Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 62: Under the strongest team

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"Magic Wind Wall?! Isn't this... Eligal's magic? How could Ma Yuan..."

Lucy was surprised at the tornado that Ma Yuan was exhibiting now. Previously, the tornado hovered in front of her, and they were trapped by the group at the station.

Not only Lucy, but also Elusa, Naz, and Gray, who were previously trapped by the Demon Wind Wall prisoners, were shocked and puzzled.

A giant tornado with a height of more than ten meters screamed out, immediately encircling the spell and trapping it.

"Gray, use it now!"

At the moment when the mantra was trapped, Ma Yuan shouted to Gray.


Gray was stunned for a moment, not knowing what Ma Yuan meant, and stared blankly at Ma Yuan.

"Icing the magic wind wall, hurry up!"

Ma Yuan saw that Gray had not understood yet, and said anxiously.

"Ah? Oh!"

Gray was still in a fog, but he seemed to understand some more, so he quickly changed his gesture and summoned the ice. I saw a cold wind blowing and blowing towards the magic wind wall, and then the magic wind wall instantly condensed and formed A icicle.

"What?! It can freeze the magic wind wall!"

Lucy screamed in surprise and was shocked again and again.

Even Gray himself, who performed the freezing magic, was shocked by this. He knew that the magic wind wall summoned by Ma Yuan is a little different from the magic wind wall cast by Ellie Gore.

The magic wind wall cast by Ma Yuan now is softer than that of El Gower, so Gray will freeze so easily.

"It seems that Ma Yuan not only learned the magic wind wall of Eligor, but also controlled it more freely than Eligor, as he pleased."

Elusa cast her gaze to Ma Yuan and exclaimed secretly.

"Elisa, it's your time to act!"

Next, Ma Yuan started shouting at Elusa.

Elusa immediately recovered, and understood the meaning of Ma Yuan. I saw the mechanical wings behind him spread out and quickly dived towards the frozen demon wind wall, waving his sword in his hand, the sword light flashed over, his body Like a meteor, it crossed the magic wind wall.


Then, a clear sound of ice breaking sounded, and a crack spread like a spider web on the icicle, followed by the sound of a whine. The icicle shattered instantly, revealing the curse in the icicle.

I saw the curse glaring at the three bare eyes above the head, the red light suddenly brightened and dimmed, and after a few flashes, it was completely dimmed. When the light dimmed, the spell suddenly lost its support. With power, the huge body gradually tilted, and after a while it collapsed and lay motionless on the ground.

As the spell fell, a cloud of smoke swept up and rolled away.

"Yeah! Great, let's win!"

Seeing that the mantra was overthrown, Lucy cheered for the first time, hopping, very happy.

"This... this group of kids is like this, defeating the monster that Jeff made out of magic?"

The chairman of the four-hound dog was still immersed in shock, staring at the spell lying on the ground, feeling unbelievable. If he didn’t see it with his own eyes, he couldn’t believe it. Everything that happened in front of him was true. .

"Oh, this is natural, this group of imps should be regarded as the most powerful team in our guild...If you add those two guys, it will be even more terrifying."

Makarov sighed with emotion in his heart, muttered to himself, and began to fall into contemplation while speaking.

"What? President, what plus those two guys? Are there any magicians in the guild that can compete with Elusa and Naz?"

Lucy inadvertently heard Makarov speak, so she was very curious, wanting to know who else in the tail of the goblin can be like Elusa, Naz, Gray and Ma Yuan, these few fighting metamorphosis guys.

"Oh, nothing, nothing, you'll know it later."

Makarov recovered and responded perfunctoryly.

"Well, it doesn't matter if I don't talk, I will go back and ask Sister Mila."

Lucy refused to give up, so she silently remembered this question. She really wanted to know that there were some abnormal magicians in the fairy tail.

"It was actually done by them..."

"Is the group of children coming out of the fairy tail?"

"Well, it seems that this is a strong man cultivated by the old guy Makarov."

At the moment when the mantra fell, all the presidents who had been hiding in the house and refused to come out all ran out, standing in the open air, they couldn't help but praise Ma Yuan.

"It is said that we owe a fairy tail to a relationship. If it weren't for their gangsters, I'm afraid that we old guys would have returned to the West early."

"Yeah yeah."

Many people began to thank Ma Yuan and his colleagues heartily, and they all gave thumbs up and praised them.

But after a while, someone began to find something was wrong, and a voice came out: "But... look around, are these ruins in front of us our regular meeting place?"

After being reminded, many presidents began to wake up and looked around. They looked at each other, and then they all focused on the fairy tail and others.

At the moment when Ma Yuan and others knocked down the mantra, it happened that the mantra fell down, and it happened to be pressed against the building where the regular meeting was held. Fortunately, many of the house presidents were clever and ran out one by one, otherwise It is estimated to be buried deep.

When the many presidents responded, they all focused their eyes on the fairy tail and other people. Except for Naz who had not yet noticed the seriousness of the matter, the rest of the people had already shrunk their heads, tipped their toes, and crept away. Far.

"Yes, this group of guys actually destroyed the venue of the regular meeting, it is too great! Hurry and grab me!!"

The oldest among the many chairmen, the older men with more power to speak pointed at Makarov and others and growled.

"Okay, this is wrapped in me, let me help you catch them, hehe."

Naz didn't even know it. On a whim, he wanted to help those presidents and join the man who caught his own fairy tail.

"Child, are you stupid, we are talking about you."

Bubo, the president of Cyan Tianma, reminded Naz that he felt helpless for Naz's innocence.

"Ah? What?! Then I'm slipping away!"

With this reminder from Bobo, Naz awakened, and immediately ran away, and immediately caught up with Makarov and his party.

"Haha, these guys are really interesting."

The chairman of the four-headed hound smiled, very helpless. ,, ..

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