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Even if my sword wins the Holy Grail, if I entrust the Holy Grail to you, I

Saber's mind flashed the setting sun of Camlan (transliteration is Camlan), and the longing wish hidden in her heart made her words ambiguous in the end.

In that sad space, other voices were inserted from behind her.

Answer me, cut heir. In any case, this time you have an obligation to explain.

Even Alice Phil, who had full trust in Chedi, had to raise her voice this time.

Unlike Saber, she fully understands her brother's way of thinking and understands him. But there is a huge difference between the idea of ​​language expression and the actual action in front of you.

Just when Lancer asked Rod Elumeiroy's fiancee, she had a cold hunch in her heart. But the conscience in her mind denied that possibility. How to say, do that

As a result, even Alice Phil, who was her sister, underestimated the poisonousness of Chedi.

So, this is the first time you have witnessed my killing directly. Ellie.

Wei Gong cut heirs to change the silence so far and replied in a dry voice. He glanced at Saber's dim and cold eyes, turning to Alice Phil while revealing the feeling of shrinking in shame.

Now, cut heir. Don't talk to me, go talk to Saber. She needs to talk to you.

No, I have nothing to say about that Servant. It is useless to say anything about murderers who are swayed by glory and reputation.

He kept talking to Alice Phil and said fearlessly insulting Saber. Saber certainly won't ignore it.

Do not insult Cavaliers, animals in front of me!

Even in the face of the fury of the knight king Liu Liu's eyebrows, the cut heir remained still. He still doesn't take Saber into his eyes, his eyes are still on his wife. But at this moment, he finally started talking like a bamboo tube pouring beans.

Cavaliers cannot save the world. This has been the case in the past, and it will remain so in the future. Those guys, the means of advocating fighting are divided between right and evil, and the performance on the battlefield seems to have dignity. Because the heroes of all generations have been covered with that kind of fantasy, how many young people do you think are blinded by the heroic reputation and eventually bleed to death?

That is not fantasy! Even if it is a matter of life, as long as it is human behavior, there must be laws and ideas that must not be violated. Never lose the meaning! Otherwise, the endless war will eventually turn this world into **** again!

Saber retorted abruptly. However, Cut He scoffed at this.

You see, like this, as you said, Ellie. This heroic lord actually thought that the battlefield would be better than hell.

What a joke! No matter in what era, the battlefield is a **** of fake replacement. There is no hope on the battlefield, but nothing but worthless despair. Some are just built on the despair of the loser, the sin called victory.

Everyone who met there admitted no room for refusal to admit the evil and stupidity of an act called war. As long as people do not confess and regard it as the most evil taboo, **** will reappear in the world countless times.

For Saber, who only knew the ruthless, iron-hearted cut heir, it was the first time she saw the man on the other side of the Wei Palace cut by the endless grief and lament, and his sad monologue.

But no matter how high the mountain of corpses piled up by humans, they did not realize the truth. Because no matter in what era, the brave and fearless heroes confuse everyone's eyes with gorgeous heroic legends. Because the idiots are motivated and unwilling to admit that **** sacrifice is evil in itself, the essence of humanity has been stagnant since the Stone Age!

To whom was the anger in those eyes full? It was already self-explanatory.

Probably since the day when the war was ignited in the land of Dongmu, Cheir was full of intolerable anger, watching the glorious postures of the heroes who were proud of courage and bravery.

Leaving wise people, longing for wise people, the anger of nowhere to vent these two is full of hatred for the overall concept of heroic spirit produced by people's prayers.

So heir, are you humiliating Saber because of your aversion to the spirit?

How can it be. I didn't carry that kind of private feelings. I want to win the Holy Grail to save the world. I just took the most appropriate means while fighting for it.

If you fight as scheduled, and if you do not capture but kill Sora immediately, Lancer, who completely cut off the magic power supply, should be eliminated naturally. But what he adopted was a policy that completely ruled out the possibility that the lost Servant would sign a contract with another person and make a comeback. Based on the results of the battle against Caster, he expected that Kenes, who was protected by the Dongmu Church, might get the order again. So, prepared such a complicated trap.

Eliminate Servant with the help of a command from an enemy Master, and then kill the Master. During the complete and thorough removal of obstacles, Saber was asked not to defeat Lancer, but to distract Lancer's attention when Chesi persuaded Kenneth and simply acted as a soldier.

In today's world and the way people live today, war cannot be avoided in any way. In the end it will definitely need to be killed as evil. Then, with the greatest efficiency and the least sacrifice, it is the best way to solve everything in the shortest time. If you want to defame it as despicable and belittled as malicious, it is up to you. Justice cannot save the world. I have no interest in that kind of thing.

Saber recalled Lancer's last angry look that disappeared. Then, she gazed motionlessly at the tragic bodies of the men and women falling in the pool of blood, and the painful expression engraved on her face.

Even so, you

Saber was about to express his thoughts, but suddenly found that his voice was lower and calmer than expected. Only then did she realize that her complicated feelings for Chedi were no longer just the anger just now, but had turned into some kind of pity.

That's right, he may be a man who deserves mercy.

It is not this world that needs to be saved, but is he himself?

Wei Gong cut heirs. I don't know what kind of betrayal you have suffered in the past, and despair because of what. But the anger and the lamentation is undoubtedly the possession of those who pursue justice. Don’t hesitate, when you are young, you really want to be a partner of justice. You should believe more than anyone and want to be the hero to save the world, don’t you? ,, ..

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