Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 11 Chapter 172: ·failure

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The moment when the incarnation of Thor is about to put his hoof on Saber's short body

"Sword of Victory!"

Like the golden flashes of countless comets, the night is as bright as the day.


The vision was seized by it, dazzled by it, and Weber couldn't help but turn around. Under the fierce impact, he understood the truth through extremely calm thinking.

Seeing the light of Saber’s treasure with his own eyes means that before the Shenwei wheel reached the final step, the Knight King took the first step to launch the attack.

But even so, the touch of the thick arm that continued to the shoulders did not disappear.

Understanding the failure of one's own side also means the fact that one is still alive and staying sober.

Weber carefully opened his eyes and saw the terrible scene on the battlefield.

As a result of the "Sword of Victory", the pavement was burned out in an instant, and even the distant woods were blown away in an instant. The road and the extension line were engraved with huge Hengji. Asphalt reaches the melting point and emits a foul odor, which is very pungent. Who is holding the young Master like a little luggage, you don't need to know.

"Ah failed."

Rider whispered in regret as if from his heart. However, considering the current situation is really too light.

It seems that Rider was not injured. However, the chariot he was riding on, and the two **** cows had disappeared. The treasure "Shenwei Wheel" completely withstands the power of the "Vow of Sword of Vow", so it disappears without a trace like the sea monster of the previous Caster, leaving no dust.

At the moment on the verge of death, Rider, who understood his failure, quickly hugged Webber from the throne and escaped from the attack on the city's treasures on the occasion of a sudden attack. The two are really dead. But the price is high enough. The flying chariot since Rider has been the main weapon has disappeared in the end.

However, this did not end Weber's immediate will to use the will of the battle to chase away the frustration of losing. Even if "Shenwei Wheel" is taken away, there is still a real trump card to conquer the king.

"Rider! Use "King's Army""

To Weber who said this, Rider shook his head softly, but firmly. Regarding the anticipation of the second half of the war during the break, it seems that Conqueror King has no plans to overthrow it. To use Saber as an opponent is to use a chariot at best. The call of the guards that can only be launched once must be saved until the duel with Archer.

However, no matter how strong Rider's physique is, he won't be defeated and fought in a white-blade battle that lost his mobile power. Obviously Saber has an absolute advantage. Although the two have great physical differences, this is a war between Servants beyond common sense. Although Saber looks very weak, she has a fighting ability like a monster. Weber has already been fighting so far. Fully realized.

Obviously Rider also knew her strength. But the conquering king still didn't have any timid appearance. He held up the sword and confronted Saber with no sign of retreat.

Saber was the first to lose in the staring match.

She put the sword wrapped in the storm into the scabbard, then let go of the throttle valve and slid the rear wheel to reverse the direction of the car and drove away from Rider.

Without selling the flaw to Rider at all, Saber quickly accelerated again while sliding the rear wheel, leaving a huge roar of exhaust gas and rushing towards the streets of Dongmu City in one breath.

For Weber, of course, they were surprised. Saber must now hurry to find Alice Phil and have no time to compete with Rider. She must find the culprit that led her to fight Rider, and then from that person’s hand To regain Alice Phil, for this purpose, even if you throw the duel with Rider aside, you must retreat as soon as possible.

The blink of an eye disappeared from the line of sight, leaving only the roar of the motorcycle that was moving away, and Weber stood there dumbly listening to the sound of the motorcycle. Rider, who had been listening to the exhaust sound in his ears, nodded and showed a sympathetic expression.

"Motorbike, it's really a good thing."

"You, was this the first sentence you said after losing?"

Suddenly losing his strength out of the aftermath of the battle, Weber asked Rider angrily and suddenly realized an important problem, so he became very frustrated.

"Hey, Rider, why are we going?"

"Ah, then, only go back."


In the darkness, Weber looked at the new capital shining in the distance and sighed deeply-

In front of him was the behind-the-scenes hands of the Jiantong family who had only heard about his name and had never seen him before.

Ingeniously choose the small figure standing in the dead corner of the night street where the bright light cannot penetrate. Although his appearance is very dry and aging, on the contrary, this old man is a very dangerous existence, and the Secretary has repeatedly said to himself. Although on the surface it is declared that it has been hidden from the world, it secretly uses the magic of the magic path to sing its own life. The Tong family has ruled for several generations of weirdos. In a sense, it is much more dangerous than Yan Ye who is a Master, and a character that needs special attention.

"Yanfeng Qili. I heard that you are that particularly stubborn and upright Qizheng son, are you?"

"It is true."

Hearing this hoarse voice, Qili nodded in agreement.

"Hum is too unexpected. It is often said that Golden Phoenix flew out of the henhouse. That's true. I didn't expect the man to give birth to your old son like a traitor."

"What the **** are you doing, Tongtong Inkstone."

Qi Li ignored the provocation of the old magician and questioned.

"You obviously belong to Yan Ye, why do you want to hide here and eavesdrop?"

"What. I did it just because my parents worried about their children. I wanted to see for myself what kind of help this child Yan Ye found."

Intentionally pretending to smile like the good grandpa, but there is obviously a place different from ordinary people in the dry face like a skeleton. It seems that it is obviously impossible to have such a smile according to the structure of his face.

"I heard what you said to him to please Yan Ye. You seem to be planning to get rid of the son of Yuanban's family."

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