Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 2: Under a crisis-filled world

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The giant flying fish group and the wild wolf group roared and roared together, opened their blood basins with big mouths, and their faces were grim, rushing towards their "prey".

However, Ma Yuan and Hell Demon Dog saw this, but did not show a trace of timidity. After a hundred battles, they never feared fighting, and this scene is even more exciting to the blood in their hearts.

The blood of battle has begun to boil!


Ma Yuan snorted, and his figure trembled in vain, leaving a residual image on the spot, and another black shadow at a very rapid speed, rushing towards the sky, towards him in front of him. The flying fish of the prey is directly thrown out with a slap, and it is easy to "punish the flying fish".


The flying fish shot by Ma Yuan was shot directly, and his huge body hit his companion, and he was knocked down with a large group of flying fish.

The Hellhound looked up at the sky on the ground, looking at the flying fish that fell down. At this time, he grinned out, exposing the row of white fangs, lowering his voice and saying: "You These wild hybrids dare to provoke the king of noble lineage..."

"All bury your dog's life to Ben Wang!"


With the scream of the Hell Devil Dog falling, the wolves that had swarmed up suddenly stopped suddenly, staring at a pair of blank eyes, stunned for a moment, all of them cast their eyes on the Hell Devil Dog, this expression seems to be There was a hint of timidity.

Although the Hellhounds are bigger than these wolves, but they are not much different. Moreover, now the wolves have a numerical advantage, it should be reasonable to completely suppress the Hellhounds, but now the wolves are actually being The **** of the Hellhound was shocked.


The power of deterrence was like mist, and it quickly dissipated. I saw that the wolf headed by the wolf pack quickly recovered, and after making a howl again, it was the courage and enthusiasm to continue rushing towards the **** demon dog!

With the lead of the leading wolf, a group of wolves were also encouraged. They opened their mouths, exposed their white fangs, put on a more fierce look than before, and pulled their legs and rushed to the hell.

"A group of guys who don't know what to do!"

The Hellhound had a fighting spirit in his heart, and he saw his front limbs creeping and his hind legs slightly bent, just like a ready-to-go look, ready to fight.

The wolves swarmed and swarmed together, instantly covering up the **** demon dog, and a wild wolf threw forward to kill the **** demon dog.

"Little Black!"

At this time, Ma Yuan, who was above the sky and fighting with the flying fish group, saw that the situation on the ground was not good, and immediately hung his heart, but he could not help but split up and had no skills, but he couldn't help himself. It's a headache.


At the next moment, in the place where the wolves pounced on the Hell Devil Dog, a wailing whimper came out in vain, and then all the wolves that pressed on the Hell Devil Dog vacated at that moment.

To be precise, it should be thrown alive, so that it is emptied, just like the tumbling of dead leaves, the wolves that were originally tightly packed together to divide the blood of the **** demon dogs have been bounced off, and a majestic body Soaring.

Hell Devil Dog squinted one eye, and blood was flowing beside the other eye, which had been flowing down, making it squint. Not only that, after a bite from the wolf pack, the body was already scarred and blood stained, but this did not affect the majesty exuded from the **** devil.

Like the king of all beasts, high above!

The wolves who were shaken by the Hell Devil Dog saw their "prey" so fierce, and they became timid again, and quickly got up, all with a vigilant look on the Hell Devil Dog.


After a while, there are still some wolves in the back who have not tried the sharpness of the Hell Devil Dog. With the charge of the headed Wolf King, they also blindly launched the offensive, leading a large wave of wolves again and rushing to the Hell Devil. dog.

The **** devil's teeth were grinning, and his face was fierce. His eyes were aimed at the wolf king who was the first to charge. His eyes narrowed slightly, and the corners of his mouth were widened.


A roar fell, and the body of the Hell Devil Dog was like an arrow off the string. It shot out. First, it made an arc in the air, opened a big mouth of the blood basin, and then landed, aiming at the neck of the wolf king. The Ministry directly pressed the wolf king to the ground and died.

When the rest of the wolves saw this scene, they stopped their pace of advance and braked again, some of them ran fast, and the wild wolf that didn't hold the foot directly fell down and rolled over again before slowing down. Body.

The behavior of these wolves has revealed their inner fear.

The wolves stared at the beads and stared blankly at them. The king, who had always been in awe of the gods, was now subdued by the enemy, which created a great contrast for them.

The wolf king under the fangs of the **** monster dog, at first, twisted his body, fluttering his limbs, making trouble, but as the cruel face of the **** monster dog became thicker, the wolf king would not move any longer. .

Then, the Hellhound slowly let go of his mouth, raised his head, and looked up at the sky with his deep eyes. The wolf pack was already afraid of the beast in front of him, but he watched silently, daring not to act lightly.


At the next moment, the Hellhound opened his eyes in vain, opened his blood basin, and burst into a loud roar.

With a roar, the deterrence was full. At this time, the wolves were headless. After hearing this, they all fled their legs and quickly ran into the deep forest.

"Huh, okay, little black..."

Above the sky, Ma Yuan was fighting among hundreds of giant flying fish. Although it is said that this is the unilateral massacre of Ma Yuan, the number of helpless flying fish is too large, and it will take a lot of time to solve it.

The massacre of Ma Yuan soon ended, and the flying fish swarms failed, and countless deaths and injuries fled everywhere.

After a while, Ma Yuan landed slowly from the air. Although he was panting and tired, he smiled at the corner of his mouth, which was a joy after the war.

"Brother be careful!"

At the moment when Ma Yuan just fell to the ground, the Hell Devil Dog suddenly changed his complexion, panicked, and yelled, rushing towards Ma Yuan and protecting Ma Yuan with his own body.


I saw a dark shadow passing by, and a slender whip-like strip slammed toward the **** demon dog, and even flew with the unknown Ma Yuan!

Sliding in mid-air, then disappeared into the sky. ,, ..

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