Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 11 Chapter 192: ·the truth

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The sprinklers on the ceiling reacted to the spreading flames and began to spray the water curtain violently. Although the whole body was exposed to the fireproof water pouring down like a rainstorm, the silver and the black knight still stood still.

In Saber's mind, questions that couldn't be ignored again.

The illusion of the Wind King's enchantment has no effect on Berserker. He was obviously familiar with the sword guarded by the invisible sheath. In other words, this means that he knew himself before becoming a hero.

In Warehouse Street and Weiyuanchuan, the black knight attacked Saber with unusual obsession. If it was not the Master’s instructions, but the resentment of this crazy hero...

The more you stare at the dark fog, the more blurred the armor details. This means that Berserker is surrounded by the enchanted guardian similar to the wind king's enchantment, making it absolutely impossible to see the true face of his hero. But Saber had to be convinced at this point-he was undoubtedly a knight he knew.

"... Judging from your skill, it must not be a nameless knight. I ask you!"

Saber made up his mind and shouted to the enemies facing each other across the mist.

"Since you recognize that I am the king of Britain, Altria Pendragon, and challenge me, you should report your origins from the glory of the knight! To conceal your identity challenge is like secret calculation!"

The sound of pouring rain was mixed with the crisp metallic sound of "clicking". Although it was slight, the sound diving into the ear was so cold that it was undoubtedly made by Berserker-the whole armor shivering under the dark mist.

It was the sound of the armor that completely covered the limbs vibrated slightly like a wave of water and collided with each other.


Saber finally noticed the source of the weird voice that seemed to crawl and grumble across the ground.

The sound of being crushed and sobbing came from the depths of the black helmet. Berserker twitched, showing unrestrained feelings.

Laughter-When Saber understood this, the unspeakable chills penetrated the body.

She had no speculation and basis, only to understand with the guidance of the sixth sense-her previous question had made a fatal mistake.

Unfortunately, she found it too late. For her, the sentence that would evoke the worst curse was already spoken by herself.

The black mist covering the whole body of the black knight rolled up and began to shrink. In the pouring water mist, the dark armor finally revealed the true face of Lushan.

It is a perfect armor that is neither gorgeous nor vulgar, but can combine functional beauty with gorgeousness.

The craftsman did everything he could to make the casting meticulous, making it both powerful and refined. Even the innumerable scars on the above have become carvings that exemplify their heroic military achievements, adding to their bravery. That's the ideal battle costume that all knights can't help but envy.

Saber knows the brave man who once wore that armor and galloped the battlefield. He is the unparalleled swordsman who is more dazzling than anyone on the round table of Camelot, the knight and the brave soldier who is more outstanding than anyone.

"You--how could--"

I wish I had read it wrong. He is the ideal embodiment of the "Knight". That mighty posture can never become the dark figure eroded by the madness curse.

The Black Knight grinned as if mocking Saber's thoughts, while reaching out to the hilt of the sword in the scabbard. The sword was neither a pick nor a snatch. This hero who had always concealed his name finally revealed his own treasure.

Saber could only stare helplessly as he slowly pulled out the sword in his scabbard.

That's right, the design of the sword is exactly the same as that of her own sword-the imprint of the elf as a proof of forging by the hands of the inhuman. The reflection of the sharp blade under the moon is like the shining lake water. It is an infinite sword that will never be destroyed by any blow.

The sword is only qualified for him as being praised as the "perfect knight", and its name is also expensive as "the lake of no destruction"-that is more evidence than the self-reported door to show the true name of the holder.


The complaint shouted back in the black helmet. Under this shock, the mask that had cracked due to Saber's previous blow broke.

A black face emerged from the cracked mask.

The beauty that has envied countless women in the past is gone. He was thin and haggard as a ghost because of his former hatred, and only the eyes full of hatred radiated light. That's because the curse finally lost all of its own, the appearance of a living person.


Saber just felt his knees soft. The unyielding cavalier was selfless due to despair, as if unable to bear the weight of the water droplets hitting his shoulders and spine, he knelt down on the wet floor.

——Even if you are a hero, you will end up losing the minimum glory——

In the past, someone once told her so.

So to speak, has the curse started since then?

"...You are so..."

Saber looked at the figure that had no dignity and dignity in the past, completely transformed into the seat of madness, and burst into tears, just questioned.

"...Do you hate me so much, my friend... even if it becomes that you hate me so much, Knight of the Lake!"

That's the girl who kept her glory until the end, and fought to the end for the honor—

The moment of defeat-

In the silence, a burning smell came, and there seemed to be a fire somewhere in this huge building.

Wei Gong cut the heir without a hurry, and walked slowly and decisively into the center of the unmanned porch.

He moderately relaxes the muscles of his body, and does not apply excess force to any part. On the other hand, the nerve is like a mirror that is more quiet and clear than the frozen lake, reflecting the panoramic view of the surrounding area. Sharper than hearing, clearer than vision, without any dead ends. Transform yourself into a probe that will immediately detect any slight movements, walk in the darkness.

Yan Feng Qi Li should be somewhere in this Dongmu Citizens' Hall, waiting for the arrival of Wei Gong cut heir.

From the results, the ambush plan planned by Che Si did indeed fall through. But he didn't feel regret at all. Because he was finally able to grasp the true face of Yan Feng Qili, a mysterious enemy, it was quite rewarding. It is precisely because the various predictions of the cut heirs have failed, so the answer was obtained by the elimination method.

In short, the man had no interest in the Holy Grail.

Normally, all Masters will fight for the Holy Grail. This preconceived idea has blinded the heir's eyes until today. Because of this, Yan Feng Qili's unrelated move to the Holy Grail only puzzled Chi-si. ,, ..

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