Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 11 Chapter 209: · Malicious

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Seeing his pride and hope disappear in a flash, Saber screamed with tears in his eyes.

——Saber, destroy the Holy Grail——

This is an absolute power that is completely irresistible.

The enormous force of the double mantra ravages and crushes Saber's body, and at the same time draws out the remaining magic in her body and compiles it into the light of destruction.

The released beam traversed the entire auditorium and hit the Holy Grail floating on the stage. Archer swiftly avoided this attack, but because the beam at close range was too dazzling, he had no time to launch an offensive against the cut heir.

The golden holy grail, which was once a part of Alice Phil's body, quietly lost its form in the blazing heat, and then for hours. Saber closed his eyes and dared not face the scene-now, the last hope is shattered. Her fight is over.

That being the case, how could he witness this tragic scene with his eyes open.

In fact, she never opened her eyes again. The treasure that violates my intention to force the power has exhausted Saber's remaining magic power, and even the maintenance of Servant's physical form can't be done. Saber counted the strength and will to stay in this world. Of course, this is also because the Master who is a contractor does not intend to keep her.

Maintaining the posture of wielding the sword, Saber began to break away from this world, and soon her entity disappeared.

At the moment of losing contact with the real world, the last emotion that flashed through Saber's mind was the mystery of the character in the palace.

A lovely father who loves his daughter, a warrior who wants to save the world, and a murderer who despairs of justice, he shows various contradictory fragments of human nature, but in the end betrays everything and denies everything.

Until the end, for such a man, Saber can be sure that only his heart is cold and ruthless.

Until the end, he and she failed to understand each other and build a trust relationship-no, perhaps it should be said that knowing the last moment, she found that she did not understand his real idea at all.

However, this is understandable-

In the fading consciousness, Saber laughed at himself.

How can a man know about a man who has no intersection except to give himself three orders? In such a self, I couldn't even read the letters of the people around me.

All this may be tormenting the "king who does not understand the mood of others"-a long and euphemistic punishment.

Although Saber left the world with scars and failed to realize his ambitions, he didn’t need to witness the tragedy that followed, maybe it was a compensation for her.

The beam of the "Sword of Victory" that destroyed the Holy Grail squandered the ceiling of the stage and split the entire Civic Hall in two. Buildings that had already been burnt out could not bear such a blow, the superstructure was destroyed, and the roof that lost support fell halfway into the auditorium like an avalanche.

Then, through the rubble debris like pillars, cut heir and then exposed "it" in the night sky.

The black sun-what I have seen when contacted with black mud, the symbol of the endless world.

That's because he didn't see it clearly. Its entity is actually a real "hole." It is a space tunnel hidden under the altar of the advent ritual, and the underground of the Yuanzang Mountain on the east side of the deep mountain town. It is connected with the "Great Holy Grail" magic array. It has absorbed the energy of the earth’s veins for sixty years, and now it has obtained six. The interior of the Great Holy Grail of the British soul is filled into a huge magic vortex. This is the body of the black "hole".

The "device" taken from the artificial man in Einzberen is only the key to open the hole, and it is also the control device that keeps the hole stable. Without knowing this secret, heir made a well-known mistake. He should not order Saber to destroy the Holy Grail, but should let her use the "sword of victory" to burn the hole in the sky. Due to the loss of control of the "organ", the black sun began to dissolve and the hole gradually decreased, but before it was completely closed, it was completely impossible to prevent the black mud from flowing out from the inside of the hole.

Originally, it was only used to create a breakthrough to the "outside world" and the attributeless force was used. Due to the fault of the previous heir, it was completely dyed with a dark curse.

The black mud filled with the curse of "all the evil in the world". With the power of destruction that burned all life, at this moment, just like half of the waterfall fell from the top of the public hall.

Archer standing in the auditorium on the first floor could not find a way out to escape this baptism.

"This... this is...?"

The turbulent black waves swept away the Servant of gold. No, it didn't just take away, he disappeared when he touched the black mud. Archer's body was decomposed and absorbed by the black mud in a blink of an eye, and integrated with the turbulent mud flow.

The tsunami-like black mud engulfed the auditorium on the first floor, standing in the box proudly avoiding the catastrophe of the cut heir dumbly annotating all this. The Curse Falls that fell from the sky kept on, and the black mud flowed into the river through the entrance of the hall, and the buildings spread out to the surrounding streets.

So, the killing began.

People are sleeping fast, smelling the death mud of human life, turning into a burning curse and striking their pillows.

Burn down houses, burn down courtyards. Both the person who is asleep and the person who wakes up and tries to escape are burned out without exception-it has been waiting for sixty years inside the Holy Grail, as if celebrating this short release, and mercilessly deprived All the life it touches.

It was later confirmed that there were more than 500 victims and 134 buildings were burnt down. This huge disaster of unknown cause has left an indelible mark on the minds of the citizens of Dongmu City.

Soon the holes in the sky disappeared, and the black mud no longer poured out. But the mud brought a large-scale fire, and the people who could not drag were turned into scorched black bodies one by one. The night sky was rendered by a huge red lotus fire, and the banquet of death was staged endlessly on the ground.

After escaping from the gradual collapse of the public hall, Wei Gongqi witnessed the whole process with his own eyes.

The life that tends to destroy is so similar to the situation that torments him in a nightmare. But what follows is undoubtedly reality.

She had a dream and the world was burning.

The girl trembling with fear opened her eyes in the duvet. ,, ..

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