Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 68: Arusa was arrested

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Makarov's remarks shocked the audience. He thought that Makarov would be tougher in the face of the House of Representatives, and he would try to resist it. The rhythm of the shot.

Ma Yuan, who had been expecting Makarov to do something, was suddenly discouraged. Among them were all members of Grey, Lucy, and Fairy Tail.

Only Elusa himself did not utter a sentence from beginning to end, did not rebel against the sword, and remained silent. For Makarov's decision, Elusa did not carry a trace of blame or disappointment.

On the contrary, this is what Elusa hopes for the most. If even a generation of president is involved in this farce, is this still decent? Elusa is very clear about the terrorist power of the House of Representatives.

"Grandpa Grandpa!"

Gray shouted loudly, expressing a strong protest and disagreeing with Makarov's approach.

However, Makarov ignored Gray's attitude and bowed his head slightly, his expression indifferent.


At this moment, Naz wriggled again, and his whole body trembled, his mouth weakly said.

"Especially you, Naz, give the old man a point!"

After seeing the embarrassing appearance of Naz, Makarov didn't play a trace of pity for a while, and immediately reprimanded and said, just like an elder scolded an incompetent younger, hate iron.


When Naz heard the words, he stopped speaking. His heart tingled with pain. It was difficult to swallow the tone. He twisted his fists and thumped **** the ground to vent his dissatisfaction.

Despite his dissatisfaction, since Makarov spoke, Naz was not good to say anything.

During the conversation, the shackles were close to Elusa, and under the shock of President Makarov, no one was making trouble.

"Damn, what are you doing?! Hurry up and let me go!"

Shi Ke could not bear it anymore, and Gray could no longer bear to watch his companion taken away, so he suddenly broke out and rushed into the soldiers, while the original Ma Yuan was not stopped, but secretly A hurricane was summoned and ready to go.


When Grey rushed into the group of soldiers, Elusa suddenly shook her throat and shouted.

Gray heard that he couldn't help but stop, staring blankly at Elusa surrounded by soldiers.

"Gray, hurry back to me and stop making trouble."

Elusa said lightly, with a serious expression.

Gray heard it and froze for a long time before he reacted for a long time. He couldn't hold a word: "But..."

"I am not afraid of the shadow oblique. I just went to trial this time and cooperated with the investigation. If you continue to make trouble like this, I am afraid that my charge will change."

Elusa explained that he understands the reason why Makarov opposed the crowd, the purpose is to deal with this matter as low-key as possible. If Naz and Gray are allowed to continue to do so, the matter will only get bigger. That's it.

Gray was stunned for a moment. He didn't look back. It sounds reasonable to hear Elusa say this, so that Gray didn't even know what to do for a while.

"So, obey my words, stay in the guild and wait for my news, don't make trouble again."

Elisa smiled at Gray and said, turning her eyes to Ma Yuan, she seemed to be telling Ma Yuan what she was doing. Then she looked at Naz lying on the ground, and also gestured to Nazian. Divide it.

But Naz did not pay much attention, and propped himself up several times, trying to stand up.

"Trust me, I will be back when I go, and I will fight with you when I come back, Naz..."

Seeing Naz's stubborn look, Elusa persuaded again. Then he grabbed the shackles on the soldier's hand and consciously put on himself.

"Let's fight again when I come back..."

In the end, Elusa simply ignored Naz and ignored Naz's reaction. Because she couldn't bear it, she chose to avoid it and turned to follow the army and set foot on the path of trial.

"No! Elisa!"

Looking at Alusha's lonely figure, Naz growled directly, even Gray, staying in place, not knowing what to do, just watching his partner be ruthlessly taken away.

Regarding Naz's cry and call, Elusa chose to ignore, did not look back, walked straight forward, and walked in the direction of ERA.

She didn't know herself, whether the trial or cruel ruling awaited her in front of her. At this time, she walked and walked, feeling more and more uneasy in her heart.


It has been three days since Elusa was taken away by the law enforcement team, and at this time, in the tail of the goblin, everyone seems to have not been relieved from the atmosphere of the day.

In the guild, people no longer drink as usual, and chatter and laughter are replaced by a lifeless one.

All the members of the fairy tail are waiting. According to a message from an old man in the Makarov House of Representatives, Elusa is still in trial and has not yet reached the point where a ruling is needed, but Nevertheless, everyone is still worried.

If Elusa didn’t come back in a safe day, I’m afraid that everyone would not be able to settle down, but during this time, Naz’s mood has been very unstable, and he has been crying again to go to ERA to rescue Elusa, this is not, just There was a wave, and finally under the joint efforts of a dozen people, Naz was intercepted.

"What are you doing?! Let me go out quickly! I'm going out!!!"

On the bar, a glass was held back, and inside the glass was a small lizard imprisoned. This little lizard is very strange, wearing a suit and a plaid scarf wrapped around his neck, the dress is very familiar.


I saw this little lizard flapping all the time in the glass, yelling constantly, trying to break free.

"Naz, just settle down, wait a few more days, just a few days, maybe Elusa will come back."

Lidas stretched his belly and stopped the paintbrush in his hand, unable to help persuading the little lizard that had been noisy all the time.

"Yeah, Naz, the chairman said he would be alright, so rest assured, when I'm back, I will release you again, hee hee."

It is Milazhen who is good at receiving magic to turn Naz into a lizard. In order to prevent Naz from making trouble, Milazhen casts an animal on Naz to receive magic and traps him. ,, ..

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