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Alice Phil opened her eyes wide and looked at the battlefield, and saw that the pier that had been reduced to battlefield under the ravages of the two heroes had turned into a ruin in a short time, and the ground was full of cracks and collapses, gravel The block collapsed with the crossing of the two heroes' swords and swords. Lancer's peculiar two-gun attack method made Saber quite uncomfortable at first, but Saber deserved to be the battle-hardened King Arthur and was stolen from the **** era of the corpse mountain. Victory and expanding the territory will not only test the powerful fighting strength, but also the ability to adapt and adapt to changes. After the two men have played for more than ten rounds, Saber has fully adapted to Lancer's offensive and is able to fight back.

However, Alice Phil can also see that Saber should also be a little anxious now. According to the principle that the general hero can only have one treasure, Lancer’s two guns let Saber constantly judge which gun is the real one. Treasures.

"The right is a long gun, the left is a short gun, which one is a treasure, if it can be seen through early, it will be enough to win or lose"

Saber watched the two spears in Lancer's hand and kept judging.

"At least it's good to know his name" Alice Phil worried.

I saw Lancer rushed over again with a gun, Saber cut the spear down with a sword, staring at the spear on the ground, "It is certain that he is a hero with a gun master, but this is just..." Just when Saber was thinking Lancer's right hand swept across the wind like a wind, and Saber immediately raised his sword to return to visit, jumped back two steps, and stood with the sword again.

"What's wrong Saber, your offensive is not enough!" Lancer provoked

"This man has a suit!" Facing Lancer's provocation, Saber stared at Lancer solemnly.

The battle reopened, and Saber and Lancer went back and forth for a few hundred rounds, while the high-level guardian of the palace was constantly monitoring the battle and looking around.

"Wu Mi, in Saber's northeast of them, Lancer's lord is on the roof of the warehouse. Can you see it?" His mouth raised slightly, and said to the headphones.

"No, it happened to be a dead end from my position"

"I know, then I will solve him"

"Um" a sudden gust of wind made Wei Gong cut heir felt a heart palpitations, if he looked back with a sense, he found a figure that should definitely not appear here!


The appearance of Assassin made Wei Gong cut heir cold, he suddenly thought of the overly simple and weird massacre that took place in Yuanban House two days ago.

"Is that true, Tosaka Tosaka, Yanfeng Qili..."

No matter what happened above, the two heroes below were in a frenzy.

"If there is no duel with a name, what reputation is there to talk about? In short, I would like to pay tribute to you. Until now, there is no sweat, it is really a female hero."

"Don't be humble, Lancer, although I don't know the name of your lord, there is such a gunshot that still praises me so much, it is my glory, I will accept it gratefully."

So, the ancients also flattered, and it was obvious...

"Lancer, let's play the game here!" Suddenly, a huge voice echoed between the world, it should be using magic.

"Lancer's, Master?!"

"Don't keep on pulling for a long time, this Saber is a strong enemy, solve him quickly"

"I allow you to use the treasure!"

"Got it, my master." Lancer, who accepted the master's order, appeared obviously excited.

Ding! A short gun fell to the place with a crisp sound, and the gun wrap on the long gun in Lancer's hand dissipated on its own, exposing the bright red gun body.

"Sa, Saber, your sword relies on the magic of the wind to refract the light to make it hide its shape, right?" Lancer smiled high, and after the master agreed to liberate the treasure, he was obviously a lot more excited, "So, I'm coming!"

Lancer rushed up with a spear in his hand, and stab the sword in Saber's hand with both guns. Perhaps he hadn't discovered this yet. Saber still raised his sword to fight back.

Zizizizi! !

"Why, what?" A sharp, piercing voice resounded, the lance and the sword collided with a violent friction, and what really changed Saber was the wind king's enchantment on the sword. The layers were cut away, and the entire body of the sword was exposed in Lancer's eyes.

Awkward, Saber realized that the situation was not good, and gritted his teeth, quickly waved his sword and slashed Lancer off, and the two stood again, looking at each other.

"I saw the entire sword body, Saber" Lancer smiled more and more, "This way you can calculate the length of the sword body and the way to deal with it, realize it, Saber!" Lancer came flying, again Fight against Saber. The guardian of the palace, who watched the battle above, looked at the short gun that Lancer threw in the ground. The instincts that had been trained through countless battlefields told him that the short gun must be a problem. Silently prayed that Saber should never be fooled.

Only, he must be disappointed.

Saber and Lancer are on the battlefield. Saber has been relying on superior intuition and superb martial arts to have a relationship with Lancer. When he realized that Lancer's spear had the ability to break the magic, he changed his armor to maintain the magic. And provide higher mobility, and now she is simulating the next development situation in her mind and blitzing out.

However, things will never develop according to people's wishes.

Lancer has been avoiding Saber, who has rushed forward, tempting Saber to a place intentionally or unintentionally, that was his initial trap.

And now, the opportunity comes.

Just as Saber raided in front of Lancer, Lancer took a hook on his right foot, grabbed a short gun buried in the dust into his hand, and pierced Saber fiercely!


The aura warning in the brain has been activated to the extreme, and the pupil has shrunk to the extreme, facing the oncoming spear, the body bends as much as possible.

It's just that it's obviously impossible to completely avoid the past. Was there a bit of pain in the twitching left thumb, indicating that Lancer still hit Saber, and looked at the bleeding left hand.

"Alice Phil, treat me"

"I'm already doing it, why is there no improvement..." Alice Phil was anxiously casting healing magic, but still no improvement. Saber felt the feeling of being sealed and cursed coming from the wound, and he felt suddenly.

"Red spear and yellow short spear, with black moles of enchantment and magic"

"It turns out to be you, Chief Warrior of the Fiona Knights of Ireland!"

"'Look of Glory' Di Lumuduo Audina!",,...

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