Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 52: Naz vs. El Gower

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"Storm, kill!"

Eli Gore dispatched a killing move, with his palm as the center, a tornado that roared at a high speed roared out, impacting Naz!


Naz hadn't had time to defend, and the opponent's shot was too fast, so Naz was directly hit and fell into the bottomless cliff.


Habi screamed and wanted to get up to perform flying magic, but he was helpless. Now that Habi has lost his power, the magic power has been exhausted, and even the strength to get up is gone, and now only watching Naz fall down the cliff And helpless.

"Humph, you can't help yourself."

Allegor was proud of the situation and more contemptuous of Naz.


A moment later, there was a burst of blasting sound in the valley, and then there was the fire soaring into the sky, a figure wrapped in flames, soaring from the bottom of the cliff and flying up.

Subsequently, the flames receded, and Naz's figure appeared again on the railroad tracks, unscathed.

"Naz... how did you do it?"

Habi was a little surprised by Naz's performance, and even could not believe it. Without the blessing of flying magic, Naz was able to soar into the air, which was beyond Harpy's expectations.


Even Avery Gore was so shocked at this time that his jaw almost collapsed to the ground.

"Nothing. I just changed the properties of the flames a little bit. I didn't expect to be able to fly for a short time, but it was very magical."

Naz flicked the burning flame in his hand, and the flame went out after a long flick.

"Sure? Is this guy a monster..."

Avery Galton was speechless, but he was still unwilling and hated Naz.

"Fire Dragon's Claw!"

Naz launched the offensive again, his feet ignited with flames, his body shot like a rocket, and rushed straight to El Gower.

"Tell you, flames cannot beat the wind!"

Eli Gower was stirred up, and the hurricane twirled at his speed, directly connecting Naz's fist.


When Naz’s fist touched Eli Gower’s palm, under the strong air flow, the flame on his fist was instantly blown away. Without the blessing of flame, Naz’s fist was no different from ordinary people. Ligor could easily carry it.


Naz's fist was tightly gripped by Elligor, unable to move for a while.

"I told you that the flame didn't do anything to me."

Elligor smiled secretly, and Xuan only saw a shock in his arms, and a strong airflow swept out instantly, flying Naz directly out of the shock.

Naz was blown away by the hurricane, and he stabilised his body after rolling a few times on the ground. His body was covered with dust and he was very embarrassed.

"I still don't believe it!"

Naz was very real, dissatisfied, and once again got up, he summoned flames again, rose into the air, waved his fists, and hit the fireballs one by one against El Gore!

"Storm storm!"

Fireballs were thrown out one by one, but they didn't play any role. They were all blown away when they touched Elligor's hurricane.

"Hum, hum!"

After carrying out successive attacks, Naz began to appear overstretched, only to see that he was holding his knees with both hands, breathing heavily.

"Huh, why? Tired? Continue?"

After seeing the appearance of Naz, Elligor was more proud, floating in the air and overlooking Naz, not forgetting to ridicule and sneer.

"Damn fellow, less pride!"

Naz loses and loses, screaming in the face and Eli Gore.

"Humph, arrogant! It's time to end!!! Let's die!!!"

Eli Gore was very unhappy with the face of Naz, and he was suddenly furious. I saw his arms flicked violently, and a huge tornado whizzed out of his palm, impacting Naz!

Eligor's offensive was fierce. Naz only continued to die, the flames in his hands ignited, and his arms crossed over his chest to resist.


The hurricane hovered at a rapid speed, impacting on Naz's arms, and instantly expelled Naz's flame. The severe hurricane was like a blade, scraping on Naz, and his clothes were torn.


Naz let out a heartbreaking roar, his face twisted, and it looked painful.

Naz could only feel that his body was being scratched and pierced by thousands of blades, and a violent pain suddenly hit his body.

"Hum, hum!"

A moment later, the hurricane dissipated, and the ragged Naz was kneeling with his hands on the ground, his chest undulating violently, gasping hard. On his upper body, a blood stain was clearly visible, and he was shocked.


After seeing such a scene, Habi was very worried for Naz.

"Now should you know the gap between you and me? Waste?"

Elligor kept his smirk, proud.


Naz did not respond this time, only to bow his head and gasp.

"It's over, storm storm!"

Eli Gore launched his final offensive and wanted to end Naz once, and the hurricane swept through again, hitting Naz!

At the next moment, Naz suddenly raised his head, his eyes sharp, staring at Allie Gore in front of him. This look made Allie Gore tremble a little and made him suddenly feel a little uneasy.

"Fire Dragon's roar!"

Then, Naz put his hands on his mouth, a circle appeared in the middle, the cheeks on both sides of the cheek swelled instantly, and then a flame suddenly sprayed out from Naz's mouth.

The flame spewed out in an instant, showing the shape of a firebird, slamming along the way, even able to disperse the hurricane shock wave of El Gower!

After the flying birds flew straight through the storm waves of El Gower, they soon came to El Gore, and they were about to collide head-on with them.

After seeing this unbelievable scene, Allie Gore was surprised and amazed for a while, and he quickly recovered, so he crossed his hands and seemed to be defending.

"Windbreaker armor!"


The flamingo was like a broken bamboo, hitting Elgor, and when Naz was about to breathe a sigh of relief, he found that the flame was blown away strangely when he touched Elgor's body! ,, ..

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