Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 11 Chapter 179: ·Elderly

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Grandpa has something to say, can you wait until the day? "

"Don't say that."

Although the tone was calm, the old Guran was very stubborn.

"Go up, kid. The old man seems to want to say something to you."

A rough voice that only Weber could hear said to him like this on his shoulder. Rider finally promised to save the magic, and remained spiritualized on his way home after fighting with Saber.

"I will inspect the situation around, don't care."

"I don't care"

Weber just wanted to refute, but he kept silent. Because Old Man Quran couldn't see the Servant of spiritualization, if Weber talked, it looked like he was talking to himself in a strange way.

"Every guy doesn't care about my position"

As the Holy Grail war is about to come to an end, Weber can't help but feel angered by this irrelevant old man. However, the argument will only make the time longer, even if it is not the case, he was asked The reason for coming back in the morning, I will also fall into a speechless situation. As a result, Weber had to walk towards the roof where the old man was.

One difference between the Mackay family and nearby houses is that there are cabins and skylights on the roof. It is easy to climb from the skylight to the roof by climbing the ladder that extends from the staircase aisle on the second floor to the roof. This is not caused by accident, but when the house is built, it is designed to be easy to climb to the roof. Construction. If you’re used to it, it’s easy to get on the roof.

Although you can climb to the roof so easily, you must endure the frosty cold morning in winter. Weber, who came out of the skylight, was trembling with the north wind. With no shelter at all, the cold in the wind is out of reach on the ground.

"Sit down. Give me coffee and warm my body."

Old Guran spoke aloud while pouring the steaming liquid from the thermos into the cup. Wearing a down jacket and a few blankets wrapped around, it seems that the old man is fully prepared for warmth. Weber wondered why the old man did this.

"Grandpa, have you been sitting here since?"

"I woke up when the sky was white, and I found that you haven't come back, and at this time, you can also look at the constellation of spring, so I want to look at the sky and wait for the grandson to return."

Hearing such drunken words, Weber didn't make a sound, but drank his coffee quietly. I actually thought of looking at the constellation early on. Will people have this kind of leisure as soon as they reach the age?

"What's the matter, Weber, didn't you like it very much as a kid? I've seen the stars with me many times, do you remember?"

"Well, it seems."

Weber casually perverted what he said about his unimpressed past, while looking at the scenery under him.

Because the foundation is located on the **** of the hill, you can see the whole city of Dongmu City from the deep mountain town to the coast from the roof. The air is clear, and the sea surface is dyed pearly by dawn, which can visually identify the shadow of sails sailing far away.

"How about it, is it exquisite?"


For Weber, this is a panoramic view of the battlefield. He had no time to appreciate this beauty.

"At first, he set foot on this land because of a business trip. When discussing with Martha to bury his bones in the land of Dongmu, he asked for two things. The house was built on a deep hill, and it must be able to climb from the skylight to the roof. However, the guy Chris can’t forget Toronto. Those guys just thought they didn’t want to be raised as Japanese.”

The eyes of Old Guran, who was immersed in the memories, looked to the other side of the sea, to the hometown of the leaving sons.

"Do you like Japan so much?"

"That's right. However, to say that this is the reason for quarreling with the sons and telling the truth, I really regret it."

The old man sighed with loneliness.

"Sit on the roof like this and watch the stars with my grandson. This is the dream I have always had. Although I didn't expect it to come true."


There was an obvious sense of incongruity in the expression of mixed smiles, which made Weber startled.

Just like fooling him, Old Guran shook his head quietly and said.

"The real grandchildren have never been with me on the roof. Martha is also afraid of high places. When watching the stars, I am always the only one."


It was a sense of shame that Webber was more thoroughly hit than a sense of crisis and embarrassment.

"I said, Webber, are you not our grandson?"

The hint was lifted and it was the kind old man who had no magic literacy.


"Well, who are you? It doesn’t matter who you are. Although Martha and I have always believed that you are our grandson, this thing is incredible, but after living for so long, the incredible things in the world no matter what you think or incredible. In short, your usual performance is much gentler than our grandson."

"Are you angry?"

Weber asked quietly. Elder Guran said with a complex and calm expression.

"Well, it's natural to be angry. However, Martha often laughs happily recently, which was not possible before. From this point, I want to thank you instead."


"And, it seems that you didn’t come in with malicious intent on us, whether you know the man who is called Alex or not, are now rare and straightforward young people. Why is this done, this I can’t understand anything like this."

According to Weber's judgment, the old man was now unprepared and too slow. The little mice in the Clock Tower Academy are smarter than him.

Why not hate yourself, why not blame yourself. For Weber, who only knows the small world of the Magic Association, the old man's tolerance is hard to understand.

"Or maybe it’s because I don’t know about you, so I can ask if I can, so I hope this relationship can be maintained for a while. Let me not be said first, Martha probably didn’t feel anything wrong, whether it’s a dream or something. The time spent with gentle grandchildren is a rare treasure for us."

Weber couldn't bear to look at the old man. He looked down at his hand.

These pairs will one day create mysterious and provocative hands. I must have such a talent even if it is denied by others, at least, I firmly believe in this possibility.

But what is the result?

Even hypnosis suggests that the foundation in this foundation is not well completed. Whether it is bad luck or an accident, these interfaces are useless. Even the kind-hearted old man who asked himself to "coax us for a while." could not maintain satisfactory results with his technique.

If it was the man, as long as he laughed and talked about the wine, he could achieve his goal. ,, ..

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