Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 20: Fairy Queen

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Naz and Grey cried out in unison, shocked.

"Alusha?" Ma Yuan awakened, suddenly thinking of it, the woman with the strongest fighting ability in the fairy tail is called Alusha.

At this time, a tall girl walked into the hall and saw that she was wearing a heavy armor, fully armed, and her expressionless expression looked very cold.

Elusa crossed her arms in the waist and looked at everyone in the hall. Finally, she targeted the two of Naz and Gray. They looked carefully and looked solemn and majestic.

Unexpectedly, when Elusa appeared in the lobby, Naz and Gray suddenly became kind, shoulder-to-shoulder, grinning hippie, which was completely different from the previous performance. Now Naz and Gray are just like two little white rabbits, obedient and very peaceful.

"How is it so confusing in the guild? Naz and Gray, are you two guys fighting in the guild again?"

Elusa stared at Naz and Gray, raised the decibel, and blamed the two in a blaming gesture.

When this remark came out, both Naz and Gray were trembling. After seeing the two of them looking at each other for a moment, it seemed that they were communicating what kind of information and eye contact. After a moment, the two again showed a rare gentle smile, and they were tightly pressed together, and they looked very harmonious.

"Hee hee, Elsa, where will Grey and I fight? Not the way you think."

With a smile on her face, Naz said to Elusa.

"Yeah yeah, Elusa, I have been in harmony with Naz during your absence, and there is absolutely no fight! Yeah, Naz."

Gray was also smiling, explaining to Elusa, and then turned to look at Naz beside him, blinking.

When Naz heard the word, he immediately understood it and quickly said, "Yeah, yeah!"

After hearing this, Elusa said nothing, and when Naz and Gray saw it, they were relieved.

"Huh? Elsa, is this what you brought back? What is it?"

The next moment, Gray shifted the topic to something similar to the mountain, distracting Elusa's attention.

"This is the monster I encountered when I was out on a mission. I broke the horn of the monster and brought it back to the guild for decoration."

Elusa replied lightly.

"Uh... decoration?" Gray was speechless, but he didn't dare to say anything.

"I broke the horns of others at once, and Elusa was really a terrible woman..."

Naz couldn't help but mumble, and he realized that he was wrong when he was halfway through, so he shut up and dared not speak any more.

But this sentence had already been heard by Elusa. I saw that Elusa suddenly stiffened her face, her eyes widened, and her eyes were as if she was about to catch fire. She walked aggressively towards Naz, and Gray, who stood beside Naz, saw him. After this situation, immediately broke free from Naz and quickly hid a few meters away.

At this time, Naz was already frightened, his legs were numb and could not move. After Elusa walked in front of Naz, he directly grabbed Naz's clothes and then pressed Naz suddenly. 'S head slammed towards his chest.


Naz's head slammed into Elusa's armor and made a metallic sound, very loud.

"You guys, give me a try again!"


There was another loud voice, and at this time, Naz had rolled his eyes and started to faint. Alusha had almost seen it, so he stopped and stopped, allowing Naz to fall on the floor.

"It's so cruel..."

At this time, the **** devil dog in Ma Yuan's arms came out and grunted. When Ma Yuan wanted to reach out and press the **** devil's head back, helpless Elusa had already turned her attention to Ma Yuan, Hell Devil Dog was shocked when he saw it, and quickly retracted.

"Are you new?"

Elusa walked slowly towards Ma Yuan, fixedly looking at Ma Yuan, and said.

"Well." Ma Yuan looked at Elusa's eyes, and felt as if he was being stared at by a prehistoric behemoth. He was inexplicably disturbed in his heart. He didn't know what to say for a while, so he froze. nod.

"Welcome to this big family." Elusa stretched her hand to Ma Yuan expressionlessly and said lightly.

"Ah...thanks...thanks." Ma Yuanmu replied, staring at Elusa in front of him, shaking hands with Elusa politely.

"Is the little thing you talked about just a puppy?"

Suddenly asked by Elusa, she locked her eyes on a big bag bulging in Ma Yuan's arms, still expressionless.

But after hearing this sentence, Ma Yuan couldn't help but stunned, not knowing what Elusa would do next. There was some confusion in his heart, and he answered, "Well, it's called Xiao Hei, it' pet."

"Can you show it to me?"

Elusa said nothing, and hadn’t waited for Ma Yuan to respond. Alusa had already reached into Ma Yuan’s arms and grabbed the Hell Devil Dog. After realizing that the Hell Devil Dog was not good, she struggled a few times. After the next, but there was no alternative but finally chose to give up.

Hellhound was picked up by Elusa, but **** eyes narrowed, like a funny look of death, letting Elusa stroke.

Ma Yuan looked quietly at the scene in front of him, and dared not make any response. Ma Yuan was still a little daunted by the magic of Elusa.

"What a cute little guy."

Unexpectedly, Elusa's face suddenly burst into a gentle smile, holding the Hell Devil Dog in her arms, stroking it, and she seemed very happy.

Seeing Ma Yuan, he was stunned again. Not only Ma Yuan, but also Naz and Gray, all the members of the guild present were incredulous, staring at Elusa in a daze. Elusa's smile attracted.

And the Hellhound in Elusha’s arms, the fluff on his body exploded instantly after touching the cold armor, and was terrified, but when it felt the temperature from the palm of Elusa At this time, I couldn't help but relax and suddenly relieved a lot.

"Yeah... indeed... a bit."

Ma Yuan was also scared and stupefied by Elusa's sudden change.

For the girl in the strongest battle in the fairy tail, known as the "Queen of Fairies", he did not dare to compliment, and I finally saw it today. ,, ..

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