Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 78: Wind and Fire Fusion

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Looking at Ma Yuan's rushing figure, Zikre's face was horrified. Now he realized that Ma Yuan's offensive was just a guise. The purpose was to get close to himself and then launch a full blow.

"It turns out that it seems that this kid is not simple."

After seeing Ma Yuan's intentions, Zikre was a little shocked and then calmed down quickly. For Ma Yuan's current strength, it was not enough to threaten him by half.

"Windstorm! Drink!"

The following scene shocked Zikrein again. He thought that Ma Yuan just wanted to rely on the physical strength of his body and he was tough against him, but he really could not think that Ma Yuan would still be able to do this. This really surprised Zikrein.

I saw that Ma Yuan was above Zikrein's head, a small hurricane rotating at a fast speed on the left palm, and a raging flame rising on the right palm!

The hurricane is very fierce and the flames are very hot. This hot feeling makes Gray, who is on the sidelines, very sensitive. After a long absence of Gray, Gray has returned to his mind, looking up at the Ma Yuan, which exerts two kinds of strange magic in the air. stunned.

"This dragon's corner blow?! It's Naz's exclusive trick!! could it be?!"

The fire that Ma Yuan is now exerting on the palm of his right hand is precisely Naz’s famous stunt, but now Ma Yuan is showing it, which makes Gray feel incredible.

Not only Gray, but even Zikrein and the black-haired woman were shocked. It was the first time they saw someone actually use two different attributes of magic together!

At least for the first time in their known magic career, so far it has been the first time a magician has manipulated magic like this!

You should know that any kind of magic is very harsh on the conditions of the magician. Each magician has magic that is specially adapted to its own attributes. The two complement each other and produce a wonderful relationship.

In other words, some people have a medium with unique attributes in their bloodstream from birth, and this medium can only be an attribute, so everyone can only learn the magic of the corresponding attribute according to their own medium. .

Of course, there are many kinds of mediums for the human body, such as hurricanes, flames, ice, etc., but the general magician will only choose the most suitable medium to learn magic.

And like Ma Yuan now, it is rare to summon two different attributes of magic at one time. Not only that, after summoning two different attributes of magic at the same time, Ma Yuan, but also these two different The magic of the attributes is fused together!

At the next moment, I saw Ma Yuan's ten-fingered fist, colliding the hurricane and the fire on his fist together!

"Ma Yuan, are you guys crazy?! Two kinds of magic with different attributes can't be merged, so they will suffer the magic backlash!!"

Underneath, Gray already regarded Ma Yuan as a lunatic, and howled at it, trying to remind Ma Yuan, but Ma Yuan ignored it.

Just after the words of Grey had just fallen, Ma Yuan had already rushed in front of Zikrein. Two fists wrapped in hurricanes and flames exploded in vain in front of Zikrein!


The magic of the two different attributes merges with each other. The fire is more vigorous under the influence of the hurricane. The hurricane is also very sharp under the stimulation of the flame. The two are strong and powerful, and the sound of the world erupts.

The explosion caused the hurricane and flames to rag out at that moment. The strong hurricane carried a hot breath and whistled past and swept around.

The violent explosion rolled up the smoke, and immediately covered both Ma Yuan and Zikrein.

After a while, the smoke and dust gradually dissipated, and a hazy figure appeared in the smoke and dust. At this time, a cool breeze passed by inexplicably, blowing away his eyes completely, revealing the face and figure of Ma Yuan.

In that violent explosion, Ma Yuan, the master of magic, was affected. At this time, Ma Yuan was gray, and he was dressed in ragged clothes, and he was very embarrassed.

"Hey, how is it? Is this not bad?"

Despite this, Ma Yuan disregarded the trauma he suffered and grinned at the corner of his mouth, looking at Zikrein not far away, and asked with a smile: "I won, should you keep your promise?"

Looking in Ma Yuan's eyes, Tsek Lein stood standing a few meters away from Ma Yuan, staring blankly at the crazy man in front of him.

If you look closely, there is a tattered robe on Zikrein's body. Obviously he failed to get out of the terrible explosion, but it still spread to some.

Ma Yuan looked at the other person in silence, the smile on his face became more intense, then his eyelids blinked, and then he felt heavier and heavier, and then his eyes fell black, his body falling down.

"Ma Yuan!"

Seeing this, Gray quickly rushed over and helped Ma Yuan in time, so as not to make it fall to the ground. Ma Yuan’s extreme tactics of killing the enemy by one thousand and causing 10,000 losses caused him to suffer a lot of damage. After his potential, he became weak and immediately fainted.

"The sound of the explosion seems to be coming from there, let's go and see!"

At this time, there was a shout not far away, followed by a sound of gold and iron sympathetic and hurried, apparently the sound of the explosion just alarmed the guard of the House of Representatives.

"No, it was discovered, it must be withdrawn!"

Grey secretly called badly, so he scratched Zykrein with a vicious look, and the glare in his eyes seemed to say: "Let's go and see!"

After that, Gray carried the fainting Ma Yuan and hurriedly left this place.

Before leaving, Gray's eyes did not forget to glance at the mysterious black-haired woman, and the black-haired woman also found Gray's eyes, but she did not pay attention to it, she was still cold, unconscionable, and rejected It's cold in thousands of miles.

Tsekley looked back at Grey and Ma Yuan, who had gone away, and a mysterious, unpredictable smile appeared again on his handsome face.

"It seems that this new member of the Fairy Tail has great potential... I am afraid that for our plan, in addition to Dolag Neal Naz, there will be another more tricky person."

After the smile, Zi Kelei said with emotion.

"If that is the case, why don't you simply wipe out the two of them as soon as possible?"

The dark-haired woman on the side concealed the killer and said coldly.

"That was Wulu's disciple just now? He seems to see something from you..."

Zikrein asked back instead of answering the previous question.

The dark-haired woman frowned, frowned, and had mixed tastes in her heart. She didn't know how to answer for a while. ,, ..

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