Thousand Blades of Death

: One hundred and sixteen fierce battle

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King, the beast is the beast that destroyed your garden, please kill him.

That's the gardener's job.

Archer immediately rejected the request of the minister.

Could it be said, Sir, do you think my treasure is the same as the gardener's hoe?

no! However, as you can see, other people can't handle it anymore.

In fact, from the beginning, this battle was desperate.

Although Saber and Rider's swords were chopped continuously on the sea monster's huge body, it didn't hurt at all.

Of course, this is not because the Servantes are weak. The sword that cut off the rock, the hoof that thunder roared, mercilessly beat the sea demon flesh and blood.

However, the wound was instantly filled with new meat.

The regenerative power of the flesh is also possessed by the monsters previously called and driven by Caster, which is not worthy of marvel. However, this time the sea monster is really huge. Just like punching holes in the swamp, the damage caused by the joint attack of two Servants can't keep up with the speed of regeneration.

The joint attack of the cavalier king and the conquering king can only barely slow down the sea monster that targets the embankment.

This is a great opportunity to show the might of the heroes, please decide.

The hero king glanced disapprovingly at the minister and waved his right hand off the gang at the side of the boat. Immediately, four swords and spears appeared beside him. The shining initial treasures thundered and spurred down the filthy Roshan.

Saber and Rider jumped away immediately to avoid being affected, but Caster’s Sea Demon did not have such flexibility. The four treasures hit directly, and the landslide-like power exploded a third of the monster's body.

A huge hit like never before, but Caster laughed with a more harsh voice.

How can it be

The timekeeper was stunned. Under him, the creeping Roshan swelled up like a balloon, seeing the repaired damaged parts.

The body structure of huge meat pieces is probably as simple as protozoa. There are no bones and organs, so there are no disadvantages. No matter where the damage is, it has no effect on the operation, and the damaged part is quickly restored by relying on the strong regeneration ability.

Ready to retreat, Shichen. I couldn't see the filthy thing anymore.

Archer said that the red pupil showed a strong sense of disgust.

Don't be such a hero king, please wait!

Shichen, I think four treasures were used on your face. Since it was dirty by being touched by that thing, I don't feel like recycling. Don't treat my tolerance as a bargain!

Only you can defeat the monster!

When Shichen tried his best to persuade him, things had developed to this point, and he had no time to take care of his prudence.

Now that you have that kind of regeneration ability, you can only destroy it as a whole with one blow. The one that can do this, the one that is not your hero king

Who cares so much!

Archer shouted angrily, with red lotus anger burning in his eyes.

Do you want me to pull out Treasure EA here? Be sober, sir! To tell such a false statement to the king is to thank oneself with his own suicide!

The Shichen bowed his head resentfully, silently.

Indeed, this is impossible. Judging by Gilgamesh's character, as the trump card, he will only pull out opponents who admit him.

However, there is no other way to completely eliminate Caster’s sea monsters, which is also true.

He had to realize the spell on his right hand. Even if one is used here, as a bonus to knock down Caster, you can get another one from the Templar Church as a supplement. However, this choice will definitely lead to a rupture of the relationship between himself and the hero king.

In this case, you can only pin your hopes on other Servants.

In this case, even after successfully destroying Caster, Father Lizheng announced that the additional mantra would fall into the hands of the Master other than the minister.

Nowhere to vent anger, Shichen clenched his fists, nails clasped in the palm.

Why did things go in such an unexpected direction? It should have been a well-prepared and well-prepared holy grail war. Why did it become such a frenzy?

At this moment, the thunderous sound cut through the sky, and Shichen raised his head solemnly.

The lightless thunder is the aftershock of the shock wave that broke through the sound wall. In the night sky, a pair of lights flying from north to south are the identification lights of jet fighters.


The situation is rapidly deteriorating every moment. Tosaka Tosaka, who is the manager of Dongmu Magic, can only watch without help.

The bizarre scene in front of him made two elite pilots speechless in surprise.

What is that?

Captain Yang Mu racked his brain and thought about various possibilities. Among them, there are also options to doubt whether he is normal.

Strange light also appeared at six o'clock. Isn't it a helicopter? Is it a UFO or something?

Xiaolin, the wingman, also explained the situation through wireless signals. That being said, it is not only the illusion that Captain Yang Mu can see.

The command center calls Diablo I. Please report the situation.

This is this

What should I say?

disaster? Unknown creature? Airspace violation?

The word monster is not considered. The Air Force Self-Defense Force did not describe this communication symbol.

To make an explanation, it must be based on existing knowledge. However, such knowledge far exceeds the thinking ability of Captain Yang Mu.

Lower some heights to get a closer look.

Wait for Kobayashi, wait.

Feeling an indescribable bitter cold in the back, Captain Yang Mu stopped the wingman conditionally. However, Xiaolin Xiaolin's F15 has completed a series of actions from slow rotation to descent.

Come back soon, Diablo II!

If you get close to some observations, you can know that

At this moment, the two fighters are no longer onlookers.

The opponent is not a modern weapon such as an anti-aircraft gun or an air-to-air missile, so Xiaolin Xiaolin cannot estimate the enemy's attack range. Tentacles that can be stretched freely within a hundred meters are too late to even think.

After the joystick suddenly failed, he couldn't understand what was happening. The fighter plane crashed into the invisible wall, circling and falling, violently shaking, making it difficult for him to scream.

Despite this kind of death, in a sense, it is a lucky end compared with Captain Yang Mu who has witnessed everything.

On the surface of the meat on the river, several thick nets stretched out to entangle Diablo II, regardless of the propulsion of the engine, and forced to pull the body down. This kind of scene can only be described as a nightmare.

Crashed with the meat, but the body did not explode. F15, which was rolled into scrap iron, fell deep into the huge protoplasm, and there was nothing left to be swallowed.

Kobayashi! ,, ..

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