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"—But Kenneth, although you are first-class as a magician, but you are just a second-rate warrior. Finally, you are fully prepared, but you have not used it tactically at all. ?"

"No, I..."

"Hey, what do you think I do to give Lancer magic power? These things should have been your responsibility, why should I take it? All of this is not to make your battle develop in a more favorable direction. , In order to enable you to win the Holy Grail War? You have an overwhelming advantage compared to those who still provide magic power to the Servant. You can use all your magic to perform various actions."

"But... the war is just beginning now, and you should be cautious in the prologue..."

"Oh, is it? Why is it urgent for Lancer to get a result?"


Although Sola's tone was softer than it was at the beginning, the implication was to laugh at Kenneth's timid meaning. Kenneth's complexion became more difficult to look at.

"So before blaming Lancer, first reflect on yourself. Kenneth, tonight you--"

"Sorra, please stop here."

A stern but low voice interrupted Sola's words.

It's Lancer. I don't know when he had raised his head, looking directly at Sola.

"If you continue to insult my master, as a knight, you can't ignore it"

"No, I didn't mean that... sorry. I said too much"

Until now, Sora, as majestic as the queen. As soon as Lancer finished speaking, he immediately lowered his eyes as if shy and apologized. It seems to everyone that this shift is too sudden.

In short, in Kenneth's heart, the scene in front of him left a very negative impact. Sola always chattered to himself, but never heard his own words. But he is about to become his husband. Sola will soon become his wife. But why does Senrant's sentence have more weight than the future husband's words?

And just from the beginning, Sola came to argue with himself just to protect Lancer. Could it be that she just couldn't watch Lancer get scolded?

Kenneth looked at the eyes of Sola, who was watching Lancer, and there was a feeling in his fiancee's eyes that he had never seen before. Then he turned his attention to Lancer—

Lancer's shimmering mole under his left eye caught his attention. That is the legendary Di Lumu that can attract women. "The mole of tears" of Audina...

Unjustified suspicion is stupid. Even ordinary people know that Sola is the daughter of the famous magician Sofia Li family. Even if there is no inheritance of magic engraving, there is still quite a strong resistance to this level of charm spells.

Unless, she can't resist this kind of charm will produce effect——

Ah, when did it start?

Perhaps, it fell from the beginning...

The glorious appearance, Di Lumuduo Odina, the famous beautiful warrior, tragic hero.

Since becoming Kenneth's fiancée, I have never felt that way again. Those men who look to themselves are either greedy for their own flesh, or hoping to gain more honor, benefit and strength through themselves.

Even him, Kenneth.

However, when you first heard about the Holy Grail War, you gave me hope. I am thankful that the unsuccessful student stole the original holy relic.

Only in this way can you be summoned.

Ah, I'm not fallen because of your black mole, but to look at your personality charm, Lancer.

I will definitely make you my Servant, absolutely!

Just as Kenneth was thinking, the fire bell rang without warning, interrupting his thoughts.

"...Why? What happened?"

Sola muttered in confusion. Then the phone in the house rang. Caller ID came from the front desk.

Kenneth picked up the receiver without hesitation and listened to the service staff. After listening, Kenneth's eyes returned to the sharpness characteristic of the magician,

"It seems that there was a fire downstairs, and the help desk told us to evacuate quickly."

Kenneth put down the phone and said to Sola.

"It seems to be just a small fire, but the location of the fire is very scattered. It looks like an artificial arson."

"Arson? Was it again tonight?"

"Humph, I don't think it is accidental"

Kenneth snorted disdainfully. The anxiety in my heart just now, and my worries soon disappeared.

"This is to drive out the crowd. The opponent is a magician. It seems that I don't like to win or lose in too many buildings such as idlers."

Sola said with a nervous expression.

"So-is it an attack?"

"I'm afraid it is. It may be that the guy who hasn't played enough on Warehouse Street just came to find fault again. It's interesting. It's exactly what we mean, right? Lancer?"

"Yes, it is true"

Lancer nodded definitely. As if looking forward to confronting the enemy. Among the seven Masters, there is only one person who is so eager to attack Kenneth-that is the Master of Saber who has been hit by the "inevitable yellow rose". He must want to solve the curse as soon as possible.

"Lancer, go to the floor below to meet. But you can't easily send them away"

For instructions in Kenneth's words, Lancer nodded:

"Understood. Cut off the attacker's retreat and just rush it here?"

"Yes. Since the guests are here, how can they not let people take a good look at my Kenneth Elumroy's magic workshop?"

As a stronghold for Kenneth, this hotel needs to be completely remodeled. This transformation is not physical, but refers to the strengthening of magic. In this 32-storey building at full height, 24 floors are covered by Kenneth's enchantment. It can even be called a magic fortress here. And there are also three Kenneth-specific magic furnaces and dozens of evil spirits and sprites summoned instead of hounds. Even the sewers were not missed, Kenneth alienated the space below the corridor.

Rather than break into the enemy position, it is better to improve your position first. For challengers who dare to step here, Kenneth will tell him to fully understand Rod. The real horror of Alumiroy.

"Since the other guests have been evacuated, then there is nothing to worry about. You all use all your strength to fight."

Uncontrollable laughter came from Kenneth's throat. And the knight trembling because of excitement rushed out.

What is needed for Kenneth now is action. Only actions and results can eliminate the insult that Sola has given to himself. In the current situation, only by fully realizing your potential as a genius and proving your ability.

Yes, now Kenneth crave blood. The black anger deeply buried in him must be offset by whose blood. Unfortunately, the enemies who come now to attack will soon become the most suitable sacrifices.

"You say I am a second-rate warrior, and I will let you take back this sentence soon. Sola!"

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