Thousand Blades of Death

: Fifty-one·Reject

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And Alice Phil was just a puppet guarding the Holy Grail. While reminiscing about Qi Si's past, Alice Phil seems to be reviewing her past. It seems that the nine years that two people have lived together no longer exist. Alice Phil became restless.

The person who is closest to the man in the palace is now not a companion himself. It’s Jiuyu Mai

Alice Phil did not confess her thoughts and ideas. Instead, he asked a completely unrelated question:

"How should the new war rules proposed by the supervisor respond? He didn't want us and all the enemies except Caster to enter a truce?"

"Don't pay attention to that new rule. The supervisor only provided compensation for the implementation of the new regulation. There are no penalties for violating this new regulation. If the supervisor really finds us in trouble, we pretend not to know this regulation. ""

Unlike his attitude towards Saber, Chedi answered Alice Phil's questions one by one.

"And the supervisors of this war always find it unbelievable. The Assassin Master is pretending to be ignorant. Perhaps he was with Yuan Ban. Before saving his details, he It’s good to be suspicious of him for the time being”

Saber shivered with rage, and Alice Phil had a lot of thought in her heart. Suddenly both of them fell into silence. Chedi regarded this silence as a signal to end the meeting.

Then it will be here. Alice Phil and I stayed in the castle to prepare for Caster's attack. Wu Mi returned to the city to gather intelligence. Report any changes to me.


Wu Mi nodded without hesitation, stood up, and began to pack up before leaving the meeting room. After he got up later, Qi Si planned to leave the meeting room after collecting the maps and information on the table.

She didn't look at Saber until the end.

Saber, who was completely ignored by the cut heir, bit his lip in anger and stared at the carpet under his feet. Alice Phil stayed in the meeting room with Saber. Alice Phil at the moment doesn't know what language to use to console the angry Saber.

"Wai Gong cut heir, Jiu Wu Mai, who allows you to go"

A completely indifferent voice came suddenly, and the air was full of indifference and anger.

"Who gives you the power!"

"Use other people's lives to measure this way!"

The four people in the hall were all stiffened, especially Wei Gong Qiji and Jiuyu Mai, Alice Phil and Saber were okay, but only felt the anger in the voice, Wei Gong Qi Si completely collapsed on the wall, The sweat dripped down drastically, and Jiuyu Wumi sat directly on the ground, unable to move at all.

"It seems that you haven't understood what I mean, Wei Gong cuts heirs" A **** whirlwind hovered up, Ma Yuan stepped out, and the robe on his body also became the blood-stained body with his footsteps Warframe.

If Saber's neat blue skirt and silver-white armor represent nobility and glory, then Ma Yuan's armor represents death and killing.

And this man who wears death and killing on his body is finally really angry!

"Wei Gong cut heirs, I really didn't misread you." Ma Yuan looked at Wei Gong cut heirs coldly, and the armor on his body made a "ka" sound, indicating that his heart was not as calm as his surface.

"I thought you would understand me." Wei Gong Qi Siqi stood up and stood up blankly, looking up at the tall man in front of him, calmly bearing his anger,

"Does the overlord have to lose his life?"

"Does the overlord have to be ruthless?"

For example, the deep eyes of the last class could not conceal the grand anger, the atmosphere of sin and domineering corroded the cut-off heir in the front of the palace, and the armor on his body seemed to also echo the voice of the master, and the blood became more powerful, as follows: The second is about to burst out, swallowing up the enemies in front of you!

"I admit that if you don't be merciless, if you can't learn to be cruel, don't love that one who survives on the battlefield." Ma Yuanju looked down at the Wei Palace cut heir. "However, cruel and cruel does not mean cold and heartless."

"Wei Gong cut heir, I don't know what you have experienced before"

"But this does not mean that you can treat human life like a mustard!"

Saber and Alice Phil stared blankly at the completely different Ma Yuan. They didn’t know what it was like. Maybe they would be surprised that Ma Yuan, who was famous for the brutality of the overlord, would not agree with the practice of the Wei Palace. Obviously this is the most efficient approach.

Of course, the two are still happy. At least one of the two who dominates is on their side, so that they will only be able to accept the arrangement of the guard in the palace.

"If, today your child is hijacked by Caster, I want to know what you will do"

"Of course, if you choose to do the same, I have nothing to say"


"Wei Gong cuts heirs, the greatest good in the world is often the biggest evil!"

"If a person's good deeds are too big for God to tolerate and fail to repay, then that person is the world's greatest evil!"

"If it were me, I would be happy to kill you myself!"

"Think about it, this is my first chance for you..."

After the words were finished, Ma Yuan turned away, and when he turned into a **** whirlwind, his last words circled in the room. Before he appeared, Saber, who was completely ignored by the cut heir, clenched his lips in anger and stared at the carpet under his feet. Alice Phil did not know what language to use to persuade the angry Saber.

However, in Ma Yuan's opinion, Saber, a self-esteemed knight, would not expect others to comfort her with irrelevant words. Thinking of this, Ma Yuan turned around and left without hesitation. No one knew what he was doing.

There was silence, and the first person who broke the silence walked out without hesitation,

"Keep the previous arrangement unchanged, go and dance"

"You!" Saber looked angrily at the palace guard, but the whole person was helpless. Now for Saber, what must be done is to fundamentally solve the current dilemma.

Thinking of this, Alice Phil put her hand on Saber's shoulder to show her gratitude, then immediately followed Chedi and left the room.

Che Si's overly deliberate disregard of Saber is not just because two people are not speculative. It would be impossible to ignore Saber's behavior if he didn't have a feeling of extreme aversion or resentment towards Saber. In short, heir did too much this time. No matter how much the two men's combat policies differ. After all, comrades fighting for the same goal. Although it is not necessary to respect each other. But you can't insult each other.

Alice Phil soon discovered the figure of Chedi. He stood on the balcony overlooking the front yard of the castle, leaning on the guardrail and looking out at the forest in the night. Fortunately, there was no figure of Mai on the side of Chedi.


Just when Alice Phil found the figure of Qi Gong in Wei Gong, she found that there was someone standing next to him who would never have appeared.

Ma Yuan. ,, ..

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