Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 33: Train adventure

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The more Elusa shouted, the faster the figure in the distance ran. Seeing that the other party reacted so strongly, Elusa began to conclude that the person who ran away was Ma Yuan!

Without saying a word, Elusa didn't hesitate, fluttering her wings, looting in the direction of the fleeing figure. At this time, Ma Yuan was like a frightened rabbit, hurriedly fled, and ran away with his legs.

Behind him, followed by Elusa, using his magical wind attribute blessing, Ma Yuan's speed is very fast, and she will land in a moment.

In order to hide people's eyes and eyes and avoid Elusa, Ma Yuan plunged into the crowd and ran wildly.


At this moment, Ma Yuan bumped into a person, and there was a huge impact between the running speed. After Ma Yuan's fairly strong body and the other party collided, they all felt a painful pain. The calls came out at the same time, superimposed together.

"Who?! Isn't walking blind?"

At this time, the victim who was hit by Ma Yuan shouted very violently.

After hearing this voice, Ma Yuan couldn't help but frown. He felt a bit familiar, so he looked up, but was surprised to find that this person was actually Naz!


"Ma Yuan!"

The two people who met by chance yelled together and pointed at each other, surprised.

At this time, Elusa, who soared in the sky and saw the scene, also speeded up and swooped down at a rapid speed, trying to seize Ma Yuan and Naz.

"Don't be stunned, run quickly!"

Ma Yuan turned his head and glanced at the sky, and saw that Elusa was about to catch up, so she quickly got up, ignoring Naz, and ran away. Seeing this, Naz suddenly reacted and quickly got up, suddenly catching up with Ma Yuan who was the first to run.

"Hey! Wait for me!"

Seeing that he was overtaken by Naz, Ma Yuan quickly shouted and began to urge the wind to accelerate running.

Under the blessing of the wind, Ma Yuan's speed increased greatly, and the wind was blowing under his feet. The "swoosh" rushed forward, surpassed Naz again, and rushed straight ahead, but just as Ma Yuan rushed forward, only Seeing Naz turned a corner at the intersection!

"Hello, Naz! Where are you going?"

Ma Yuan shouted quickly, very puzzled.

"Stupid, no one will run forward again! Inside is the station, there are many people!"

Naz turned his head, responded to Ma Yuan, and then disappeared around the corner.

"Asshole, why didn't you say that early?"

Ma Yuan broke his mouth and scolded, and quickly returned, but also turned into the intersection.

At the intersection, there is a station. As Naz said, there are a lot of people here. You pushed me, it was crowded, it was a good place to hide, and there was a big roof on the top of the station. It’s safe to cover Elisa’s search in the sky.

"Hoo! I finally got rid of Elusa..."

Naz did not know when he was squeezed into the train by the crowd and entered the carriage.

But after running away for a long time, Naz, you are chasing me all the way, and I am almost scared. Now I still have so much care. I just found a row of cars and lay down directly with the nearest empty seat. Gulping heavily.

Although very tired, but now finally can relax.

But at this time, the crowd was scrambling, squeezing into the car, and the crowd could see the silhouette of Ma Yuan, only to see Ma Yuan frowning, his face helpless, had been pushed and squeezed by the masses, Obsessed with the train.


After a while, the train began to whistle, a series of white smoke spit out, the whole train began to move, and then it moved forward slowly, and started.

"Huh?! What?! The train left!"

At this time, Ma Yuan and Naz who were on the train were screaming. Although they were in different cars, the expressions of the two people were surprisingly consistent at this moment.

Ma Yuan immediately reacted and wanted to get off, but now that the car was already crowded with people, it was temporarily unable to move its pace, and finally had no choice but to stay where it was.

Naz, however, was stronger than Ma Yuan. When he saw him get up immediately, he grabbed the seat with one hand and wanted to leave, but after he just stood up, he fell down quickly and returned to the seat. .

After falling down, Naz did not try to get up again, only to see that his face was pale, and his body was lying softly, lying motionless on the seat, listless, and occasionally his chest suddenly undulated, and the two cheeks quickly bulged Then he felt deflated and seemed to want to vomit without being able to vomit.

Obviously, this is a symptom of motion sickness.

Soon after, a man in a white suit saw that there was still an empty seat in front of Naz, so he walked to Naz and pointed to the empty seat opposite Naz. He asked politely: "Hi, brother, is there anyone sitting here? ?"

At this time, Naz, who was pale, was soft, and nearly half his life was left. He was uncomfortably dying, and there was still time to respond to the white man.

Seeing that the man ignored him, the man in white suddenly pulled his face down, his face expressionless, and no longer asked Naz what, he sat down.

The man in white put his hair behind his head and straightened his hair, so he placed his hands on the table, his arms propped up, and moved closer to Naz, smiling, and seeing Naz was very uncomfortable. So he cared about Naz: "Is the little brother okay? It looks like it's uncomfortable."


Naz still didn't reply, completely ignoring the presence of someone in front of him, and after the man glanced at the guild mark above Naz's arm, his smile became brighter.

"Oh, it turned out to be a magician from the guild? And it's still a famous fairy tail, a regular guild..."

Speaking of this, the man in white began to converge and smile, his face sullenly, looking at Naz coldly.


At the next moment, the man suddenly lifted his feet and kicked on Naz's face!

Suddenly, Naz was aroused by this intense pain, suddenly awake a lot, and suddenly his eyes widened, looking at the white man in front of him, both surprised and inexplicable.

"Isn't all the mages you come from regular guilds so rude?! Means to discriminate against us... Dark Guild?"

The white man's footplate stepped **** Naz's face, seeming to be a little angry.

"Dark... Guild?!"

Naz suddenly realized that the other party reported himself from the door. When he knew that the other party was from the Dark Guild, he was immediately surprised. Many people rejected that kind of guild, including Naz. ,, ..

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