Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 11 Chapter 197: ·Final

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On the words of praise, he has just received it. The greatest king in the world has recognized him, used him, and listed him as one of his subjects.

It is just to reverse the order of things.

He has already won awards for the distant future. As long as you have spent the rest of your life, you can get merits commensurate with the awards.

Yes. At that time, it was because of that sentence that he was no longer alone.

The moment he understood this, his years as a teenager were over.

Then he knew for the first time that tears can sometimes come out of no humiliation and regret.

At this moment, on the deserted bridge, Weber Wilwitt looked down on the dark river, and let his tears wet his cheeks.

It was hot and cool, the men's tears-

-A woman is crying.

The beautiful cheeks were languishing with sadness, the tangled wrinkles were engraved on the brows, and the woman was crying silently.

Ask yourself questions.

Shame is hard to bear.

As a sinner who is responsible for all the crimes in the world, she can only wash her face with tears all day long.

Everyone in the world is pointing at her-the unfaithful wife, the betrayed princess.

Fools who were blinded by glorious legends did not know the truth, but surrounded her roundly and reprimanded.

They did not even know that her husband was not a man at all.

In this world, only her noble face made "He" pay a sincere heart.

However, all he could recall was her tears full of anguish and melancholy.

Yes, "he" hurt her.



This is the source of the fall.

Even for her, she must have given up everything at first.

To save the war-torn country, there needs to be an ideal king-and beside the king, there should be a noble and virtuous queen. This is the ideal form of **** for everyone.

Compared with this great ideal, a woman's life is almost insignificant.

Even if the king is not a man, even if this marriage is a marriage between two women who hide their gender and are not true, but in order to protect the great justice of the country, this sacrifice is necessary.

Even so, "He" still wants to save her.

Just when he was first seen in the temple, "He" vowed secretly under his heart that he would go to death for this woman.

When she realized that it was "He" that made her suffer, everything was too late.

She has fallen in love with "he" hopelessly.

She has given up the happiness of being a woman, and love is the biggest taboo.

Even if this love affair is not allowed, but if you make up your mind, there should still be a way to carry your sins and stick to the end.

Enemy against the world for the beloved woman is a long-cherished wish of a boy.

But-"he" can't do that.

She is not a "woman" nor a "human being", but a part called "Princess" that supports Wang Zhishi.

"He" is not a "man" nor a "human being", but a part called "knight" who is dedicated to the king.

Known as the "Knight of the Lake"-a brave man who excels in respect and integrity, and behaves elegantly without losing grace. He is the embodiment of the essence of knighthood, and the envy of thousands of people.

This ideal knight is not only admired by thousands of people, but even blessed by elves. This title is both the supreme honor of "he" and the greatest curse imposed on "he".

The "perfect knight" serving the "perfect king"-this man can only survive in this expected and trusted way and die for it.

His life does not belong to him, but to all the people who admire the knighthood and devote themselves to it.

The Wang he serves is too perfect and an impeccable hero. Of course, the "Knight of the Lake" will not be disgusted with this "Knight King" who saved the motherland from fire and water.

"He" loyal to the perfect king and formed a noble friendship with the king.

"He" also knows that behind this noble knighthood, there is a woman who has been torn and no one cares about tears all day long.

It is not known which path is correct.

Should we be cold in the end, carry out the concept, or abandon loyalty and live for love?

When the inner entanglement is painful, time passes relentlessly. Finally, ushered in the worst result.

The despicable men attempted to wipe out Wang Weixin, and the princess' infidelity was finally revealed. In order to rescue the concubine who was sentenced to death, Wang Bing could only face each other-in this way, "he" lost everything.

Knight of Betrayal——

Because of his infidelity, the coordination within the Round Table Knights was broken. Eventually, this incident became the fuse for the war and the country fell apart in the war.

People in the world often use mocking to call "he" in this way.

This stigma has been deeply immersed in the history of the past and will never be known forever.

Therefore, she fell into a deep self-blame that made the "perfect knight" misguided and still crying.

As a result, if "He" did something for the beloved woman-it was to make her cry forever.

If "he" is born as a villain who doesn't know how to be shameless, he might take away the princess without hesitation, and make Wang Yan lose his face.

But "he" is a knight, a knight who is too perfect.

As for the king who is the enemy of love, the culprit that caused the beloved woman to embark on the road of suffering, "he" did not have any grievances from beginning to end.

Yes, who can belittle the famous king? The king of Liufang is braver than anyone else, and noble than anyone else. Put an end to the suffering times.

The king who was invincible and honest was honest and fair, and he believed in faith rather than being influenced by private feelings. He never made any mistakes in his life.

That Wang Biqi has never blamed "he" in his life. Even if he wants to meet the "he" soldier who was removed from the round table, it is just a helpless act of killing one hundred people, and it is not the intention of the king. For the "he" who committed the infamous crime of rebellion, Wang always treated him with noble friendship.

That saintly king is so "correct", how do people resent and hate it?

But-in this way, whether it is "he"'s remorse, or her tears, to whom to vent?

The remorse that has been brought into the coffin was extracted at the end of the long river of time. In the seat of heroes without beginning and end, tortured him eternally... Then he finally heard the call from afar.

Come on, violent beast.

Come on, obsessed wraith. The voice from the end of time called. ,, ..

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