Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 30: Would rather kill the wrong than let it go

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As Naz and Gray pointed to Ma Yuan, Elusa turned her gaze to Ma Yuan, looking bad.

"Hey! How can you do this?!"

After Ma Yuan knew that he was being stared at by Elusa, he began to get nervous, and he shook his head and shook his head again and again, looking at Elusa, trying to explain: "Alusha, you listen to me, this is not the case, they are the two Guys..."

"We made a joke with Ma Yuan, and then he started to get angry." Naz stopped Ma Yuan's words and said first.

"Then he started to lose his temper and threw things at Naz and me. Now the guild is so messed up by Ma Yuan, it's not about us two things."

Gray is also cheeky, distorting the facts, trying to escape Elusa's anger.

"Yeah, it's really not our business. Before that, Ma Yuan threw things and smashed you!"

Naz feared that Elusa would not believe it and continued to make up the knife.

Poor Ma Yuan is now unclear by Naz and Grey. Every time Ma Yuan wants to explain, Naz and Gray will quickly interrupt Ma Yuan’s words, and they cooperate very well, making the horse The original was completely speechless.

"Oh, I've admitted to planting..."

Ma Yuan's lost look dropped his head, and he didn't argue again.

After seeing Ma Yuan's default appearance, Elusa was still a bit skeptical at first, but now that he has written more than half of Naz and Gray's words, he points the finger at Ma Yuan.

"Ma Yuan, how can you do something that damages the interests of the guild..."

Elusa came down in black, rubbing her fists, and slowly approached Ma Yuan.


At the next moment, a holy white light suddenly flashed from Elusa's hand, and a giant sword suddenly appeared in Elusa's hand. I saw Elusa carrying the giant sword and slashing towards Ma Yuan, without mercy!


Ma Yuan squatted down, raised her hands above her head, and directly came to a white blade with an empty hand, tightly clamping Elusa's great sword.

"Wow, this is fine too!"

Everyone was surprised when they saw it. They were all very clear about the power of Elusa, but now they were caught by Ma Yuan with their bare hands. How could this not surprise them.

"Elsa, calm down..."

Ma Yuan trembles his hands, clenching his teeth and trying to persuade Elusa. Despite this, Elusa remained indifferent, raised her eyebrows, and continued to increase her strength.

At the next moment, Ma Yuan threw away the giant sword in his hand, kicked his legs violently, and quickly jumped away.

"It really doesn't matter to me! Both Naz and Gray have a share. You can't just ask me to settle the bill!"

Ma Yuan was so desperate that he pointed to Naz and Gray and quickly explained to Elusa.

"Huh?" Elusa seemed to listen to Ma Yuan's words, and turned her eyes to Naz and Gray.

At first, Naz and Gray felt very fortunate, but now suddenly received the fierce eyes of Elusa, the body suddenly shuddered, stunned, looking at the smiling Ma Yuan, turning around Looking at Elusa in a very bad mood, I don't know what to do.

Ma Yuan saw that it was quite effective, and continued to stir up the flames, saying: "Otherwise, do you think I can make the guild like this by myself? The key is who am I to fight with?! Not Naz and Gray, but who else? ?!"

Ma Yuan was almost screaming and screaming, blushing, and Elusa looked in her eyes, and immediately believed, the anger in her eyes grew fierce, and quickly burned to Naz and Gray.

"Elisa, don't believe Ma Yuan's words..."

Naz swallowed, looking panic, looking at Elusa, quietly moving his pace, trying to escape from this land, while Gray had long noticed the bad, and the pace had moved out of Naz. Several steps away.

Of course, Elusa found that the kittens were tired, and even dragged the heavy and broad sword in his hand, and slowly walked towards the two of Naz and Gray. The momentum was fierce and the domineering side leaked, making everyone else brave. Shivering, not to mention Naz and Gray.

I am afraid that both Naz and Gray are very sorry at this time, and they are very scared. This is a fear from the heart.

"What a terrible Elusa..."

Lucy, who was hiding behind Mila, shrunk, showing her head, and secretly staring at the fierce Elusa, she was also very scared.

"You guys, the chairman is not here today, let me clean up you guys!"

Having said that, Elusa raised the giant sword, her legs shook slightly, and her body shot out, rushing towards Naz and Gray!


Naz and Gray almost yelled at the same time, and the sound just rang out. Naz and Gray had already spread their legs and tried to escape.


A epee fell heavily from mid-air and fell to the ground. The ground collapsed and the slender cracks spread like a spider web. The whole guild was shocked.

It's a pity that it fell through. The clever Naz and Grey had already retreated from the house, far away from Elusa, but after the Epee fell into the ground, Elsa fell empty and was even more angry, copying the Epee again, body Flipped into the air and created a curved arc in the air, which is very beautiful.

However, behind this gracefulness is a very destructive terrorist force.

At the next moment, I saw that the arc of Elusa’s epee fell was actually aimed at Ma Yuan below!


Seeing this, Ma Yuan was shocked, and when he saw the bad situation, he quickly jumped away.


The Epee fell to the ground again, and a big pit appeared on the ground. The sand splashed up, driving a strong impact, and suddenly swept away. Although Ma Yuan jumped away early, he couldn't help but catch up with the speed of the fall of the Epee. As a result, the impact force spread to Ma Yuan, causing it to be flung out.

I saw Ma Yuan tumbling on the ground for a few times, and then stopped. He stabilized his body, panting hard, and watched Alusa with a watchful look.

"Alusha, why are you attacking me again?!" Ma Yuan was crying with a sad face, groaning in pain, very helpless.

"Thinking about it, I still feel that... you three guys are all in trouble, and would rather kill the wrong than let it go! So, just clean up today."

Elusa said lightly, dragging her epee again, and slowly approached the crowd. When Ma Yuan, Naz, and Gray saw it, they all swallowed and were very nervous. ,, ..

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