Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 26: In a great masterpiece

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After a long time, Lucy saw that nothing special happened, and even started to raise his head, looking at the golden book in earnest, and suddenly he was embarrassed.

"Ma Yuan, you are not..."

Lucy looked blankly at Ma Yuan.

"Ah? Me? What's wrong?"

Ma Yuan didn't raise his head to understand Lucy, and he looked at the book in his hand very seriously.

"Is this the book of Aybar? There seems to be nothing special about it?"

After reading it for a while, Ma Yuan felt that the book was very plain and there was nothing special about it, so he began to wonder.

"Ah?! Is this the book the mission commissioned to destroy?!"

Lucy reacted, and quickly stood up, grabbed the book from Ma Yuan's hand, and turned it over.

"It turned out to be this book!" Lucy couldn't help but look at the title of the book.

"Do you know this book?" Ma Yuan frowned, wondering.

"Of course, the author of this book, Mr. Kam Sario, is an amazing novelist! I have read almost all the books he wrote, and this is the only one! It's great!"

Lucy raised the book and said excitedly: "I am Mr. Sario's super fan!"

"Ah... anyway, now that the book is found, according to the task, it must be destroyed."

Ma Yuan stretched out his hand to get the book, but was evaded by Lucy, and was buried tightly in his arms, protected by death.

I saw Lucy solemnly said: "How can it be! This is the last novel written by Mr. Sareo before he dies. It can be said that it is a legacy. I will never allow it!"



Before Ma Yuan had finished speaking, on the ground where Ma Yuan and Lucy stood, they suddenly arched, and Ma Yuan was alert, quickly grabbed Lucy, and took off.

Then, a figure suddenly appeared on the ground, and a fat body suddenly emerged from the ground.

"Duke Aybar!"

Ma Yuan and Lucy looked at the middle-aged man rushing out from under the ground and cried out in unison.

"Ji Jie... It turns out that the purpose of your intrusion into my house is this book."

Duke Aybar scratched his beard and stared at Ma Yuan and Lucy with a smile.

"Ma Yuan, there seems to be a secret in this book!"

Lucy ignored the thrilling scene just now, still digging through the books in her hand.

"What? Secret?!"

At this time, Ma Yuan and Duke Aybar called out together, and they all turned to Lucy.

"Help me get some time for me to read the book."

After all, Lucy held the book and ran out of the library.

Whereas Duke Aybar would easily let Lucy leave like this, he would rush up and intercept Lucy, but it was stopped by Ma Yuan.

"Stinky boy, get away from my generation quickly!"

Duke Aybar stared at Ma Yuan fiercely and said.

"Isn't it just a broken book? Don't be so nervous? Anyway, if you don't lack any books here, what about giving me one?"

Ma Yuan spoke lightly and said leisurely.

"Broken book? Do you think you can hide my infinite wisdom? There must be hidden secrets in that book! Maybe it's a treasure map?"

Duke Aybar was blushing and shouting loudly, and he rushed towards Ma Yuan.

Don’t look at Duke Aybar’s short and fat body, but his skill is surprisingly agile. I saw him rising from the sky. One whip leg was swept towards Ma Yuan, and he was extremely heavy. Ma Yuan was negligent and was bounced a few meters away.

Duke Aybar took the opportunity to circumvent Ma Yuan and spin around in the same place, directly into the ground and disappeared.

"Oops! Lucy!!"

After learning about Duke Aybar's evil intentions, Ma Yuan began to worry about Lucy, so he quickly rushed out of the library to find Lucy.


At this time, in the hall, Elusa's battle has not stopped.

The maids continued to launch a rapid offensive against Elusa, forcing Elusa to be unable to fight back.


At the next moment, I saw that the sturdy maid took advantage of Elusa's negligence and punched him in the armor of Elusa. Alusa was shocked and stepped back and forth.

"Damn...this is what you forced me to do!"

Elusa seemed to be annoyed, and saw her white light shining around her, and a flash of light, a set of beautiful and domineering armor was attached to her body like this, the cold armor was tightly attached to Elusa. Showing her beautiful and graceful body.

Invisible, it also adds a solemn beauty to her, giving people a sacred feeling, mortals must not be blasphemous.

"Accept the discipline of God of War! The sword of God of War!!"

Elusa Jiao shouted, a beam of light flashed brightly in his hand, a huge and broad giant sword appeared abruptly, very domineering, directly slashed towards the enemy!


As the giant sword waved down, a ray of light was thrown out, the sword was fierce, and it burst out. Everywhere the sword light reached was ruthlessly destroyed, the wall was turned into gravel, and the fence was turned into sawdust, sweeping together To those maids!


When Jian Qi touched those maids, blood splashed and all fell down in response, and the sturdy maid turned into a white smoke and disappeared in place.

"You have to force me to speak out, you should know it wrong..."

The armor on Elusa's body sprung up, and gradually disappeared. She returned to the original gray-white armor, carrying the giant sword down the stairs, trying to help Naz.

"What a scary woman..."

This is the heartfelt sentiment of the brothers Panisiu. They all opened their mouths and stared at Elusa walking towards them with a stunned look.


At this moment, Naz suddenly emerged from the rubble.

"Alusha, these two guys are mine, let me beat them with my own hands."

Naz slowly raised his head and said hoarsely.

After hearing this, Elusa stopped and stood at the stairs, watching Naz quietly, as if she had no intention of intervening.

The Panishio brothers felt the special breath emanating from Naz, and they began to feel a little uneasy.

"The guy who pretends to be a ghost, go to die!"

In the end, the bald man took the lead in attacking, and picked up the pan in his hand and hit Naz!

Naz also shot out at that moment. The difference is that the flame he summoned directly wrapped the whole body, just like a fireman, rushing to the Panishio brothers.


The two fireballs were thrown out by Naz and hit the Panishio brothers. The bald man saw it and immediately defended with the pan in his hand. The tall man quickly sideways and dodged past. ,, ..

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