Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 11 Chapter 190: ·Double King

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Although the method of use does indeed weaken the effect of the spell, but based on Servant’s original intention and the continuous launch of three spells, Weber’s spell is indeed effective against Rider-as long as Rider’s actions are aimed at "victory", he You can get extraordinary enhancement magic. In short, Rider is now in an "unusual state" like never before.

"Na Archer. Speaking of the declaration, we have an agreement at the previous banquet."

"Do you mean the conclusion that you and I can only meet each other?"

"Before that, shouldn't you drink the residual wine first?"

Rider's smile is so innocent, making it hard to imagine that he will face a death fight next. I saw him urging the hero king.

"Although I was disturbed by the inexplicable **** at that time... but there is still a little left in the bottle. You never want to hide my eyes."

"I really deserve to be the king of usurpation, and take such a close look at others' things."

Archer smiled bitterly and took a full set of wine from the "treasure house" of the other world, and poured the remaining god-generation wine at the bottom of the bottle into the two wine glasses. The two kings raised their glasses solemnly like a boxer who clenched their fists.

"King of Babylonia, please allow me to ask the last question as the end of the banquet."

"Precise, you say it."

Although Iskandar held the glass seriously, his eyes were childish.

"For example, if my "King's Army" is armed with your "King's Treasure", he will definitely become an invincible teacher. What kind of Western Residents are not as good as a fart."

"Well, so?"

"I ask again, do you want to form an alliance with me? As long as we join forces, we can definitely hit the end of Xinghai."

The hero king laughed as if he heard the joke in the world.

"You're really an interesting guy. I haven't laughed so much for a man's arrogance for a long time."

Although he was laughing, his ruthless murderousness was not weakened. For this golden king, killing intent and pleasure are basically synonymous.

"It's a pity that I don't need a second friend. My friend has been his only person since ancient times. - And there are no two kings in this world."

Although rejected by the other party, the conquering king did not show any disappointment, but nodded quietly.

"Is the lofty kingly way. Your firm way of survival, let me challenge me boldly."

"Very good. Just show yourself, conquer the king. You are a thief worth my own trial."

The two kings drank the last wine, dropped the glass, and turned away. The two did not turn around again, and each walked straight back to Qiaotou.

Weber nervously witnessed the last toast of the two, and sighed the return of Wang.

"Are you really good friends?"

"That's right. But now we are facing each other. He may be the last person in my life to intersect with his eyes. How can he not treat him with courtesy."

"...Don't talk silly."

Webber's voice was low, refuting the half-joking Iskandar.

"How can you die. I don't agree, don't you remember my order?"

"Yeah-oh, that's right."

Rider smiled sternly, and once again stepped on the long-awaited Bucevarus, pulling out the saber around his waist.

"Assemble, my countrymen! Tonight, our bravery will leave the strongest legend!"

The hot sand wind is like echoing the king's call, and the mist blowing away from the river surges up the bridge.

From the time and space gathered together, the thoughts of the elves who shared the same dream with the king are gathering under the Celtic sword.

The endless sky, the hazy horizon under the heat. Looking around, anyone will take a picture of it.

The brave men crave the image of the battlefield through time and space, eroding reality, turning the unmanned bridge into a great plain raging by the whirlwind.

Immediately afterwards, the heroic rider drove to the stage of the decisive battle.


For Weber, this is the second time he has witnessed the magnificent power of the "Army of Kings". Although he is no longer surprised, after understanding what it means to be the ultimate treasure embodied as the king of Iskandar , But he added a little awe.

The golden cavalry is elite-once the bond between the master and servant formed by the conquered king has even crossed the isolation between this world and the secluded world.

Their battlefield is sublimated to eternity, and there is no need to choose a real place. As long as the conquering king holds up the flag of domineering again, the courtiers will follow him to the end of the world.

That is the glory with the king.

That's the joy of the blood veins born by fighting side by side.

"The enemy is the king of heroes of Wan Fu Mo Dang-no complaint as an opponent! Strong men, show our original domineering to the original heroes!"

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!!"

Iskandar screamed loudly, and the troops present immediately shouted.

Facing this vast army alone, Archer's face had no fear. He was just calm and upright on the spot. The standing posture that shone with golden light was like a steep lonely mountain, and the pressure of that prestige is a reflection of being a demigod.

"Although you come here, Lord of the Overlord. Now let you know what the true king is..."

The hero king shouted fearlessly, and the heroic forces led by the heroic Mabse Farus, rushed past in a wedge formation.

The leading Rider roared, and the cavalry responded. Even Weber screamed weakly and joined the choir that was so loud.


Saber is wandering in the east end of the new capital in search of Alice Phil. Of course, she also noticed the wolf smoke emitted by Rendongmu Civic Hall.

Although she did not understand the meaning of the signal, it was undoubtedly related to the Holy Grail war. Seeking to help doctor Saber in a hurry, as if he had caught the straw, he drove to the place where the smoke was burning.

Saber, who can reach his destination without crossing the far river, was first met by the Archer who guarded the bridge and arrived at the Dongmu Civic Hall first.

Saber drove the V-MAX in the silent night, roaring the V-shaped four-cylinder engine into the wall or a brand new front yard.

There are no enemies in sight, and no murderous intention hidden in the darkness. In that case-is the enemy lurking in the building?

Saber stared at the dark outer wall of the Civic Hall for a moment and drove the V-MAX to the guide lane for guests. She went down the sloped road below the building and entered the underground parking lot. ,, ..

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