Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 66: Crusade

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The ambassador's cyan face was flushed by Ma Yuan, and his frog's paw was pointed out at Ma Yuan. As the messenger of the House of Representatives, it was sent out to carry out several missions, and had not encountered anything like today, so it could not hold his face for a moment, glaring at Ma Yuan.

"What are you?! Does this messenger require you to point out on the side?!"

The frog messenger shouted the majesty of the leader and scolded Ma Yuan.

"Cut, toad."

For the rudeness of the frog messenger, the horse principle is disdainful and mutters.

But this sentence was heard by the frog messenger. It hasn't been mocked by human beings for so long as the ambassador of the House of Representatives, and his face, which is incompatible with human beings and frogs, is even more offensive to him.

Now Ma Yuan disregarded its identity as the judge of the House of Representatives and touched its reverse scale. This time the Frog Ambassador could no longer tolerate it and said angrily: "Be brazen! Dare to treat the messenger of the House of Representatives in this way is equivalent to despising the entire Guild. Union, the whole council!"

The frog messenger became furious and immediately moved out of the big backing behind it-the House of Representatives.

Despite this, Ma Yuan, who was arbitrarily accused of offending the House of Representatives, still didn't care, and still had that disdainful expression, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised and very disdainful.

When the frog messenger saw Ma Yuan still so repentant, his face became more and more rampant, his heart was angered, and he shouted again: "I won't give you a color today to see, you don't know the power of the House of Representatives, come! Take this person down for me!!!"

Qiang Qiang!

At the order of the frog messenger, the soldiers behind raised their weapons one after another, marching forward and marching into Mayuan!

"Despite coming, I'm not afraid of you!"

Ma Yuan is also a master who eats soft but not hard, and now he doesn't mind being completely stiff, just let go of it.

"Xiaohei, are you ready? Next, let's just give it a go, and we will run after the big deal. I still don't believe it. This two-dimensional world is so big, there will be no place for me ?"

Ma Yuan turned his head to the **** devil on his shoulder and said that he had made up his mind to make a big noise.

Hell Devil Dog heard that he jumped off Ma Yuan's shoulder without hesitation. Since Ma Yuan absolutely let go of it, he had to fight side by side with it, and Hell Devil Dog couldn't stand the frog messenger in front of him. Looks like.


In response to Ma Yuan's loud roar, a flash of black smoke swept out in a blink of an eye, and the Hell Devil Dog with a hot red flame turned into a wild beast and roared up in the sky.

"What?! What monster is this?!"

Even after a hundred battles, after the well-informed Crescent Knights saw the **** demon dog that appeared suddenly, they couldn't help but be taken aback, and they all took a step back, obviously very stupefied.

Even the Crescent Knights of the Iron-Blood Warriors who have been galloping all year round are so shocked, let alone the frog messenger.

I saw it staring at a pair of eyes, trembling violently, staring blankly at the beast up to ten meters in front of him, very frightened.

"Huh, do you know you are afraid now? It's a pity... it's too late!"

Looking at the army that was shining in front of him just now, all of a sudden turned into counselors. Ma Yuan couldn't help but sneered and continued to mock him.

After all, Ma Yuan summoned a hurricane, and a strong wind blew in front of him, forming a tornado hovering in front of him. As long as he gently waved his hand, he could defeat the so-called army in front of him!

"Mahara! Stop it!!"

At the moment when Ma Yuan wanted to launch an offensive, a familiar voice suddenly came. Ma Yuan turned his head and found that some people in the crowd gave way, and a small old man came slowly.


The comer is the chairman of the fairy tail-Makarov.

When everyone saw the timely appearance of Makarov, they couldn’t help but squeeze a sweat for it. After all, Ma Yuan’s current lineup is an army. Let’s not talk about winning or losing after the war. The pressure of the House of Representatives alone is enough for Ma Yuan. Drink a pot.

"Are you the Mr. Makarov, the president of the fairy tail?! You are just here. Is this kid a member of your guild? You must be in charge of him as soon as possible and offend the House of Councils. It is lawless!"

The frog messenger saw Makarov appear, as if he had caught a life-saving straw, pointing at Ma Yuanlian to reprimand.

And Ma Yuan saw that the frog messenger was so long-winded, and his heart was uneasy, but President Makarov was here, he did not have a good attack, he had to endure and converge the hurricane, and the **** magic dog on the side also changed back The cub looks dormant in secret.

"I don't know what happened to the Fairy Tail who came to the Fairy Tail this time?"

Makarov didn't speak any polite words either, his face was flat, and he said indifferently, looking at the battle in front of him, the fool knew that there was definitely nothing good happening, and he was too lazy to go straight to the topic.

"I'm talking about this kid offending the House of Representatives, there is one more thing the messenger will tell you later, this kid..."

"His name is Ma Yuan, and he is a member of the fairy tail. If he is offended, it is also a young man who is ignorant. If the messenger you really want to pursue something, although go to the House of Representatives to complain, I Makarov Stay with me to the end!"

Makarov was very strong and immediately interrupted the frog messenger's words, saying domineeringly. When he had finished speaking, he shook his hand and turned around, stepping forward, and ignored the frog messenger.

When all the members of the fairy tail heard Makarov's words, they were immediately surprised. It was surprising that Makarov could have such majesty in the face of the messenger of the House of Representatives.

"Makarov, you..."

The frog messenger didn't think that Makarov, who is the president of the first generation of the guild, would be so eager to use things. He was thinking of refuting, but the next moment he was turned around by Makarov, and glared with those cold eyes, the frog messenger He felt a chill hit the body and was shocked, making it stop talking.

"If the messenger really has nothing to do, then I will go to work first."

Makarov was very taboo about the arrival of the House of Representatives and the army, and wanted to avoid it.

After the frog messenger froze for a while, he shook his collar, wiped his sleeves, regained his mental state, cleared his throat, and solemnly read out: "According to the consultation of the leaders of many ERA judges, There are still many doubts in the terrorist attack, so..."

The frog messenger finally cut into the topic and began to question, Makarov couldn't help but stop, listened to his ears, his face dignified. ,, ..

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