Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 11 Chapter 157: .·ready

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First, go to the outdoor store in the department store and buy sleeping bags and insulation mats that can be used in the winter mountains. Although it takes a lot of money to buy these things, compared with the game consoles purchased by Rider, it is simply a little witch.

What is really depressing is the price of nutrients and heaters sold in pharmacies, which is simply cheap to death. If you want to create medicines and props with the same effect through magic, you need to consume a lot of magic power, and the cost is dozens of times different. Although buying this thing felt bad for the reputation of being a magician, the dazed Webber bought more than he actually needed.

Weber felt deeply depressed about the time he was born in. It was really untimely. How good would it be if he grew up in an era full of admiration and fear of magic. Why would you want to be born in such a time when the stove is only 400 yen and you do not know how hard life is?

In short, after buying these necessities. Webb took the bus back to Fukuyama-cho and bought the eel meatball lunch at the convenience store where he took two more stops at the Mackay home, and then heated it slightly in the microwave. In order to be able to eat this meal while it is hot, you need to hurry to your destination next.

In fact, Weber couldn't help but want to ask Rider what happened. But there was no way to serve Servant without any explanation or even reluctance to reveal his face. If Weber can be more open-minded, he must have asked the answer he wanted. But he must have a lot of worries. As a magician, he is completely immature. His sense of powerlessness makes him afraid to ask Rider.

But even though he was thinking this way, he still refused to bow his head to Rider. After all, he was originally called by his Servant to drink, which was already shameful enough.

I am really weak and incompetent. But Weber himself was very reluctant to admit this. If he can bring the best results through careful preparation, then even Rider can no longer underestimate himself, so Weber with such an idea chose Silent for Rider's silence.

quickly. Weber had already passed through the residential area and walked into a wooded forest that was to be developed into a green park.

Through the small jungle that had not yet opened the way, Weber kept walking to the deepest point. Although the day and night scenes here are completely unconcerned, for Weber, he is still advancing inwardly.

After finally arriving at his destination and confirming that everything was intact, Webber sighed in peace. After laying the insulation mat on the ground sprinkled with fallen leaves, Weber sat on it and took out the bento that he had just bought in a convenience store and ate it. The microwave-heated bento is already cold, and the taste has become less delicious, but now these are no longer important. The most important thing now is to consume the energy needed to sustain life.

Is it delicious? This?

It has been a whole day plus a night that Rider has not heard. Even if he becomes a spirit, is it still food that can interest him? Weber couldn't help thinking.

No, it's not tasty. I am afraid this is the most unpalatable in the Japanese diet.

Hearing Weber's answer, the spiritualized Rider seemed to regretfully sigh.

Boy, do you remember a shop called Pancake. Zhong Kui you passed by in Xindu just now? The new pancakes there are really amazing, but unfortunately you didn’t buy them

If you still want to eat, hurry up and return to a state where it can be materialized.

The atmosphere of silence spread wonderfully. But now Weber is very calm. Eating the eel bento, the teenager who was a trainee magician continued to speak.

Do you know where it is? This is the place to call you. Needless to say how high the spirit here is. And the magic circle used to summon that night has not been destroyed. For you, Dongmu is the best place for you. It must be helpful to the efficiency of your recovery here.

In fact, Weber had noticed the night before. Large treasures such as the army below are used continuously for two nights without any consequences.

Just to develop such a powerful inherent enchantment and to maintain it for a period of time consumes a lot of magic power, not to mention that Rider himself was also severely injured within the enchantment during the battle with Caster.

And the consumption of these magic forces makes Rider who is so obsessed with materialization have to turn to the spiritual state to concentrate on recovery, which shows that its consumption is not small.

I will stay here today. Do nothing and just sleep, so you can take my magic power as long as you don’t let me die. In this case, it should be very helpful for your recovery.

Rider's spirit seemed silent for a long moment with his mouth wide open and surprised. Then he laughed.

Hahaha. Since you noticed, why didn't you say it early? Well, I'm really sorry.

Fool! If you recover like this now, it’s dangerous for me!

Weber couldn't help getting angry. Rider, who had always been careless, was embarrassed this time. If we really talk about the cause of this situation, Weber should feel ashamed.

The reason for Weber's reluctance to keep Rider materialized is that the magic supply of Weber as a Master is far less than the magic consumption required by Rider to recover.

Of course, this is a shame for Master. I don’t deserve to manipulate a powerful Servant like Rider, which is the best proof that I am just a fragile second-rate magician. Shame, resentment, this is the portrayal of Weber's mood now.

So is it wrong that you can't correctly grasp your Servant status, or have you kept concealing the fact that you are not willing to tell this fact to your Rider? If Rider directly proposes to himself when he feels that the magic power is insufficient. Weber had such consciousness for a long time, maybe there is still a way.

After Webber finished eating all the bento, he ate all the nutrients he had bought. Then asked the spirit body beside him.

What's wrong? Never talking?

No, I'm wondering if I can keep going. The battle by the river was not as expensive as expected.

In order to prevent the sea monster called by Caster from landing, Rider maintained the inherent enchantment of the king's army beyond the limit. Anyway, that's a bit too rude. At that time, Weber was more worried about his Servant than his alliance with Saber.

result. Your trump card consumes magic power unexpectedly?

No. It's just that the scale has become larger. Those guys in the army are not summoned and do not need to consume too much magic power to maintain. ,, ..

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