Thousand Blades of Death

: Seventy, anger!

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Countless sea demons roared in front of Ma Yuan, dancing with ugly bodies, and huge mouthparts spewing dirty mucus, slowly approaching Ma Yuan. As if Ma Yuan could not see anything, he bowed his head and suppressed everything. The long hair like ink blocked his face, so that no one could see the expression on his face. Caster, who saw the unexpected scene, ecstatically commanded all the sea monsters to rush forward!

"You filthy blasphemy, just swallowed up by your kind!"

All the sea monsters rushed towards Ma Yuan violently under the guidance of the mad Caster, as if to drown him!


Saber's pupils continued to shrink to the size of the pinhole, and when she was about to exclaim, she found her voice seemed to be choked, and she couldn't make a sound at all.

Because in front of her, **** appeared.

That is, familiar with incomparable hell.

Anger, like sulfuric acid, corrodes Kenneth's heart bit by bit.

He is a first-class magician. I would never lose my calm because of feelings. This is especially true in the situation of live ammunition.

In fact, if this is a mysterious duel between fellow first-class magicians. Kenneth should have nothing to do with anger. It should sigh and admire the opponent's wrist, calmly infer its true value, and concentrate on the magic as a corresponding return to the enemy's secret art. Such a noble and boastful gentleman game is the battle Kenneth knows. He bet on the right to use the Holy Grail, and competed with Tosaka Tosaka, Miyagi, and four outstanding opponents who had not yet met. Came to this remote place in the extreme east.

But the pain in the right shoulder wound came. The pain continued as if mocking Kenneth and insulting him.

This is not because of the injuries suffered by the battle. Absolutely that kind of thing is not worthy of being called a fight.

It's like stepping on the rotten floor. It's like knocking over the boiler. It was as if the only good dress was stained with mud.

The opponent is not suitable for the ants who are called enemies. It's garbage that feels dirty and unpleasant even when you enter the field of vision.

This kind of thing is just trivial. It's like being bitten by a wild dog.

Just bad luck. It's good to pass by as a hapless smile.

Even this way of persuading the wound on his shoulder is still painful. Like a little bit of burning pain, Kenneth's pride was eroded, eating away his self-esteem.

Kenneth's cold face was expressionless like a mask. There was neither screaming nor teeth. To others, it was by no means the expression of the angry person.

That's right. He didn't hate anyone. All that anger is directed at himself. It was just that the unexpected situation was angered by impossible and unreasonable things.


Nowhere to go, the anger turned into an impulse of destruction spreading along the lunar pulp, and Kenneth struck the surrounding walls of the corridor with the whip of the blade.

That cheap waste made me impossible to bleed! Never should I!

Kenneth chased the escaped Wei Gong cut heir with the pace of sleepwalking. Only the unshaped mercury block replaced the master's heart and followed him aggressively.

The door blocking the way is not pushed open, but crushed by the weight of mercury.

The vases, paintings, and elegant furniture are all crushed and destroyed.

There are many traps along the way. Use the rope to pull Kenneth's unprotected fingers, or as soon as he stepped on the letter tube in the blanket, the configured grenades exploded, and the mine released shotguns. At that time, the instantaneously expanded mercury protective film would be cut off regardless of the body.

The trap set is like a toy for cheating children. But the laughter was also laughing at Kenneth himself, who was tricked by a toy to trick a child.

Self-deprecation cuts self-esteem like a razor. The humiliation further ignited the anger in his heart

Rhodes. Elumeroi’s worthy dress is not something used for such stupid play. His mercury should be armed with bullets, spears, magic magic, ice and lightning strikes. It should be the mystery that allows the magician who hates him to reach death while marveling and awe.

Then. What is his ugliness now?

The opponent who followed with polite courtesy was an unknown mouse that made him feel humiliated every minute and second. The wound on the shoulder is getting more and more painful.

There is no end to the vicious circle of hysterics, but that one finally saw the end.

No matter how large the castle is, the escape route becomes very limited when fleeing upstairs. The mouse was finally chased to the end of the corridor on the third floor. Kenneth sent the Mercury Mercury in advance to find its location this time. The target appears to be dead still. It should be the final matchup with Kenneth there.

Kenneth came up with the word in his head and couldn't help laughing.

It seems that the enemy has not given up. It turned out that Kenneth had been injured once. If it is benefited by the same fluke again, there may be a chance. The decision should be made by the poor rat biting the cat.


Kenneth's closed mouth was twisted with a sneer, he whispered.

The mouse was able to color Kenneth, neither a wrist nor a tactic. It is simply an unreasonable accident. It is necessary to let him know the difference.

Not a showdown. This is a sentence. It's a slaughter.

Kenneth's side was full of cruel killing intentions. While turning around the last corner with his own costume, he came to the end of the corridor.

Basically, it conforms to the setting expected by Wei Gong cut heir. The third time with Kenneth. Alumi Roy. Aqipolud confronted.

Less than thirty meters away. The width of the corridor is more than six meters. There are no shelters. There is no escape route.

Kenneth's Moon Spirit Essence can exert a lethal speed and power range on Cut Si. It is roughly estimated to be within 7.5 meters. Before he got close to that distance, the right to attack was on Che's side.

The left hand is in the Calico spiral magazine where the magazine is replaced. 50 rounds of 9mm bullets await the moment of shooting.

Then, in the right hand is the Contender. With only one round of magazine, the magic bullet has been loaded.

The heavy bullet is engraved with origin and fate.

At the same time, it is hell. ,, ..

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