Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 198: Rolling

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No one can conclude that Ma Yuan and Sebastian are the righteous side. Bligh thought in disgust. That's right, compared with the people who appeared, Sebbas would be right. But no one can guarantee that.

It's so green...

However, he can also understand the mood of the teenager.

Comparing the characters who protect children from drunken violence with these men, even Bryan, will not hesitate to decide which side to help.

"I think you probably don't need to help, but... Lord Ma Yuan, Lord Sebastian. Please let me... er, no, please let me help you here."

Bryan stood beside Clem. Ma Yuan and Sebass do not need their cover... It can even be said that they are not bad. However, he wanted to emulate Clem, who fought for others, and chose to see the answers he would never choose in the past. He wanted to protect this young man who had a strong heart, but the skill of swordsmanship was unsatisfactory.

Brian frowned as he saw the weapons held by the men.

"Poisons...use weapons that might hurt yourself, which means they should have some experience...are they assassins?"

This short sword is called an armored sword, and its body is carved with grooves, which reflect the oily luster of dangerous liquid. Looking at men differently from swordsmen and other professions, the lighter skill that pays more attention to mobility is more certain than Brian's muttering.

"Clem. Be careful. Unless you have a magic item that can resist poison, be careful, you won't be able to hit them with one blow."

If you increase your physical fitness to the level of Brian, you will be almost invulnerable, but with Clem's ability, I am afraid that you cannot resist powerful poisons.

"I appeared from the front but didn't do it right away. I wanted to wait for the other two to outstrip? Before and after this rare opportunity, how about breaking from the front?"

Ma Yuan deliberately talked loudly to let the other party hear, and the men's movements stopped momentarily. The siege plan was seen through by the opponents, making them shaken.

"This is the most appropriate. It should be safer to defeat the front and then solve the back."

Brian affirmed what Ma Yuan said. However, this opinion was rejected by me.

"Ah, it will let the other party run away. So, the first three will be dealt with by me. Can you ask the two to deal with the two behind them?"

After Brian expressed his understanding, Clem nodded his head in agreement. This is Ma Yuan's battle, and the two are forced to ask Ma Yuan to agree to their help. As long as Ma Yuan did not make any fatal mistakes, they should do what Ma Yuan said.

"Okay, come on."

After Brian spoke to Clem, he turned his back to the men. The reason why he dares to appear unprepared in front of hostile men is because Sebastian and Ma Yuan are present. Handing them behind them is as reassuring as leaning against a thick wall.

"So, although it's a shame...please be my opponent-oops, please don't try to fight the two men's ideas with your heart, okay?"

Brian turned his head and saw Ma Yuan holding three short swords between his fingers. He opened his fingers, and the men threw them at the unsuspecting Brian or Clem's dagger and fell to the ground.

The killing intentions of men are obviously getting weaker.

This is of course. The thrown dagger is blocked in that way, and everyone will lose their fighting spirit. Did you finally realize that Ma Yuan is powerful? But now it is too late to understand.

They could not escape the palm of that young man. It is useless even if the soldiers are divided into three.

"It's amazing."

Clem stood beside Brian.

"Yeah. Even if someone told me that Ma Yuan was the strongest fighter in the kingdom, I would believe it."

"Is it stronger than a soldier?"

"You said Storonov. Um. Sorry, let me speak more easily. Even if I go with Storonov together, there is definitely no chance... Oh, come Now."

The two men walked to the other side and appeared in front of them. The two were unsurprising, and dressed the same as the three men just now. With the sound of a sword pulling out of his side, Brian slowed down a bit and followed.

"I didn't let one of them hide and throw the dagger, probably because it was seen by Master Ma Yuan."

An ambush is only effective if it is not known, and if it has already been seen through, it will only disperse the fighting power. The other party should judge that since they have been seen through, it is better to dispatch them all at once.

"It's a naive idea... Brother Clem, I deal with the one on the right. The one on the left is for you." Sebass rushed over and took Ma Yuan's side position.

Observing the movements of the men, Brian saw which was weaker and gave instructions to the teenager. The teenager nodded and raised his sword. That kind of attitude without hesitation is the reaction of talents who have gone through life-and-death relations. Knowing that he was by no means a trained newcomer, Brian felt relieved.

It should be that Clem's chances of winning are relatively large, but... considering that the opponent will be poisoned, it may only be a victory.

Even if Clem has actual combat experience, Brian does not think he will go through **** battles, and often has the opportunity to deal with poisoned opponents. This is his first experience.

Even Bryan himself became too cautious when fighting monsters that would corrode strong acids or highly toxic substances, making it difficult to exert his full strength.

Should I kill this guy immediately...and then support him? Does this help him? I took the initiative to help him, would it hurt his self-esteem instead? Do you want to replace him against the enemy? Do not.

Or does Master Ma Yuan plan to help him whenever he is in danger? If Master Ma Yuan didn’t mean to help, should I intervene? I never imagined that I would be troubled by this problem...

Bryan scratched his head with his hand without a knife, staring at the enemy from the front.

"Okay. I'm sorry, please ask me to make up for my blank period."

Triple hit.

Ma Yuan stepped into the attack area, and shot three punches at the men who were too late to respond, not to mention defense. The battle is over.

Sebastian next to him looked at his hand before he could move, and smiled. In this battle, Ma Yuan didn't even bother to take out his sword. He knew that Ma Yuan was inferior to him in pure force, but it was more than enough to deal with such assassins.

The men passed out and fell softly like an octopus. Sebass looked away from them and looked back at the battle.

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