Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 241: provocative

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There was a short interval of time-even so, it was a few minutes before the specified time, and Sebass stood in front of the door. Because the door is in a lattice shape, the inside of the door can be seen, but the view is blocked by trees, and the distance cannot be seen.

"Hey, it's punctual. Why, did the dark-haired boy come together? Push you up to die?"

With a hoarse voice, a man appeared from among the trees.

Sebass did not answer him.

Of course, Sebast noticed that the man was there from the beginning. Because he activated the ability to perceive the reaction of life in the area. If the opponent uses the special skills of the latent system, sometimes the opponent will not be found, so it can't be too dependent, but it is still useful to some extent.

"Here, come with me."

The man opened the door, and under his leadership, Sebass walked on the courtyard path.

In the courtyard of an illegal organization such as Bazhi, the atmosphere is not dark, the trees are trimmed neatly, and it feels like a skilled gardener is employed.

After walking along the path for a while, a spacious place like a training facility appeared in front of me.

Several campfires were burning with blazing flames, and the bright red flames illuminated the surroundings.

There should be about thirty people, and there were several men and women waiting there, with unsmiling smiles on their faces. The smile was quite incompetent, indulged in violence, did not think of the possibility of defeat.

Sebastian looks around the square. Although not half of them can be enemies with himself, he found the six-armed ones that Clem mentioned.

One of them was wearing a hooded robe. The robe was dyed black, and the hem part was embroidered with bright red thread like a flame image. Although I could not see the face under the hood, the breath that fluttered out had no vitality, but the opposite. It seems that immortality is not a metaphor, but that you really get the nickname as an undead.

The only woman wearing thin silk looks light. The wrists and ankles were worn with gold rings, and they made a clear metallic sound as they moved. Six machetes hung on the belt.

Next, the man was wearing a Jinyi Chinese costume. He wore a blouse and vest embroidered with gold thread, and his weapon was like a sword with a rose pointed at the tip of the sword, exuding the fragrance of rose.

The last man protected his body with an unadorned full body armor, and the sword was firmly held in the scabbard.

A total of four people. Did not find the enemy leader Zhiluo. Maybe where to wait for the show.

The four men came forward, and the others moved to surround Sebastian.

"Isn't it better to have two people?" One of the men frowned. "There is another one? How can I push this old man to play for us?"

"Don't say that." The other person chuckled lightly, "Grandpa, I heard you have a hand?"

"In the eight fingers, we also rely on strength to secure our position. It will be a bit bad for us to lose. The idiot did not understand this. Although the slave trading department is going downhill, it cannot be lost in front of their leader. "

"Speaking of which I have a question here. Shaqironte insisted that he lost to Brian Angelus, he did not lose to you and dare not admit it?"

"Yes. I didn't deal with him directly. Only when he came to the mansion did he meet him, and then he looked like he was lying on the ground."

"That's the case. So, well, it's understandable that he will lose. Against the famous Brian Angelus, he must have won by virtue of his strength."

"I think he continued to practice kung fu after that battle, and now he is still inseparable from Ge Jeff Storonov, it is justifiable to lose."

"However, this does not mean that we can spare you. After the followers of Anglous and Princess Gold Sparkle will clean up, first of all you old troublesome man. Kill you first."

"We have to use brute force to succumb to you and kill you. Otherwise our position will be very troublesome."

"Look over there."

The six-armed members said to me, Sebastian pointed to the third floor of the building.

"It's a gathering of great people from all sides. They came to see us and die you old man."

"Is that one called Zhengluo also there?"

"Hey, yeah."

One of the four smiled. Sebass reached out and pointed his finger over there. Ignoring the confused expression of the six arms, he lowered his hand.

"What are you doing? Provoking them?"

"Please don't worry about it. So where is she now?"

"Who are you referring to?"

The other party still smiled and asked, and Sebastian replied calmly: "The woman you caught from the mansion, she's Qi Yalei."

"--What if I said she was dead?"

"Have you been so kind?"

"Hahaha! That's right. We're not so kind. That woman is one of the gifts to be given to Sukodol. Keep it carefully."

"It turns turns out to be."

Sebastian saw one of the four people move his gaze slightly to a location in the building. However, what he cared about was that the location was not the place where Yangcai heard that Qi Yalei was imprisoned-in this case, just confirm it.

"It's a rare opportunity to come together. If you let Zhengluo run away, it will be troublesome, and it will only waste time."

"It's not a small tone, human."

"It must be too easy to deal with Jeremy, so is it arrogant and complacent? But, have you ever been a real powerhouse?"

"What a famous saying. I want to return this sentence to you intact, but...Can I ask a question? Why do you think I am weaker than Lord Bryan?"

"Don't look down upon us. The soldiers of our level can see how much the opponent has when they meet. According to us, the old man is much worse than us."

Except for Diwanok, the other two agreed.

"It turns out so..."

Sebastian can also estimate the opponent's general strength in terms of qi. However, like other situations, it is not easy to judge if it is concealed by special skills or magic.

"So. Give you a chance. We will only send one person at a time. So - are you sure you don't want to move rescuers?"

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