Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 11 Chapter 200: ·Transit

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After understanding the failure of the sneak attack, Cheji adjusted the machine gun to a fully automatic mode, and blocked the action of Qi Li by using airtight suppression shots. At the same time, the right hand was used to expel Contender's cartridge case. Although the machine gun's violent recoil like a wild horse is difficult to control with a left hand, Cheji's right hand still completed a series of operations smoothly. He seems to have trained himself as a combat machine.

What is even more amazing is his spirit. While his left and right hands are performing completely different tasks, he still sings the spell with Superman's concentration.

"Timealter-doubleaccel! (inherent time control-double speed)"

Time in the body is changing, and in order to make the most of the subtle gaps stolen from strong enemies, heirs are desperate.

The accelerated limbs leaped from the ground and jumped back to distance. Machine gun bullets run out. Qi Li adjusted her posture. Chedi threw a machine gun and grabbed 30.06 rounds with his free left hand. Qi Li is approaching. Use a fast speed-fill the bullet into the open ammunition compartment of Contender. Half closed, aiming at--

Three steps away from Qili's iron fist.

Again, Contender roared. Qi Li didn't have time to avoid it, and she didn't have time to pull out the black key.

In fact, Qi Li didn't mean to avoid.

While using footwork to approach the cut heir, Qili again launches a spell. Strengthening of body functions-the acceleration of reflex, the instantaneous explosive strength of the right hand flexor, radial muscle, and pronation circular muscle increase. There is no time to strengthen the sleeves of the bulletproof vest, and the rest depends on one's own efforts.

Before Contender fired a bullet, Qi Li already waved her right arm again. The arm turned into a magic weapon and a spiral was drawn, and a tornado suddenly burst into the air.

This action turned into a force of entanglement. Originally just to defuse the defensive skills of the opponent's fist, after injecting the magic of two spells, it was played out at a speed.

Bullets with an initial velocity of 2,500 inches per second were caught in a fast spiral. Even so, the 30.06 bomb still tore the sleeves of Kevlar fiber and continued to go straight, violently colliding with the hardened arm, making a strange sound of grinding stones.

The scattered sparks violated the usual laws of physics, and the motion energy of about three thousand pounds of force per foot succumbed to the supernormal phenomenon of the magic path. Seeing Contender's second bullet changed its trajectory abruptly and fired into the distance, he felt a cold back.

Monster-he doesn't know what to describe except the word. At this moment, Feng Qili's combat power may already be able to match those desperate. What kind of obsession can make a living person hone his body into such a terrible weapon.

Suddenly a sudden pain hit the whole body, and then he groaned and limped. The body reached its limit due to continuous rapid attacks. Blood vessels ruptured throughout the body, and the bones of the limbs cracked because of the unimaginable burden.

But Qili didn't take advantage of it at the moment. He stood still, as if peering at the other party's next move. A large amount of blood shed from the torn casket on his right arm, probably because he used excessive magic in an impure manner. As a cost of resisting Contender's blow, the right arm, which was overstretched with enhanced magic, was severely traumatized.

The two peered at each other, pondering their next move while analyzing the battle situation.

According to Qi Li's analysis, the cut tactics-the magic that can accelerate the action, and the resilience that can be regenerated even if the heart is destroyed. That is to say, now I have to admit that even the fatal injury to the enemy is in vain, unless you can instantly destroy the other party's brain with one blow. Relatively, self-depletion... The right arm is damaged from muscle to bone, and the consciousness of smashing the entire right fist can only send another blow at most. In addition, although the wound on the forehead is not deep, the blood flowing out affects the vision of the left eye. Due to the continuous shooting, the bulletproof performance of the vest is also greatly weakened, and only the close-fitting protective spell is still intact. Twelve black keys remain, and there are eight remaining pre-order spells.

According to Qiu's analysis, Qili's tactics—unknown magic that can weaken the original projectile, as well as the ultimate trick of Bajiquan. Close combat is very bad for yourself. And its own loss... The machine gun is lost, and Contender needs to be refilled. The remaining weapons are a dagger and two grenades. The initial severe damage to the chest seems to have healed almost, and it will not affect the action, but the damage caused by the inherent control is-

Trying to inject energy into the muscles of the hands and feet, Qiu finally realized something strange.

Active, without any obstacles. The bones that had really broken before were intact at the moment. It was as if I had never been injured-no, I could still feel the aftertaste of pain, but there was no trauma.

"...So it is."

Qi Si finally understood the true value of this trump card in his body. It seems that "the ideal home away from the world" can not only heal the wounds caused by the enemy, but also be effective for its own harm. This discovery gave utmost confidence to Chedi, who was in desperation due to confrontation with an unimaginable strong enemy.

That is to say-

"Timealter tripleaccel! (inherent time control triple speed)"

While spitting out the taboo spell, heir boldly jumped towards Qili. The far unexpected acceleration gave Qi Li a surprise. A hard walnut crushed Qi Li's radius and ulna, and his right arm was completely destroyed.

While slamming with his right arm, Chedi also pulled out the dagger in his waist with his left hand. He concluded that no matter how much threats Qili's boxing poses to him, as long as there is a triple speed guarantee, victory will still belong to him. The original inherent time control is suicidal, but under the guard of Saber's scabbard, it can now be fully utilized as a tactic.

Qi Li avoids the upward thrust of the dagger when she is desheathed, and uses her left arm to block the cut heave and the back cut. However, Chi-si took advantage of these three attacks to approach the left of Qi Li, preparing to use Qi Li's unseen point to her left as an opportunity to attack. As long as he stays on the left side of the enemy, heirs will have a chance to win from the opponent's dead end.

Qie's sharp blade approached, but Qi Li did not turn around, but all used her left body to resist. It didn't make sense to turn around. The broken right arm couldn't resist the cut dagger. So although the resistance of the left body made Qili's situation very unfavorable, there was no other way.

The dagger flashed with cold light and continued to attack continuously. Ordinary people could not clearly see the movements of cut heirs, only to capture the lightning-like afterimages left by the dagger. But Qi Li only resisted and resolved one by one with her left hand. A triple-speed attack still responds to the calm Qi Li's fear of heirs. Several attacks are clearly not in the enemy's line of sight, but the agent's left arm is effectively resisted as if he had long eyes.

"Does it say-"Listening"!?",,...

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