Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 234: Quirky research maniac

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Because Andrei did not want to expose himself as a foreign steel adventurer in the king capital, it was time for lunch when they lined up to get an appointment letter.

Andre can't wait to see his sister, and doesn't mean to eat, Ma Yuan and Ankar have no opinion on this.

A group of people took a horse-drawn carriage to the door of Badley’s manor and got off the bus. At this time, it was the scorching heat, and here only the breezes could be felt, extending from the mansion to the unknown trees outside the manor. The green The crown of the tree was paved into a road paved by the broken gold of the sun, but the atmosphere was low-key, and the wind blowing in the face was still medicinal, and they were refreshed.

Andre was nervous to tidy up his clothes. After finishing, he pulled Ma Yuan and Ankar over to help them organize their clothes. A nervous look: "Mr. Badley hates the untidy people most I was kicked out of the door by my servant because I was in a hurry when I first came."


The three men sorted out their instruments, Andrea handed the appointment letter to the servant at the door with respect, and after a while, the hollow door slowly opened to both sides, and another maid came out of the door to do them. A "please" gesture: "Mr. is cutting grass in the courtyard, please wait a while in the living room."

"...It is well-known as a well-known pharmacist, the appearance is big." Ankar murmured.

They didn't wait long in the medicinal fragrance-filled living room. An old man with a white beard rushed in from the door, wearing a white robe. His hands were still stained with green juice of some unknown plant. Andre gave Andre a big hug: "Dear! Is it to see your sister? She is getting more and more cute!"


The three of them twitched at the same time. Andre moved his body from Budley's hands without any traces. The clean cloth armor was covered with two large green handprints.

Ma Yuan looked at Andre a little speechless, his eyes saying: "Don't you say he hates the untidy people most?"

Andre blinked helplessly. The old gentleman hated people for being untidy, but he was the most untidy person. Unfortunately, no one dared say it in his face.

Ankar shocked Bardley with the phrase "more and more cute", sighed, wouldn't it? Is this an ice lover? If so, it would be too scary.

Bardley hugged the three of them carefully after hugs, and clapped his hands and laughed a moment later: "It's really rare, the three steel grades are visiting at the same time. Andre, your kid is really amazing. When I saw you last time, , Yes... ten years ago? At that time you were not an adventurer haha."

Hearing this, Ma Yuan's eyes narrowed, how did he judge the rank of the three? Obviously none of them brought the sign to them.

"This little friend, don't look at the old man with this look." Badley narrowed his eyes and smiled at Ma Yuan. "I guess you are the Mr. Ma Yuan who was promoted to stainless steel level not long ago... ...Not quite the same as the description...but in my opinion, your strength is definitely not just stainless steel, it’s really strange, I can’t see through..."

Andre explained to him on the side: "Mr. Badley has the talent to feel the strength level of others through magic fluctuations, you don't have to be too surprised."

Is that true... Ma Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, this person felt dangerous...

But Bardley was still looking at him with interest: "I don't see the level, it seems to be studied to see... Will it be more than the strength of the 13 Demon Gods..."

"..." Andrei a little embarrassed to interrupt Budley's self-talk, "Sorry, my friend doesn't like others to pursue him, we are here to take away Wei Nika, I have brought the remuneration for the past ten years. Do you see whether it is enough, not enough? Just say, I will go back and get it." He said that he took out a parcel and pushed it to Badley. All kinds of strange herbs collected in the past ten years and all kinds of jewelry gold.

Budley withdrew his gaze from Ma Yuan's body with regret, turned to see the rewards, and from time to time showed some surprised eyes, finally nodded with satisfaction, and gave it to the sidemaid to take it away.

"You said you were going to take Winika? Did you find a way to resurrect her? Or did you finally decide to bury her?" Badley remembered when he first saw the child ten years ago, he hugged The little girl in his arms, bloodshot eyes, full of pain and perseverance, said he must find a way to resurrect his sister.

Andre hesitated, and the word "resurrection" turned around twice in his mouth and swallowed again. Both of them knew what was happening to her sister's body, and it was impossible to resurrect through the normal resurrection process. If he found the resurrection herb, he wouldn’t mind telling Bardley, but if he used the horse to resurrect, he would never tell Bardley that this is a network of research madmen and well-known pharmacists. It is beyond the ordinary people's knowledge, Ma Yuan alone can't resist.

Eventually he moved his lips and spit out two words: "Buried."

"Oh?" Budley didn't believe him, pacing around him. "You even want to bury the lovely girl like Winika? Did you deliberately run over?"

Ma Yuan shook his fist secretly, and had decided to wash off Bardley's memory after finishing Andre's affairs. This person's thorough personality and his talents were dangerous.

The Dragon Orb told him that although he was the protagonist of his choice, he could not fight against the world alone. In order to kill the now exposed identity, he had to do it, even if he killed Badley. At any cost.

Andrea was determined to be buried there, and Budley couldn't say anything else, just asked him: "Where are you going to bury? I remember reminded you that once Winika leaves my special ice coffin, it will rot Off."

"..." Andre really forgot this when he just made excuses.

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