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In the darkness as thick as blood, only a candlelight was beating. The beautiful face of Yusuke Ryusuke is reflected in the dark candlelight.

The fingers, which were too slender for men, were covered with bright red blood stains. Sitting in front of Yusuke Ryusuke beside the long table, three rows of things reflecting bright red light were placed side by side.

Yusheng Ryunosuke looked at the things in front of him with very serious eyes, and then picked up the tuning fork with his left hand and hit it on the corner of the desk. The tuning fork made a very clear sound.

at this time--



——It seemed that a very painful voice suddenly came out of the darkness.

Ryunosuke listened carefully to the incoming voice and compared it with the remaining voice of the tuning fork, then nodded in satisfaction.

"Very good. Then this is "Mi""

As he spoke, he put a pin on the "instrument" to mark it. On the trembling “instrument”, a lot of note marks like this have been made.

This "instrument" seems to be alive. It is correct to say that the owner of this "instrument" is still alive.

On the cross above the long table was a girl who was weeping constantly because of pain. For the practice of Ryunosuke, even the "Blue Beard" also gave him a very high rating. In order not to let the girl selected as the material die from excessive blood loss and infection, "Bluebeard" applied several healing magics to her, and added some treatments to prevent the pain in her brain from paralysis.

Ryunosuke had always been very distressed about the fact that the human body immediately stopped life activities after being slightly stimulated. But now with the help of magic, all these previous problems have been solved. Now Ryunosuke can freely wave his sensual wings and play at will.

"Very good, then 0NEMORETIME. "Doo" "Come" "Mi" ~"

Ryunosuke hummed and pressed on the keyboard of the "instrument". But the painful sound that followed his movement was very dissonant with his tone.

"...Uh huh?"

The blood-stained attorney frowned and tilted his head, pressing again to the position where he had just tuned with the tuning fork. The voice of the girl bound to the cross is completely different from the voice of the logo.

If you think about it carefully, although the stimulus is the same position, the moaning sound is not necessarily the same. This "instrument" has flaws in design.

"Oh... really failed."

Ryunosuke sighed dejectedly and scratched his head.

After the parasol that we worked **** yesterday, this "instrument" failed again. If such continuous setbacks continue, even Ryunosuke will lose confidence.

But at this moment, Ryunosuke suddenly remembered the words that "green beard" comforted himself after failing to manufacture his own parasol yesterday.

"No matter what, only thought is the most important thing. Even if the final result is not as satisfactory as expected, this challenging behavior itself is very meaningful."

Ryunosuke was inspired by the words "Bluebeard". For young people who have never understood anyone and created art alone, the motivation of this sentence is extremely significant.

You have to work hard. Yusheng Ryunosuke regained his spirit. It’s not okay to be afraid of failure. Failure is the mother of success, and the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.

In short, we have to think forward. It seems too early to give up the production of this "instrument". If you can fundamentally find the problem, you may be able to find a solution.

And if you leave the sound aside, the girl’s painful expression is also very tempting when flipping the “instrument” that has been stripped from her body. It's a pity if such a rare expression is lost.

The blood-filled air suddenly became heavy. The magic density floating in the air became thicker. Everything indicates that the owner of this magic workshop is back.

"Ah, welcome back. Master."

Caster, which gradually appeared in the candlelight, did not look at his nominal "lord", and went straight to the girl who was screaming screamingly. From the black robe, a large hand like a hawk claw stretched out and was tied to the cross. Girl on the panting.


"Not enough, not enough..."


"Damn god!"

Bang Bang Bang! ! !

The tall figure roared on the side, destroying the "artwork" created by the strength of Ryunosuke once, and the sound that always sounded very touching harassed him now, making him more manic!

"Damn God, until now the soul that still bound Joan of Arc refuses to let go! Now the sacrifice of blasphemy is not enough!"

In the eyes of the "green beard" screaming and roaring, no rational light could be seen. Although I don't know what happened. But what he said about Joan of Arc must be the girl in armor seen in the crystal ball.

"Armored woman, have you thrown away the blue beard master?"

Ryunosuke sympathized with him. Although he didn't get along for long, Ryunosuke knew that the strange-looking demon in front of him was actually a very simple guy.

"I must let her know that what God is called in this world is just a false myth. What saves the world is deceptive empty words, and the prayer of silent lamb will never be conveyed to the sky!"

"God will only sit on the throne of heaven and play with his people. God will not save the lost lamb!"

"Oh oh oh oh my dear girl, when will you ever wake up!"

"Just blaspheming against God is not enough! We must also prove to the world the incompetence of God's prestige and the hypocrisy of God's love! We want to prove that God does not have the power to adjudicate! Even if he does evil things well, he will not be punished by God! "

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