Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 11 Chapter 176: ·Satisfy

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It is no surprise that he was a friend of Tosaka Tosaka, and he was treated as a guest by his hospitality.

Become Archer's new Master, and now it is very likely to regain the spell, which means that in the past, Servant lost the Master's power, and is still alive.

No need to think about only one person. And after getting a new Servant and taking part in the Holy Grail War again, kidnapping Alice Phil and controlling the "Holy Grail" in her own hands is a natural course of action.

Just like this, heir finally realized that the confrontation with Yanfeng Qili was inevitable-

Although it was late at night, the church on the hill was still brightly lit.

Being in the place of God's resting place owed by the earth, a little contradiction and sadness prevented Jian Tongyan's footsteps.

It is easy to be appeased by the formal consolation of the place of prayer, and feel the peace of human simplicity. Although he sneered at this, on the other hand, he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of sympathy for this kind of human who even wanted to find a spiritual sanctuary even if he knew that it was deception and falsehood.

If someone says to himself that all the struggles that man has suffered in this world are just the test of God against man, Yan Ye will certainly be unable to stretch out his hand and strangle God and his angel. But if someone asks if ordinary humans who are not gods can redeem them, looking at their gradually decaying bodies, Yan Ye can only quietly say nothing.

Step by step, slowly approach the Holy Grail. However, the engraved bug in the body eroded the body several times as fast as it approached the Holy Grail.

If you listen carefully, you can hear the whispers of the swarms that eat the flesh and eat the bones. The pain caused by the marking insects that slowly eroded the body has become a natural part of Yan Ye's body like breathing and beating heart. Consciousness often becomes blurred, and when you wake up, the feeling of the passing of the event becomes indifferent.

The kind of sacred method of giving up everything that I absolutely don't need, slowly erodes my heart like water seeping through a crack.

How many times can you fight?

How many more days can I live?

If you want to get the Holy Grail and redeem Sakura with your own hands, the last resort is to expect miracles.

Since this is the case, Yan Ye should play it. Facing the smoke money from the roof to the ground, he looked down at his huge cross, kneeling on his knees.

"What a joke!"

For the cowardly and cowardly people who control themselves, Yan Ye couldn't help but curse like a curse to motivate herself.

I did not come to the church at this time in order to get ridiculous salvation. It's better to say the opposite. Yan Ye came tonight to get the blood of the enemy. If you believe Yanfeng Qili, Tosaka Tosaka must be waiting for Yan Ye's visit in the chapel. Not to confess or to pray, but to vent his resentment, Yan Ye stood in front of the altar.

Due to the duel between the once defeated officials, Yanfeng Qili has already prepared herself for the chance of a snow and humiliation that was not possible. Tonight is the last chance to kill the wicked magician. Must not be careless.

The burning fire of disgust in the chest, physical pain and entanglement, and despair burned all this to ashes. For Yanye now, this is the holy agent that can overcome the salvation and healing wounds of any faith.

The memory of failing to revenge with one arrow in the last battle further inflamed Yan Ye's inner anger.

There is only one thought in my mind, that is, to make the minister who robbed Aoi away and abandon Sakura by hand. Now the only thing I want to think about is to knock down the minister. Only in this way can we forget the outreach of the Holy Grail and the fear of failure. Only when it becomes an automatic machine driven by anger can Meng Tongyan Ye be liberated from the bitterness of her chest. There was even a smile on the corner of the mouth. Now even if Berserker is not around, he doesn't feel horrified. If it is possible to dig out the heart of the prince, and his body is covered with his blood, now it does not matter to Yan Ye.

His shoulders were trembling non-stop, and he breathed like a wild beast. Yan Ye came to the door of the church, his body full of murderous intent. Open the door slowly.

The soft candlelight illuminates the chapel. Contrary to the warm atmosphere, the air is frozen like a frozen, terrible silence. Yan Ye felt a kind of feeling like a tomb and felt a little uncomfortable.

However, the moment he saw the head of the person sitting at the forefront of the believer's seat, he was immediately filled with overflowing anger.

"Tosaka, Shichen!"

The call was full of murderous intentions, but no one answered. Yan Ye understood this silence as the arrogant attitude of the magician, so he continued to make great strides and shorten the distance between himself and the courtier.

"Did you want to kill me, Shichen? But you are too naive. I will come to countless times before giving you the retribution."

But Shichen still turned his back to Yan Ye without any warning, without any response. Yan Ye slowly slowed down because of uneasiness and state.

Wouldn't it be a deliberately put a doll of the hour in order to let Yan Ye be fooled. But looking closer, no matter the width of the shoulders, the gloss of the curly hair that is well managed, and the shape of the ears that can be seen, there is no doubt that it is Tosaka Tosaka. Yan Ye will never misunderstand the look of this enemy who hates his teeth, because Yan Ye has engraved his look into his mind.

After reaching the distance within reach, Yan Ye stopped. There was still no movement at the hour. Yan Ye's heart was filled with inexplicable confusion and aversion, staring at the back of the courtier.


Reach out.

The day before yesterday, blocked the defensive fire of all his attacks. Thinking of that burning sensation, I instinctively wanted to avoid physical contact with the courtier.

Even so, it was driven by the urge to grab the neck of Tosaka Tosaka exposed only a few miles away in front of him, and finally his trembling fingertips touched the neck of the draped bow.

Just a light touch, leaning on the body of the believer's seat...

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