Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 253: assistance

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"Cang Qiangwei is almost over." Ma Yuan said with his bone sword closed, his eyes turned to somewhere in the east.

In an instant Ankar and Andre also had a feeling of palpitations, the heart beat in the chest suddenly accelerated.

"Is... Nasarik's moving hand?" Ankar's throat was a little dry, and there was no other explanation except this. The almost top-ranking steel-level team in the Cang Qiangwei even wanted Ended in a tragic death.

Ankar and Andre had just returned from the mansion where the mission attacked, and they were silenced by the news without slowing down.

"...Do you want to see the crystal screen?"

"Forget it..." Andrea closed his eyes. Although he knew that this kind of rabbit's feeling of sadness was very uneasy, he chose not to trouble Ma Yuan.

Seeming to see through what they thought, Ma Yuan comforted: "You don't have to worry, as long as I'm there, no one will hurt you, even if Anz doesn't have this ability."

"we know."

After being silent for a while, Andrea asked out loud, "How did the Cang Qiang get involved?"

"It should be commissioned by the golden princess."

"...I always thought she was not as simple as it seemed."

"Your intuition is correct." Ma Yuan seemed to smile. "That's a genius, but it's also a lunatic. It's best not to get in touch unless necessary."

But in fact, the more things you want to avoid, the faster you will come.

Fire month [September] 4th 22:31

The sky above Wangdu is near 400 meters above sea level. In the night sky, there are three people flying among the stars. Two are the magic chanters who launched the magic of the flight system, and the back is a person carried by the two in front.

The magic chant is naturally Ma Yuan and Ankar, and the other is Andre.

They accepted nominated commissions whose rewards exceeded the market price at the Ye Lantier Adventurer Union. The client's name is Lei Wenhou. The seemingly entrusted content is that Wang Du seems to be experiencing some abnormal conditions, hoping that this team of adventurers will protect his residence for a few days.

The reason why they know that this is just the apparent entrustment content is because when accepting the entrustment, the other party also told them the inside story.

According to the other party, they sent soldiers to suppress the stronghold of Bazhi, an underground organization, hoping that they could join forces to fight together. The other party particularly hopes that they will deal with the six-armed enemy's strongest fighter.

And they couldn't think of a reason for refusing this commission.

Generally speaking, in order to maintain neutrality, adventurers have an unwritten rule that they will not participate in state-related activities. Although this rule was broken in conclusion, the other party prepared a seemingly commission in order not to cause trouble to them.

In fact, even if this were the case, Andrei was also quite troubled. They had been incognito for too long, and the people of the Baha'i Empire rushed to serve the kingdom, fearing that it would cause fear of the upper empire.

They have a very careful ruler.

However, they did not dare to rush to refuse Lei Wenhou's entrustment. Ordinary people do not know that these adventurers who have reached the stainless steel level, especially those who have been in various countries for many years, do not know how powerful Lei Wenhou's power is? No matter what spectrum the opponent played this time, it is absolutely necessary to look at it.

Fortunately, they still have Ma Yuan on their side. The empire shouldn't have doubts so quickly, I hope so. Andrea thought so.

Before they left, things had already been explained to Anz, and Anz did not express any objection, only told them that when they returned, Andrea's sister could already greet them lively.

Andre is grateful for this.

Andz looked at the landscape seriously, and by accident, his eyes captured the heterogeneous radiance of a place.

At first he did not understand what happened. However, when he saw the black flames coming out, he noticed that something special happened there.

"Wait! Look! It's bright again. There is a glory like magic there." Ankar suddenly shouted.

"... Indeed... it seems... magic."

The tone is a little lacking in self-confidence, because the night is dark and the distance is too far. Even if ordinary people see the light, it is difficult to determine the source of the light.

"What's the matter? Is such a thing common in Wangdu? Or is it a fireworks to welcome us?"

For Andre's joke, Ma Yuan showed a serious expression.

"That location is one of the eight-finger strongholds scheduled for the attack."

"It turns out that... I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to catch up. It seems I can help a little."

"Got it. Then let's get closer."

"Hero over there! I'm the Ivy of the Crimson Rose! I'm a steel adventurer like you, please listen to my request! Help me!"

After the words were spoken, Evela noticed that he had made a mistake.

That is the gap in combat power between each other. What if a steel-level adventurer with a comparable level to him reaches out? Even Evela felt that the power of this demon was unfathomable. The two of them dealt with this demon together, and the odds were as pitiful as possible. Even if he provided assistance, it was nothing more than a piece of paper blocking the enemy. A storm can blow them all away.

Evel's request was equal to the death of him who came to the rescue. What she should have just shouted was to warn him to escape. If you want to make a request cheeky, you can only ask him to escape with the body of his companion.


"Cang Qianwei?" Another man in armor came out of the darkness, suddenly surprised, "Actually caught up with us."

Ma Yuan was also stunned. The timing of their arrival was too coincident. I didn't expect to encounter the Cang Qiang, who was destroyed by the Kuai Tuan. In this case.

"Got it." He told Evel to hide behind him and stand in front of the demon.

Evil sighed in sorrow.

When he stood in front of himself to protect herself, she felt as if a huge wall appeared in front of her eyes. Feelings of reassurance and peace of mind flow to the heart.

The demon confronting him slowly lowered his head. The salute was like a servant bowing his head to the noble, full of deep respect. Since it is impossible for the demon to really respect the man, she thinks it is ironic, which shows that the demon looks polite, but in fact she is contemptuous.

Evelia did not find the name strange, but she also thought about the devil's knowledge, hoping to find the name, but could not think of a similar name. ,, ..

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