the footsteps and body movements during tracking, he also doesn't think the teenager has much talent. Obviously it was just this juvenile boy, but the result was completely different.

Here, what is going on. Am I really so weak?

The vision becomes blurred.

Brian knew he was crying, but he couldn't help tearing.

"Ohh Ohh ohh......"

He desperately suppressed his sob. But tears still flowed out endlessly.

"Why, ah...why."

Brian clenched the dirt on the ground so that he could stand up. However, he was unable to move because of his murderous murderousness, and his feet were as immobile as others. He can only raise his face and look at the situation of the two.

You can see the back.

The boy is still standing.

The teenager is still confronting the murderous youth. What I thought was a weak back now looks out of reach.


Is it so weak?

When the murderous spirits had disappeared, he could barely stand up, making Brian angry with himself.

The teenager and youth seemed to continue to forge the chain, but Brian couldn't help it. He summoned the courage to rush out of the corner and shouted:

"--wait wait wait!"

Today, Brian is not in the mood to think of the inconvenience to bother the two to practice, or to find an appropriate time to show up.

Hearing the desperate tone, the teenager turned back, his shoulders violently shocked, and his expression was shocked. If the position is reversed, Brian will react the same way.

"First of all, I sincerely apologize for disturbing the two. Because I can't wait."

"...Do you know this person, Master Ma Yuan?"

"No, I don't know. Isn't that your friend?" Ma Yuan said so, but he already knew the identity of this person. This was before he fled against Shatia. That man.

The two looked at him with suspicion. But he had expected this already.

"First of all, let me put my name in the next newspaper. The next name is Brian Angles. Please let me apologize again for disturbing the two. Really sorry."

He bowed his head deeper than before. You can feel the two moving a little bit.

When I felt that I had expressed a long enough apology, I lifted my face and saw that they were less alert than before.

"So what's the matter?"

For Ma Yuan's doubts, Brian glanced at the teenager.

"What is it?"

Seeing the boy's puzzled look, Brian asked him like heaving blood.

"Why... why do you stand up to such murderousness!"

The teenager opened his eyes slightly. Since he pretended to be expressionless, he could feel huge emotional fluctuations from this little change.

"I want to ask clearly. That murderousness is beyond what ordinary people can bear. Even me... sorry, I can't even bear it. But you are different. You can bear it. You can stand it. . How did you do it! Such a difficult thing!"

The excitement made him incoherent. But he just couldn't suppress it. Faced with the overwhelming power of Shatia Bradfren, he ran away in fear. Encountered the same murderous attack on her head, but still standing young. He wanted to know where the gap originated.

He wanted to know anyway.

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