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Wu Mi nodded without hesitation, expressing agreement.

Because she is a woman who was born as a human but survived as a prop. Only in this way can I agree with a woman who was created as a prop but ushered in the end as a human being.

Even if I fight this life Alice Phil, I will protect you to the end.

Therefore, in order to cut the heir to the palace, please do not die. In order to realize that person's ideal.

Thank you

Stretching out his trembling hand, Alice Phil held Jiuyu Mai's hand.

He looked at his black eyes from the height of his chest, like a pair of gems.

This is the fact, and Tosaka felt it again. This girl is the rare treasure that the Yuanban family has obtained since the fifth generation and is equivalent to a miracle.

Rin Tosaka.

Although she is young, she looks destined to be a beauty in the future. Compared to her mother's appearance, she has the shadow of her mother when she was young.

The time is early evening, and night has not yet come.

When he came to his wife's home, the officials in front of the gate of Chan City did not intend to step inside. The current minister is one of the masters who is seeking the Holy Grail, and he is already in the place of Shura. In order to protect his wife and daughter, he entrusted them to Chan City. This territory does not allow **** invasion.

Rin stared at the father who called himself out without saying a word with a tense expression. Father didn't just come to see himself, but came with important things. The girl intuitively understood this.

He had made up his mind not to see his daughter until the end of the battle. What caused him to shake was the sudden death of Father Lizheng last night.

The old priest was a friend of his father and watched when the minister grew up. Under the close contract of the two sides, he supported the courtiers behind him. For the time minister, this is the biggest factor that gives him the confidence to win.

Of course, Shichen is not the kind of person who is at a loss when he loses his backing. But it has always been convinced that on the road to victory so far, there has been a dark cloud named in case, which is also an indisputable fact.

Just like the experienced and stubborn priest suddenly fell down, his confidence was suddenly weakened by half.

Until yesterday, the situation of the holy grail war was almost equal to the victory for the officials. But due to the death of a reliable companion, he is now ready to devote himself to the smoke-filled battlefield as a struggler.

If this is his last conversation with Rin?

What should I say to the young girl in front of me?

Sighing and spitting, he stared at his father, waiting for him to speak to himself.

Shichen knew that his daughter had respect and longing for herself as a father.

He knew what he said to his daughter today, and he will definitely decide Rin's future path in the future.

No doubt about the future, it has already been decided. Rin had no choice but to take over as the sixth generation patriarch of the Yuanban family.

Perhaps it was this idea that made Shi Chen feel a little guilty for her daughter.

He crouched down and put his hand on Rin's head. Rin suddenly widened his eyes in surprise.

Seeing this reaction from her daughter, the minister remembered that she had never touched her daughter's head like this in the past.

It would be normal for Rin to be surprised. For the first time, Shichen discovered that he did not know how to show tenderness to his daughter.

Rin Adult helped the association before, and it was up to you to judge the future. If it's you, it's okay to be alone.

He was hesitant at first, not knowing what to say, but as soon as he said this, he began to talk.

He had thought of many, for example, many things need to be conveyed. How to deal with the treasures in the house, that is, gems, and the things inherited from the master, the practice of the underground workshop, etc., Shi Chen grasped the point and came one by one to listen carefully.

Although it has not been imprinted yet, in fact, Rin is already equal to the patriarch named Yuan Yuanjia of the next generation.

Say something off topic.

Toshizaka is definitely not a genius.

Compared with the members of Yuanyuan in the past, his qualifications can only be regarded as mediocre.

The reason why the current courtier can become a skilled and respected magician is, in large part, because he has faithfully followed the family motto.

So he can always be calm and elegant

If you want to get ten achievements, you must pay twenty practice. Passing all kinds of cruel training gracefully and leisurely has become the creed of the courtier. If he insists on saying that he is stronger than others, then perhaps there are only two things: complete self-discipline and self-denial.

At the same time, as the father of his own master and the patriarch of the previous generation, he should have fully foreseen how hard his son will take the devil's aspirations. Therefore, when the previous generation handed over the magic engraving to the courtier, he asked again whether his son would inherit the family business?

This kind of problem is very ceremonial, and it's just a matter of fact. As a son-in-law, Shichen received the education of how to become a leader from an early age. The pride that he had cultivated since childhood made him lose other dreams in life.

Even so, it is necessary to take the form of asking questions, that is, the Shichen still has incomplete choices.

Now I want to think that this is the biggest gift given to him by his father who was the patriarch of the previous generation.

Through his own consciousness, Tosaka decided to step into the devil's path, determined to be free from fate.

It was this consciousness that gave the steely will of Shichen. Since then, it has supported him through the days of harsh cultivation, it is this arrogant arrogance that is the lifestyle of his choice.

If he can also give the treasures from his father to his daughter, then the minister thought sadly.

However, this is no longer possible.

For Rin and Sakura, they had no choice from the beginning.

One of them is full element, five-fold compound attribute, and the other is overhead element, imaginary attribute. Both sisters have rare qualifications equivalent to miracles. This is beyond the scope of the so-called talent, almost equivalent to a spell.

The magic will also attract the magic. Prominent people who are far from organized are bound to attract the same unusual experience. This is beyond his own will. The only way to deal with this fate is to consciously get out of the way.

The daughters of Shichen had no other way to deal with the devilishness hidden in their blood except to understand the devil's path and practice. The fact that the Yuansaka family's protection can only be given to one of them, I do not know how long the tormented the minister. A person who has not become a heir will be caught in various weird events due to his own blood and will ignite his upper body. If the Magic Association finds such ordinary people, the guys will be happy to soak her in formalin as a specimen in the name of protection.

Because of this, the Jiantong family hopes to get Ying as a foster daughter, which is tantamount to the gift of heaven. Get a way to enable both loved daughters to inherit the first-class magic path, without being bound by blood and cause and effect, and develop their own lives. At this time, the courtier can be said to be liberated from being a father. ,, ..

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