Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 58: Conscience discovery

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Cagayama held the magic flute, and a scene began to appear in his mind.

"As long as you play the flute, the dark age you have always dreamed of will come!"

Kajayama thought to himself: "As long as the flute is blown, those boring regular guilds, those arrogant and arrogant guys will submit to this!"

At this time, Kajayama was very excited, and his heart was like a tide, stirring.

"Look, look, Kajaama is there!"

At this moment, Ma Yuan and his party finally found Kagayama.


"Old man?!"

Across the distance, they still clearly saw the little, thin old man beside Kajayama who was their president.

"How could the old man stay with Kajayama, no way, I'm going to stop him!"

Naz was surprised, and at the same time squeezed a sweat for it, and wanted to rush forward to stop it all.

"and many more."

Before Naz ran a few steps away, a fat arm suddenly traversed in front of Naz, intercepting Naz, Gray and Ma Yuan.

"who are you?"

Ma Yuan found a chubby middle-aged man standing in front of him, intercepting their way forward, thinking that it was the enemy, so he stared at the fat man in front of him with hostility, and his heart burst.

"President Bobo!"

The next moment, after seeing the fat man in front of him, Naz and Gray stared at the beads and cried out in unison. They were very familiar with the fat man in front of them.

This smiling fat man is the president of the blue Tianma Bubo. Naz and Gray had met a few times when they were young. Although the time has passed for a long time, the wonderful image of Bubo has not changed at all, which is impressive. ,Unforgettable.

Bobo is wearing a bald head, full of stubborn face, a pink vest all year round, and a pair of small wings are always decorated on the back, plus a pair of beach pants, flip-flops, this shape can be called a wonderful flower. No one will easily forget.

"Hee hee, the two of you are Naz and Gray. It's been a long time since I saw you, you are so tall!"

Bo Bo smiled at the people and turned his eyes to Ma Yuan. He narrowed his eyes and looked carefully at Ma Yuan. Feeling the murderousness of Ma Yuan, he immediately raised his face and said seriously: "This Who is the kid? Why haven't I seen it?"

Ma Yuan felt a bit uncomfortable with Bubo's look, and had no good impression of Bubo's first impression, so he was sullen and ignored Bubo throughout the journey.

"Oh, President Bobo, Ma was a newcomer. You must not have seen it, but the old man is now in danger. You must let it go and let me pass!"

Naz briefly introduced Ma Yuan, very anxious in his heart, and quickly reached out and pushed away Bobo's arm in front of him, trying to get to Makarov.

However, after several consecutive attempts, Naz was still unable to remove Bobo’s arm. At this time, Naz seemed more anxious, looking at the magic flute in front of him, and had already put the flute to Cagayama, Looking back at Bobo in front of me, I don't know what to do.

Seeing this, Ma Yuan couldn't bear it anymore and chose to bypass Bobo directly. He was about to step forward to stop Kajayama's evil deeds. Unexpectedly, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him and intercepted him again.

"Go away, now you have no time to joke with you!"

Ma Yuan was anxious to save people. Seeing that it was blocked three times or four times, it immediately broke out. No matter who the person was, he started to work directly. His hands quickly changed and he summoned a hurricane to sweep out!

The hurricane turned into a wind blade, swept out, and swept towards the figure, but the next scene was shocked to Ma Yuan, and saw that the wind blade was cut on the figure, and the wind blade directly fell into the body. , Swallowed up!


Ma Yuan was shocked. He felt a little horrified at this kind of magic that could directly devour other people's attacks. In this way, wouldn't the person who was against this person lose terribly?

Ma Yuan dared not think about it anymore. With his current ability, the person in front of him can’t afford it. It’s not that the opponent’s combat power is too strong, but that the opponent’s ability is too special. If a typical assassin hides in the dark If an attack is carried out, the consequences of the assassination are unbearable.

"Young man, what's so hot about doing?"

The figure fell in front of Ma Yuan again and said to Ma Yuan with a smile.

The man was dressed in black, with a pointed hat, and was thin, and his neck was decorated with a rivet circle, just like a dog ring.

"He is the president of the Four Headed Hounds Association, Gomed. I believe Naz and Gray should have heard of him?"

Bobo still smiled, said lightly.

At this time, Naz and Gray were dumbfounded and nodded again and again. The head of the Four-Headed Hounds Association, Gao Maide, is like thunderous ears, and it seems to be very admirable. His eyes are staring at Gao Maide, just like two **** girls.

"Hush! Don't say anything, the good show is still coming."

Gomed forbids the sound, and instructs everyone not to speak.

After hearing both Naz and Gray, of course, they closed their mouths obediently and obeyed the orders, because they knew that the relationship between the two presidents of Gomed and Bubo and their old man was very good, and they would not watch. Killed by Makarov.

The principle of Ma is to frown, and after thinking for a moment, seeing Naz and Gray so calm, he also began to calm down and no longer make trouble.


"Hurry up! What's wrong?"

In the distance, Makarov saw Kagayama fail to respond for a long time, so he urged.

Kajayama didn't answer, and began to struggle.

"Yeah, as long as the magic flute sounds, all this will be changed!"


At this moment, Kagayama suddenly thought of what happened to him at the station today, and he began to question again.

The thought of his companion Caraka decided to assassinate himself for the implementation of the plan, Kajayama felt a bit cold, and then he was rescued by the enemy Lucy and his team. From the moment Gama saw Lucy holding up the magic flute, Kajaama's revenge began to wreak havoc, so he gritted his teeth and grabbed the magic flute.

All of this is to change the status quo, but when this moment comes, Kajayama is hesitating again.

"Blow or not? If you blow the flute, although I am very sorry for the group of people who saved me before, this can change a lot, a lot..."

Cagayama gathered his flute, still tangled. ,, ..

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