Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 251: Attack on the mansion

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When this noble inherits his family business, it is time to reap. If the other party dared to try to break the relationship, let him suffer hardship, if it can bring more help to her, give him a little sweetness. In this way, she went further into the noble society.

In order to find water and drink, she walked in the quiet corridor.

Quietness is not a bad thing. She also prefers silence to being noisy. When drinking and making trouble with the nobility, although not written on her face, she was really upset. However, the current situation is quite unusual. The hairy death, even made her feel that she was the only one in this mansion.

"……what happened?"

It is impossible for even the guard to leave the post without telling Hillmar. She wanted to call out loud, but if something abnormal happened, it would be very bad for the enemy to know where she was. She also thought that she could go back to the room and hide under the covers, but then she might sit still.

People who do not act during this action will only become food for others. This is her conviction, and because she has always adhered to this, she can climb all the way from the advanced communication to her present status.

She looked at both sides of the empty corridor several times, and determined that there was really no one, she began to move forward.

Believe in her sixth sense, she went to a hidden room that only she and a few talents knew. Several magic props and gems were prepared there, as well as escape routes. Although this is her base in Wangdu, there are several other strongholds in Wangdu. Maybe you should escape to those places.

Crawling and walking, Hillmar found something was wrong.

"what is this."

She couldn't help but blurt out. What Hilma discovered was the anomaly outside the window.

The windows inlaid with thin glass are covered with several layers of vines. Therefore, the outside light hardly enters. She wanted to open the window, but she couldn't move at all.

She stared intently at the other windows in the corridor. Every window was blocked by vines.

"How did it happen? Who is it..."

Before she went to bed, nothing had changed outside the window. It can't be like this in an hour. In this case, it must be magic.

So who did it and for what purpose?

She couldn't figure it out at all. Even so, she still understands that the current situation is very bad.


After cursing, she started running forward with a jog. No more energy to pay attention to the hem of the robe. She just wanted to run into the hidden room early,

Come to the stairs and look down at the first floor. Still as silent.

She walked down the stairs carefully through the night light that shone through the vines. At the same time, thanks to the thick carpet on the stairs without making footsteps.


Walking to the first floor, she gasped in surprise.

There is a figure in the corridor, staring at himself all the time. The man stood as if he had melted into the dark, but unlike occupations such as thieves lurking in the shadows, this illusion was only possible because of dark skin. It was a dark elf.

The dark elf let the black cloth wrapped around him fall to the ground. Holding a black staff in his hand, he looked up at himself.

Behind the unknown boy is the hidden room.

Thinking of the structure inside the mansion, Hilmar was mentally prepared and approached her with fear.

If any noble brought fun, how good it should be.

However, Hillmar immediately abandoned her naive thoughts.

It is said that Suo Kedaoer was arrested, and because she didn't know what the top management would do in the future, she had already prepared to take refuge in a safe place. In this situation, no subordinates in this mansion will bring outsiders in or will not report to themselves.

"Now, little brother... what are you doing here?"

The boy, perhaps Ankar, should have a smile without impurities. As a dark elf, they lived longer than humans. These years, they did not show their faces when they went on missions with Andrey, and few people shouted. His little brother.

His smile increased when he thought of this: "Auntie, are you the biggest person here?"

"Do not--"

Halfway through, she stopped. She has a bad hunch.

She has always regarded her hunch more than anything. She has always believed that hunch is better than common sense, and it is still today. Even when common sense betrayed her, only this hunch never betrayed her.

"Yes! Yeah. I'm the biggest in this mansion."

"That's good, then."

The teenager smiled. The smile was very pure, and even in this situation, Hillmar almost ignited the desire to defile beautiful things.

"--That, that, brother. Would you like to have some fun with me?"

She slipped the clothes over her shoulders.

This is her proud body. When she was a senior communicator, others had to spend a lot of money to spend the Spring Festival with her. After that, she still does not allow her body to increase excess fat and maintain a hot body. She is quite sure that she can still make any wood people burn, and she is confident that even if the other person is a child, it will arouse his interest.

However, the young man could not see any special feelings.

She admits that she is no less attractive than the maid next to her. Even so, although he has retired, he is professional after all. Even if the other party doesn't have that "sex" interest, she can arouse the other person's desire--

Like a snake crawling smoothly, she also twisted her body gracefully, not letting the other side be wary, and slowly approached the past.

I can't feel the **** from the teenager.

So she resorted to another means. She slowly reached out and wrapped around the teenager's neck-activated magic props.

Viper tattoos.

The two-handed tattoo viper became three-dimensional, raised his head, and flew out to bite the teenager. Anyone who is bitten by a snake with a strong neurotoxin will immediately spat with a cramp. This is Hilmar’s killer without combat means.

However, Ankar sensitively grasped the whip-like attacking snake with one hand, and then crushed it without hesitation.

Viper's tattoo babbled and returned to Hillmar's arm. Because the simulated entity was killed, it could not be started again for a whole day until it was restored.

"Although not comparable to those monsters... But the steel grade is not a joke..." Ankar murmured, he was asked by Ma Yuan to clean the mansion, although I don't know What is the purpose, but he is still here. Probably this is the least dangerous place. The highest combat power is only a mountain bronze guard outside.

What Ankar didn't see was that after he cleaned the mansion and turned away, the shadows of the demons eroded the place.

The materials piled up in the basement were looted. ,, ..

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