Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 17: Great father

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With the help of the giant axe, the Balkan is also full of energy, and the attack on Ma Yuan has become more and more fierce. At this time, Ma Yuan has fallen into a temporary downwind.

Lucy saw that the situation was not good, so she hurriedly approached Taros and pushed the unconscious Talos, but she couldn't wake him up.

"Tarros, Tarros, you wake up quickly. If you don't return to the Protoss Realm, the giant axe will not disappear. In this way, Ma Yuan will be a little passive. Wake up!"

Regardless of how Lucy yelled, Taros remained unresponsive.

"Damn the monkey, don't be too proud!"

Ma Yuan seemed to be fed up with the arrogance of the Balkans, causing him to feel a little uncomfortable, and suddenly burst into flames in his heart, and then broke out.

At the next moment, I saw that Ma Yuan no longer evaded, just raised his fist and struck the giant axe.


After Ma Yuan's fist collided with the giant axe, under the effect of Ma Yuan's vigorous urging of the hurricane, the sharp edge of the giant axe suddenly burst out of Mars, and then was shocked by the strong air flow blessed by Ma Yuan's fist. When the Balkan hand softened, the giant axe flew out directly.

"What?!" The Balkan was shocked. It couldn't believe that Ma Yuan was able to use the air flow on his fist, and he just bounced off the giant axe in his hand.

At the next moment, Ma Yuan did not give the Balkans a chance to breathe, but took the chase after victory, increased the speed of the hurricane rotation on his fist, and hit the Balkan chest through, directly hitting the Balkans flying, Ma Yuan’s strength was so great Penetrated the Balkan from the cave through the cave!


The whole cave was shocked. This battle caught Lucy's attention. She looked at another hole in the cave that had been broken open, and she was shocked.

"Damn mankind..."

After a while, a familiar voice came from the broken hole, and the Balkan was slowly climbing up from the big, broken hole, and appeared again in the cave.

"Yes, gorilla, so you are not dead."

Having said that, Ma Yuan was already flexing his muscles and slowly walking towards the Balkans, but when Ma Yuan walked into the Balkans and was about to throw his fists down, the Balkans suddenly slammed and fell to the ground.

"Uh...this..." Ma Yuan was also in a daze for a moment, looking at the fallen Balkans, at a loss.


The next second, the body of the Balkan exploded in vain, and then a burst of white smoke rose, covering the whole body of the Balkan.

"This stinky monkey, dare to play tricks!"

Ma Yuan jumped away, fearing that the Balkans were the ghost.

But after the white smoke gradually dissipated, Ma Yuan was stunned again. Not only Ma Yuan, but even Lucy saw the scene in front of her, she couldn't bear to be surprised, with a stunned expression on her face.

At the position where the Balkan fell just now, it is no longer the Balkan, but a human man!

"What's going on? Is it that this gorilla was changed by humans?!"

Ma Yuan felt inexplicable and began to speculate.


Lucy on the side was already speechless in surprise.

"This is the receiving magic performed by the Balkans."

At this moment, a teenager suddenly entered the cave and said lightly.

Ma Yuan and Lucy quickly turned their heads and found that the comer was the young Naz who had fought with them in the port before!

"It's you!" Lucy screamed first, and Ma Yuan had already clenched his fists at this time, making a preparation for the fight.

"Relax, I didn't fight with you this time."

Naz seemed to feel the hostility emanating from Ma Yuan, so he began to say, he walked straight through Ma Yuan and Lucy, walked in front of the human man, squatted down, and then covered the wound of the middle-aged man's abdomen .

"I'm here to take Macao back."

Naz said lightly, holding the middle-aged man's wound hard, but the middle-aged man's injury was a bit serious, and the blood flow was so intense that he couldn't stop it for a while.

"Macao?!" Lucy yelled in amazement, his face unbelievable, and said: "Is this man Romeo's father, Macao?!"

"Yes." Naz replied.

"But what..." Lucy still couldn't believe it.

"Makao was caught in the Balkans' receiving magic and was temporarily controlled by the Balkans, so those things happened before."

When Naz said nothing, he raised his palm, and a flame suddenly rose, and then saw that Naz pressed the flame-wrapped palm against Makao's wound.


The sound of the flame burning the flesh began to sound, and there was also a trace of burnt paste smell. Under the stimulus of severe pain, Macao's body trembled in vain, and his facial expression began to distort.

"Hey, what are you doing?!"

After seeing Naz make such a move, Lucy quickly stopped Naz and wanted to rush forward to stop Naz's crazy behavior.

But Lucy was dragged back by Ma Yuan. Uninformed Lucy tried to get rid of Ma Yuan, so Ma Yuan said: "You look closely, Naz is helping Macao stop bleeding, not What you think."

After listening to Ma Yuan's words, Lucy calmed down and looked at Makao's wound, and was surprised to find that the blood on the wound had been stopped. Although it was more painful for the wounded, it was also better. It is much better to run out of blood and eventually cause excessive blood loss.

"Hoo! Finally stopped."

A moment later, Naz put away the flames and relieved the atmosphere.

"Cough cough!"

At this moment, Macao suddenly woke up and coughed.

"Macao, Macao, how are you? Are you okay?"

Naz asked with concern.

"Cough cough... I'm so useless, I only killed nineteen Balkans, and one more... I promised Romeo, cough cough! My father is too shameful..."

Macao repeatedly coughed and said hardly.

"Macao..." Naz looked at Macao, not knowing what to say.

"Macao, this is not the case. Romeo has always been very respectful of your father. Romeo has always been proud of you, so you must hold on and wait to go back and let Romeo look at you. Father."

Lucy said.

"Great father? Thank you...Naz."

Macao narrowed his eyes and smiled at the crowd. ,, ..

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