Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 15: Under the first mission

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Ma Yuan ran along the sound and drove down toward Xuefeng. At this time, he was very anxious. He guessed that the scream was just from Lucy. Although it was only speculation, he still seemed anxious.

"Damn, where did the voice come from?"

In the brave snowstorm, Ma Yuan has been running wildly, very anxious, because now the sound suddenly disappeared, which made him very difficult to find Lucy. Judging from the sound just now, it is estimated that Lucy may have already encountered What is the trouble?

"Lucy! Where are you?! Lucy!"

Ma Yuan ran and yelled while running, hoping to get a hint of response.


At the same time, in a valley, a large clock stood abruptly in the blizzard, and inside the clock, it was Lucy himself, between which Lucy curled up and quietly nested in the square of the big clock , In order to seek a trace of asylum.

"What should I do now? I don't know if the stinky monkey left..."

The big clock spoke with a mechanical voice, and spoke out Lucy hiding in the clock without saying a word, because the inside of the clock was sealed, and although there was some oxygen stored, Lucy did Can't convey the sound, rely on the clock to convey the language.

It can be seen from Lucy's expression that she is very scared at this time. She secretly followed Ma Yuan and came over. Who knows that when looking for Makao, he was even attacked by the Balkans, and Lucy, who has no fighting power, is anxious. , Promptly summoned the Protoss with the key, Hololochum came out to seek asylum.

The Balkans are frightening monsters in this snowy mountain. This monster has a sturdy body shape, looks like an ape, and has a crazy personality. There is a quirk that is a woman who particularly likes humans. When she sees a human woman, she will fall into a crazy state.

If it were not for Lucy to hide inside the Protoss Hollochem, I am afraid it has now been captured by the Balkans.

At the next moment, Lucy stretched out her head boldly, looking outside through the clock glass.


As everyone knows, a fluffy monkey face suddenly appeared in front of Lucy, so terrified that Lucy quickly drew her head back, very frightened, that the comer was the cunning Balkan.

The Balkans are naturally cunning, and now it is easy to catch Lucy as a beautiful human woman, so naturally they will not give up easily, so the Balkan chose to stay by the clock and stare at Lucy in the clock.

I saw that the Balkans kept Haraz in his mouth, and the eyes of a pair of copper bells were very large, and their eyes were cracking, and they were very fanatical.

"Ma Yuan, where are you..."

Lucy hiding in the clock began to think of Ma Yuan, tears in her eyes, very wronged.

"Holochum Clock reminds you that the time you have called has expired, and Holochim will return to the Protoss World after thirty seconds, please note, please note."

At this moment, the big clock suddenly heard such a voice, Lucy heard the words, her body shook, her face bitter, and the secret was not good.

"No, Hollochem! I want to delay, I want to delay!"

Lucy slammed the glass of the big clock and panicked.

"There are ten seconds..."

But I got this response.

"Don't! Hololochim!!" Lucy continued to shout, looking at the Balkans staring at the outside, more anxious and frightened.

"Time is up, I wish you a happy life, goodbye."

Regardless of Lucy's troubles, the big clock remained indifferent. At the next moment, only the sound of "Bang" was heard, and a burst of white smoke appeared. The big clock disappeared like this, and... Lucy was nowhere to hide, naked. In the snowstorm.

"Hee hee, human women... so beautiful! Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"

After seeing Lucy released, the Balkans became more excited, dancing around Lucy, dancing all over, very excited.


Lucy completely collapsed this time, screaming in excitement, but Lucy's cry made the Balkans even more excited.


A few hundred meters away from Lucy, Ma Yuan heard Lucy's voice again.

"Over there!" Ma Yuan looked towards the southeast, accelerated the speed of his feet, and ran away.

"Lucy, are you?!" Ma Yuan tried to shout.

"Huh? I seem to hear Ma Yuan's voice..."

Lucy seemed to hear Ma Yuan's shouting and began to calm down, just like she suddenly caught a life-saving straw in the turbulent water, so she opened her throat and shouted, "Ma Yuan! I am here!" ! Come and save me!!!"

At this moment, the Balkan seemed to realize something, and suddenly stopped jumping. With a vigilant look on his face, he rushed directly to Lucy, carried Lucy up, and ran towards the top of the mountain.

"Ah! Help!" Lucy's cry for help never stopped, struggling **** Balkan's shoulder, although it had no effect.


At this time, the sensitive smell of the Hell Devil Dog found Lucy, turned his head to look at the mountain behind him, and really saw a great ape running wildly.

Seeing Ma Yuan, he looked down at the Hell Devil's eyes. At a distance of 200 meters, he saw a white body, but his face and limbs were obviously black.

Since then, Ma Yuan and Hell Devil began to target, followed the Balkans, and chased along the way.

I don't know how long it has passed. After the Balkans ran halfway up the mountain, they suddenly disappeared. When Ma Yuan and Hell Devil Dog saw it, they were very puzzled. They quickly stepped up their speed and caught up.

When Ma Yuan and Hell Devil came to the place where the Balkans disappeared, a small cave suddenly appeared in front of them.

"You are guarding here, I will go in!"

Although he didn't know what dangers existed in the cave, Ma Yuan still broke in without hesitation.

"Oh, give you another chance to show..."

The Hellhound gave Ma Yuan a white eye and began to dig holes in the snow to hide his body in order to keep warm.


After Ma Yuan entered the cave, the wind in his ears disappeared suddenly. The cave was covered with ice all the way, and ice cones hung upside down on the cave, which couldn't help but add a scenic spot to this cold and gloomy place.

Aooo! Aooo!

At this time, deep in the cave, came the voice of the Balkans.

"Let's open, the door of Taurus!" Balkan's voice just fell, it was Lucy's.

"Lucy, you must hold on..."

Ma Yuan prayed secretly in his heart. ,, ..

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