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"--Yes, at any time."

The voice just fell. The beautiful hero has already bowed his body respectfully and appeared in front of Kenneth. For Kenneth, the chief lecturer of the Department of Spirituality. There is no obstacle to talking directly with the spirit, and it is very familiar. But direct face-to-face conversations like this are rare.

In short, if Servant appears directly in front of herself, Kenes can talk to each other while observing the subtle changes in her expression. For this form, rather than dialogue, it is more appropriate to ask.

"You have worked hard tonight. Let me see the strength of the famous Dilumuto Audi guns well."

"You have won the prize, my host"

Lancer responded faintly and calmly. Neither was proud of the praises, nor showed blatant joy, nor did he appear uncomfortable. It was just a rigorous and humble acceptance with a knightly attitude.

However, this calmness was completely destroyed by Ma Yuan tonight. Whenever Lancer recalled that the figure was darker, hotter and more frantic than Berserker, Lancer would always tremble.

This has nothing to do with strength, but comes from the coercion of unknown and fear imprinted deep in the instinct of the body, and the extreme avoidance of danger by the body of the heroic spirit.

Because of the danger, it trembles, because it trembles, it avoids.

However, in Kenes's opinion, it was definitely not Lancer's original appearance, but something hidden in him.

"Ah, you must answer the question I asked you....What are you planning?"

"...You. What do you mean?"

For the question that Kenneth suddenly had a questioning tone. Lancer still maintains a very cautious attitude.

For the results and losses achieved tonight

"Lancer, did you swear to me as a Servant? You will go all out to help me win the Holy Grail War. Right?"

"Yes. That's right"

"Then why are you not so serious?"

Even if Kaines was so reprimanded, Lancer didn't have a look of anger and embarrassment, just lowered his head seriously. Maybe he himself had expected this question.

"...I'm just for the honor of a knight. It's not a battle for children

"Oh? Don't you admit it yet?"

Kenneth snorted with a despising nasal voice, and then asked.

"Then I ask you. Why should you let Saber go?"

"that is because--"

"You have an overwhelming advantage more than once, but you have not shot twice in a row. Do you want me to use a spell to control you?"


Lancer did not answer anything this time, but was silent.

"I'll say it again. I have all seen the fight tonight. That's why I was able to ask questions. Lancer, do you think fighting is'fun'?"

Looking at the knight who bowed his head in silence, Kenes continued with a sneer.

"Are you so happy? Fighting Saber. Don't you even want to kill her?"

From the perspective of others, maybe Lancer will be praised for his bravery and war. However, from the perspective of Kenes as Maste, he was just brave and combative and did not get any effect-this was very angry for him.

Kenneth, who glanced at Lancer angrily, suddenly remembered the man who gave Lancer the most trauma-Ma Yuan.

The man not only seriously injured Lancer, but also stood on Saber's side. What's more important was that he stood on the side of the cowardly rookie magician at the same time as the hero who should have belonged to him!

Weber Wilwitt!

Originally intended to be used to summon the holy relics of Iskandar, his most promising hero, by his own disciple Weber. Velvet stole it. But this Weber is totally out of proportion with the power of Iskandar. Finally unable to control his Servant caused Iskandar to runaway. It was because of Weber's incompetence that the situation at that time was plunged into chaos, destroying the chance of Lancer's Lancer to win... Kaines never encountered so many discomforts. And all of this is caused by Weber alone, but it is useless even for a person who is not in sight now, even how angry. It's best to keep this anger in your heart and wait until you have played against Weber. For this "external anger" Kenneth is quite practical, calm and cold.

But on the other hand, Kenneth has absolutely no way to control the "inner anger". For Kanesi who has always been envied by people and has lived a life that has not been frustrated by failure. It is absolutely not allowed for yourself or your subordinates—even if only a little—to not meet your expectations. This person who was born with a smooth sailing and never encountered setbacks is very vulnerable to failure.

So, for Kenneth now, the fault of Weber, the enemy who prevented him from winning, was more furious than the fault of Lancer who could not bring him victory.

"...I'm so sorry. Master"

Lancer, who noticed Kenneth's anger, bowed his head deeply and apologized in a serious voice.

"I guarantee with the reputation of the Cavaliers that I will bring Saber's first class to you. Please believe me anyway"

"There is no need to assure me again! This is a natural result!"

Kenneth, who was gradually excited, pressed down Lancer's guilt with an angry voice.

"You swear to me. The Holy Grail will be brought to me by Kaisse Aluminium! That is to say, you will wipe out the other six Servants, which is the same. This is the whole The big premise of battle!

And what do you say it a vow to Saber alone? This is very different from the initial agreement. Did you make a mistake?"

"--I think you got it wrong? Rod Elumeroi"

Neither Lancer nor Kenes, the voice of the third person. A female appeared in the bedroom inside and heard the conversation between Servant and Master somehow.

Although it has red hair that looks like a burning fire, it feels very cold and beautiful. It looks slightly younger than Kenneth, and seems to be only a glamorous woman in her twenties. At first glance, you can feel it is a sentimental and noble lady. And the majestic temperament emanating from her stern eyes made it look like a queen.

Her gaze seemed to be focused on only one person, Kenneth.

"Lancer has done a good job. It is because you made a wrong judgment about the situation!"

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