Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 11 Chapter 211: ·Sin

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Although she couldn't even speak, she couldn't restrain the urge to apologize. Although she understood that her apology could not be conveyed to anyone’s heart, the girl still repeated her confession,

"I'm sorry... sorry... I, someone like me..."

One day, after crossing the endless battle, you will eventually get the Holy Grail. At that time, all the mistakes he made could be erased through miracles.

Such a self-should not be called a king at all.

Knowing that before the next call, the girl will be in the moment called eternity, in the rebuke called rest-tearful confession.

Suffering from endless punishment.

Feeling timid about unrepayable sins-

-The whirlpool was rolled up.

Sin, the evil in this world, circulates, increases, changes, and vortexes.

Gluttony, lust, despondency, anger, laziness, hypocrisy, arrogance, jealousy, violated the germination and rolled up the vortex again and again.

Rebellion, intimidation, adultery, abandonment, seven crimes, coercion, theft, fugitive, false accusation, arson, insult, indifference, alienation, abduction, bribery, abortion, participation in suicide, gambling, corpse abandonment, congregation, crime, abandonment, perjury, and perjury. Crime of kidnapping, crime of atrocity, all crimes should be sentenced to death, capital punishment, rejection and denial of all hatred, killing, killing, killing, killing, disapproving, killing, killing, not killing, killing, killing. What's wrong, what is killing and killing, only this idea is really boring-


The vortex of the cursed voice was circling. There is something that should not exist here. In a negative curse, a voice said loudly, "Yes!"

impossible. There is no rightness and certainty in this vortex of resentment and curse. Because Senro Vientiane concluded that everything is ugly and hateful, this word cannot appear here--

——But the voice declared clearly again, exactly.

It is exactly what the world is like. Now that the facts are before us, why sigh? Why are you surprised?


The cursed voice asked.

What is right?

Does anyone admit it? Who allows it? Who will bear sin?

Facing the bombshell from the dark head—the answer was indeed a high-pitched sneer.

Stupid question. This need not be asked at all.

Wang Lai admitted that Wang Lai allowed. Wang Lai carried the whole world.


Ni asked, what is the king?

But while asking questions, it found itself contradictory.

In this place where "individuals" are absolutely not allowed, Mui believes that there are others in his body. There are foreign objects that cannot exist here.

That is-the king-the absolute master, a unique existence.

His name is-the heroic king "Gilgamesh."

"it is me!"

With the droplets, the black mud broke apart. Foreign matter that could not be digested by all the complaints appeared from the black mud.

In the burning ruins, he stood on the ground again.

The body with the perfect golden ratio is no longer a spirit body during the Servant period, but a real body. The black mud that denies all life transforms the impure substances mixed into the body into crystals and discards them. As a result, a certain heroic spirit realized the desire to obtain the physical body to return to this world.

Even standing in the middle of the scorching hell, the majesty exuded from the king made the flames around him afraid to get close. Gilgamesh generously exposed naked like a statue, while sneering impatiently.

"--Actually using such a thing as a wish machine to fight for your life. This show is really helpless."

But this is not bad either-after touching the new body that I accidentally obtained, the hero king is very satisfied.

"Does God let me rule the world once again in this era... Well, the previous test is boring enough. But fortunately, dissatisfaction is not satisfied, let's accept reality."

Although it is very troublesome, but since this is a challenge that the gods challenge themselves, there is no reason not to face the challenge. For himself as the hero king, Gilgamesh laughed bitterly again.

Through the deep darkness, Yanfeng Qili recovered her consciousness.

At first the heat was felt, then the smell of burning human fat was smelled. Open your eyes and look around, the flames in front of you seem to be burning the sky.

"here is……"

He originally thought he was in the world of the image of the holy grail again after touching the dirt again. But when he saw the naked man next to him, he immediately denied this possibility.

"Gilgamesh... what happened?"

"You are such a troublesome man. It took me a lot of effort to dig you out from under the rubble."

Qi Li worked hard to think about the blank brain, trying to grasp the whole event. The last memory is the large props warehouse of the Citizen’s Guild Hall. He knelt on the ground and was shot and killed by the cut heir from behind. ——No matter what you think, it should be killed immediately.

The vest that he ripped open his chest inspected where it should have been penetrated. Suddenly, the impression of black mud appeared in front of him.


Is an illusion. There are no scars on the chest. Try to press your hand over the heart.

"...Have you treated me? Gilgamesh."

"Well, you seem to be dead, but you have a contract with me. I got the flesh because of the mud, maybe you are alive again for some reason."

In the end, it failed to completely erode the black mud of Gilgamesh, and reached the body of Yanfeng Qili along the magic supply line that was once connected between Archer and its Master, and became a source of vitality that could replace the heart. Therefore, Qi Li will be resurrected.

In other words, Qi Li now lives on the magic power provided by "all the evil in the world".

"All Servants have been wiped out, and only me is left. Do you understand what this means? Qi Li."


Qi Li, who was not fully awake, looked at Gilgamesh's red eyes.

"It's us who got the Holy Grail, so you just have to keep your eyes wide open to see. If the Holy Grail can really fulfill the wishes of the winner, then the sight in front of you-Yan Feng Qi Li, is exactly what you desire."

Guren's hell. The screams passed into the ears with the wind. Dancing tongue. Qi Li stared blankly at the scene.

"This is... mine, wish?"

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