Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 245: Strong enemy

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The magical power was activated, and the sound of the cell door lock opening was heard. Although the thief looked displeased, he had no time. Such small things can only ask him to forgive.

"Is it Miss Qi Yalei?"

Clem called out to women in prison. The woman lying on the floor propped herself up. The appearance is completely consistent with the characteristics heard from Sebastian, wearing a maid costume. The thought of her dress should be the same as when she was kidnapped, it should be that she would not be wrong.

Clem was very calm. The first goal was achieved. Binglai is the second purpose, which is to take her safely out of here.

"We are entrusted by Lord Sebastian to save you. Please follow me."

Clem said to her, the female-Qi Yalei nodded.

Qi Yalei, who came out of the cell, looked at Brian and then the thieves, looking a little surprised. Especially on Brian's eyes stayed the longest.

"This door-maybe no sound came from behind the door leading to the arena. But stepping into a place without any information is too dangerous. We should go back along the same path as planned."

Clem and Brian also agree. It should be said that both of them are fighters. It is best to let professional judgement know this situation, so I agreed without hesitation.

Clem looked down at Qi Yalei's feet and confirmed that she was wearing shoes. It should be no problem to run like this.

"Then hurry up before the enemy has come."

"Okay, I know. I will take the lead as before, and you will come with me. However, there is no transparent magic this time. I will move forward while paying attention, so don't miss the secret code I played."

"I see... what's wrong? Lord Bryan."

Seeing Bryan staring at Kiale with an observing eye, Clem asked him.

"Huh?...Oh no, nothing, Brother Clem."

Brian frowned and said nothing more. Clem glanced at Qi Yalei, but found nothing particularly interesting about him, just a maid in captivity.

"Is it okay? Then, I want to go?"

The thieves started to run, Clem and Brian also followed, and finally Kiarai.

Before running past the cell, the thief slowed down at the corner. It should be to observe the situation of the corner.

However, a figure walked out of the corner with a natural walk like a walk, and stood in front of the thief. Although there is already psychological preparations, someone will come out to block the road, but in reality, it is still difficult to respond when it is encountered.

Just when Clem was stunned by the sudden situation, the thieves played the kind of reaction that the former Bronze level should have. He immediately set up his dagger and took a step with a murderous intention.

However-leaving a "bang" sound, the thieves flew out horizontally, just like being hit by a cow. It happened that Clem caught him. In a state where the situation cannot be reformed, if it is just hit on the floor in this way, it is likely that it will be seriously injured if it hits the floor. But even if Clem caught him, he still failed to counteract the impact and tangle with the thief to the ground.

Although the thieves endured the painful moans that worried him, he paid more attention to the man who appeared. Because he must be an enemy.

The man blocking the way is a hairless man. Muscularly raised arms and huge rock-like faces and other parts, stab tattoos of beast images.

Clem floated the man's name like a flash in his head, surprised into a voice.

"Luo Luo!"

This man is one of the six arms and the leader of the security department, the strongest of the eight fingers.

"...Exactly, kid. You are the slave of that prostitute, right? Huh! There are even ants crawling in this place. As long as you put a sweet bait, you can see your traces everywhere. It is very unpleasant. "

With only a glance at Clem and the thieves who fell to the ground, Zhi Luo's serious gaze turned to face Brian. He looked from top to bottom to assess how much weight the Blaine fighter had.

Clem thanked him for not being looked at by the powerful at all, checking the condition of the thief.

"Are you all right? Is there any way to heal?"

Asked in a low voice, fearing that Luo's attention turned to them.

No answer, only a painful voice. What is shocking is that the chest part of the armor has a fist-like hole. It's self-explanatory how powerful this man's punch is.

After shaking a few times, the thief’s consciousness was restored, and Clem touched his waist as the thief said.

"I've seen your face before. It's Brian Angelus. A man who has nothing to do with Ge Jeff Storonov. The name is indeed well-deserved, and there is no flaw in every move. In this way, from After that competition, let’s do it in the forging chain. I understand now. Sandhill is not losing because of his negligence, but the result of a head-to-head battle. It is because the opponent is too strong. Only this time I I have to forgive his defeat. Well, you made my face dull, I should have killed you. However, my heart is generous. Seeing your unparalleled sword skills, give you a chance. Kneel to me ...And swear to be my subordinate. Then I will spare you."

"Should money not be stingy?"

"Oh... are you interested...?"

"Isn't it okay to listen to you? I won Shachuronte anyway, should I expect good treatment?"

"Hahaha! I have a deep desire. I haven't asked me for mercy before I start talking about money. Can't money be brought into the coffin?"

"Hey, what's the matter. Do you mean you can't get much money? Can't think you are quite poor. Or does all the money go into your pocket?"

"What are you talking about?" A clenched chirp came from Zhiluo's fist. "It's pretty ridiculous, Anglaus. A lot of people are better than swordsmanship, are you the same kind? Or is it because you knocked down the sand dunes and made you proud? Then I have to frankly apologize to you, let You smashed the weakest guy with six arms and was proud and complacent."

Brian shrugged playfully. He tried to extend the topic, presumably for the sake of the injured thieves and Clem.

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