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If you want to manipulate the time in a specific space to achieve "adjustment of time" such as "stagnation in the past" and "fast-forward in the future", it belongs to the scope of inherent enchantment. If you want to achieve the "time tampering" of "past interference", it belongs to the scope of magic.

The scope of the enchantment is reduced to itself, and the interference time is within a few seconds. In this way, the interference of the "adjustment of the world" to the inherent enclave is minimized, making it a practical magic on the battlefield. That is inherent time control.

And the result is the degree of "time adjustment", in order to avoid the enemy's attack or create your own opportunity to attack.

However, due to the reaction caused by this magic, it will place a great burden on the body. For example, arrhythmia, abnormal breathing, or sudden changes in body temperature are common reactions. It is very common to soak your sweat into your clothes.

Although it inherited only one-fifth of the magic engraving of the Wei Gong family, because his father Wei Gong Juxian was a family-owned magic specializing in operating in vivo or small causal time, in the fourth generation, such a shallow generation was sublimated to the seal designation The genius in the field, if he inherits the complete magic engraving, can also go further or even surpass Wei Gongjuxian.

It's just that the man's sin...


Shaking his head, Wei Gong cut off all the unrelated thoughts in his mind. After looking at the idle Ma Yuan, he ignored him. Suddenly, the cry of the child came and attracted the attention of Cut Si from the ruins. .

The child's mother held the child crying because of fear, and walked past Chedi. Both were only wearing pajamas, and the whole body was covered with white dust, which looked terrible.

Chedi kept looking at the back of their mother and son... and didn't recover until her fingers were burnt with burning cigarette butts. Cut he tossed the cigarette that had been burned for more than half to the ground and stamped it with his foot.

Wei Gong cut heirs some confusion, sentimentalism is absolutely not allowed for himself. Such weak feelings will directly threaten the safety of one's life. However, for his own failure, he can never take a calm attitude towards it.

Yes. Even if you don’t want to admit it, that’s the fact—Che Si suddenly saw the figure of Elia and Alice on the fled mother and son.

Even though he and Einzberen were only in an employment relationship, Alice Phil and Ilia's innocence as snowy still attracted him.

Wei Gong cut he once thought there was no difference in sacrifice. All lives are equivalent, so just choose a path with less sacrifice. Under this judgment, the lives of women and children will not be treated specially.

Using the Holy Grail can save the world. Kenneth was the object he had to exclude in order to win the Holy Grail. There are about a thousand people in the Hyatt Regency Dongmu, and the holy grail can save at least 5 billion people. If necessary, Cheir can kill these tenants together with Kenneth.

So why did you deliberately set fire beforehand to cause such a commotion?

At the beginning, I once thought this was a natural strategy. Kenneth deliberately set up many traps in order to guard against attacks. As a tactic against his firm strategy, this move has indeed achieved practical results. The genius magician was proud of his iron wall, but did not expect that the entire castle would be destroyed together and still remain in it.

But is it true that his real purpose is only this?

Is the sentimental hope that innocent tenants can evacuate in time, is it revealed in the unconscious time 7

This is really fatal romance. If it is on the battlefield, such sentimentalism will definitely be killed by the opponent.

In order to stabilize the shaking emotions in his heart, Chedi lit a cigarette again.

Degraded. Although I don’t know how much it has weakened, the current Wei Palace cut off ranks have deteriorated more than nine years ago. If this continues, I am afraid that we will not succeed in the Holy Grail war. In any case, it is not okay to restore the coldness and judgment of the past, the sooner the better.

The midnight town, which was disturbed by the change just now, finally began to commotion. Looking at the lively crowd that gradually surrounded by the roadside, Chedi took a deep breath and picked up the mobile phone to give Wu Mi an instruction to retreat.

But it wasn't the sound of the subordinates that reached his ears, but only the roar that metal collided with.

The unnamed steel watchtower. At the dawn of its completion, it is temporarily called the 38th floor of Dongmu Center Building.

More than half of the construction work has been completed, leaving only the outer layer without packaging. This composite high-rise commercial building that will become the landmark of the new capital of Dongmu City in the future is now only an empty shelf of reinforced concrete structure, which is violently blown by the strong wind in the night sky.

The street lights on the ground and the stars in the sky seemed so distant and dim. In this void, Jiuyu Wuya knelt motionless on one knee, and had been holding an AUG sniper rifle with a night vision device on her shoulder, and the muzzle was on her left knee.

If once the magician Kenneth noticed Che's plan and escaped from the window, Kuyu Mai ambushing here would attack him. But this preparation is totally unfounded.

"Wu Mi, how is it going there?"

The sound of the inquiry from the ground on the ground was heard from the earphones of Jiuyu Mai. Wu Mi, who held the rifle in both hands, switched the mobile phone to headset mode, freeing her hands.

"There was no movement until the last 32 floors. The target did not escape from the hotel."

Wu Mi briefly reported the information she had observed to Qiji to the microphone near her mouth. Although she had just witnessed a devastating destruction, no excitement could be heard in her voice.

The monitoring task here is over. Wu Mi took the bullet out of the gun that had ended the mission without getting a chance to play, put it in the box, then put the sniper rifle back on his back and stood up to walk down the stairs.

And at this time, she found a trace of abnormality.

It is not a general anomaly, but a more unclear atmosphere change. For soldiers who have gone through war, this kind of killing intention can be clearly felt.

"--I feel very sensitive. Miss."

Behind Wu Mi who stopped, there was a deep and cold male voice. The voice echoed through the empty reinforced concrete building, making it impossible to judge its origin.

Wu Mi didn't answer or ask questions. Just calmly, using her keen instinct to find the position of the other party, and pulled out the 9mm caliber pistol in the waist.

For the third person who exists in this place, and found the existence of Wu Mi-no matter who he is, just for this reason can become the target of Wu Mi's shooting.

"--Huh, it's better to have this kind of consciousness."

The man hiding in the dark said as if he was laughing.

At this moment, something was thrown from the shadow of a pillar to Wu Mi's feet.

That is……,,..

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