Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 71: Make a big noise

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The noise when Naz fell to the ground was no less than the previous one. There was a loud "bang", the ground shook violently, and the ground under Naz's feet quickly cracked.

"Hoo! Finally down, it's really dangerous."

After Naz fell to the ground, he took a breath and relaxed immediately, ignoring the bleeding wound on his shoulder.

"Naz, why don't we go back..."

Habi looked at the wound on Naz's shoulder faintly, with tears in his two big eyes, knowing that it was dangerous, and in order to prevent Naz from being hurt again, he wanted to persuade Naz to leave.

"How is it possible that all come, and Elusa is still waiting for us inside, this little injury does not hinder, rest assured."

Naz knew that Habi was worried about his injury, so he endured the pain and comforted Habi.

At the next moment, Naz looked at the high-rise building in front of him, clenched his teeth secretly, his eyes very firm, so he walked toward the front.

"The intruder is over there! Everyone hurry up and catch them!!"

The movement of Naz's landing was very big. The guard soldiers of the House of Representatives quickly discovered the location of Naz. A large group of soldiers were alert, armed with weapons, and rushed to hear the intruder.

"No, we found it in North District, hurry up!"

Seeing this, Naz quickly spread his legs and ran towards the suspended building in front.

At the same time, on the edge of the outer wall of the House of Representatives, two figures were standing silently under the wall, looking up at the high wall in front of them.

"Hey, Ma Yuan, you said that the city wall is so high, should we go in this way?"

Gray looked at the high wall in front of him and asked Ma Yuan beside him.

"I'm not worried about this. Although I don't know the ghost place like the House of Representatives, the guard inside must be very strict. I'm afraid that it's easy to overturn the wall. If it's found, it's difficult.

For this problem, Ma Yuan is very troubled. The House of Representatives represents the symbol of the supreme power of this empire and the magic world. The strict guarding is certain, and there are strong men in it, Ma Yuan is a bit worried.

"So how about we sneak in?"

Gray turned his head to look at Ma Yuan, his eyes showing a burst of thieves, suggesting that.

"How to sneak in?"

"It's the kind of sneaking in without knowing..."

"Aren't you nonsense! Don't you want to break in without diving in!"

Ma Yuan seemed a little impatient and couldn't help but lower his voice to scold Gray.

After all, Ma Yuan began to summon a hurricane. Two small hurricanes wrapped Ma Yuan's feet and supported Ma Yuan's body to float out of thin air.

"I'm going up first, you can do it yourself."

Ma Yuan said nothing, and then controlled the hurricane to take off slowly.

"Cut, what's so great, look at me!"

Grey was dissatisfied and saw him drink lightly, and a icicle burst out of the ground, extending straight from Gray's feet and pushing Gray across the high wall.


When the icicle extends to the same height as the high wall, the icicle will automatically break apart, turning into small pieces of ice slag, scattered all over the ground.

"Hey, don't think that only your wind attribute magic can fly!"

Gray came to the city wall and began to lay out to Ma Yuan.

"Okay, I know you're awesome, so let's hurry up and find Naz."

Ma Yuan was too lazy to compete with Gray. After landing, he first looked around to see if he was exposed.

"Yeah, I hope that the boy of Naz didn't make a big deal."

After Ma Yuan's reminder, Gray immediately responded, and finally followed Ma Yuan's pace, gradually tempting forward, fearing that he might be discovered.

After the two of them walked on the city wall for a period of time, Ma Yuan suddenly frowned and stopped.

"Ma Yuan, what's wrong?"

Grey saw Ma Yuan's vigilant appearance, thinking that there was a guard in front of him or something, so he quickly squatted down, leaning against the wall of the city, sticking tightly, afraid of being found, it was very alert.

Ma Yuan looked back at Gray and saw Gray's appearance, wondering, "What are you doing?"

"Don't you say something happened? I'm afraid of being discovered!"

Gray looked around, ignoring Ma Yuan's strange expression, still an alert state of nervousness, and said seriously.

"Don't you find out? There aren't even one guard soldier on this wall, are you surprised?"

Ma Yuan raised his doubts.

"Huh? How is it possible?"

Gray didn't believe it, so he stood up and looked around, and found that none of the guard soldiers stood guard on those sentries.

"Huh, yeah, how could this be?"

Gray was also puzzled.

However, Ma Yuan and Gray did not know that the guard soldiers were gathering deep in the wall at this time, trying to hunt down Naz, so this was a momentary negligence and missed the two missing fish of Ma Yuan and Gray.

"Is it a trap?"

Gray guessed.

"No, how do the people in the House of Representatives know that we will come? There must be something wrong."

Ma Yuan overturned Gray's guess, clenching her brows, contemplating.

"I can't control this much, I'm here now, what are you afraid of? Put it on your head!"

Having said that, Grey bursts with anger and blood, and without saying a word, began to practice ice magic. I saw his hands pressed against the wall, and the wall began to be covered with a layer of white frost, and then the frost quickly condensed to form a avenue, which led from the wall to the ground inside the wall.

"What are you waiting for? Hurry!"

Gray jumped onto the ice lane and glide down the ice lane.

"Gray, look over there..."

At this time, Ma Yuan's attention was vaguely visible in the distance inside the city wall. In the distance, a group of soldiers carrying torches were running back and forth, not only in one place, but also in the city walls. They were scattered in all directions. , Seems to be chasing after something.

Unfortunately, when Ma Yuan discovered this strange scene, Gray had successfully entered the city wall.

"Ma Yuan, what are you still doing on top?! Get down!"

Under the wall, Gray urged.

Ma Yuan heard that he had suddenly recovered, and he couldn't care about so much for a while, so he no longer ignored the disorderly soldier formation, summoned the wind and jumped down the city wall, and came to Gray.


At this time, Naz tried to avoid the soldiers while approaching the suspended building. In the process, he could not avoid head-on conflict with the guards. Dangerously came to the destination.

"Presumably this is the core facility of the House of Representatives, the trial building..."

Naz looked up at the suspended building in front of him and said seriously. ,, ..

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