Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 94: Jungle dead

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"What should I do now?! Don't go to Mayuan, I really don't know... what the **** is this?!"

After repeated searching, Ma Yuan and Gray still found nothing. Seeing Ma Yuan's distraught look, Gray felt very guilty in his heart, and even speaking was a little difficult to say, full of guilt.

Ma Yuan was just stunned, motionless, silent, frowning tightly, although there was no expression on his face, but Ma Yuan was very anxious at this time.

Hell Devil Dog is his closest partner to Ma Yuan. From the beginning, he turned into a **** and became a faithful and reliable partner. Complaint.

But now, Ma Yuan has lost his most loyal friend. What's more, now **** devil is seriously injured. With the sudden disappearance, his life and death are still unclear.

This is how Ma Yuan feels at ease.


Just when Ma Yuan and Gray were at a loss, a strange sound suddenly came from the deep jungle on the land.

This voice is not loud, but it is very sharp and harsh, even if Ma Yuan and the two are on the beach, they can hear clearly.

Immediately after hearing this movement, the two of Ma Yuan were awakened from the dazed state and turned around quickly, their eyes projected into the depths of the dark jungle, and they all felt suspicious.

"What's that voice?!"

Gray frowned and said doubtfully.

Ma Yuan didn't answer Gray, and was listening carefully with his ears. After a moment, Ma Yuan felt a little uneasy, feeling that something was wrong, so he spread his legs and flew towards the shore.

Ma Yuan's speed is very fast, although the magic power consumed before has not been fully recovered, and Ma Yuan is now desperate to urge his own magic power, burst out, and his body is as fast as a flying arrow, and he will pierce it all at once. Into the jungle.

Gray, still stunned on the beach, saw Ma Yuan so nervous, but felt a little inexplicable, very puzzled.


But at the next moment, Grey felt awake, and according to Ma Yuan’s nervous appearance, he seemed to guess something, so he shouted, his legs shuddered, and his body was like an arrow, following Ma Yuan In that way, plunge into the jungle.

At this moment, the only thing that can make Ma Yuan so nervous is that there is only the Hell Devil Dog, and it happened that there was a strange noise in the jungle just now, so Gray guessed that the Hell Devil Dog was probably a beast on the land. Go for Diao!

For this idea, both Ma Yuan and Gray were frightened, suddenly panicked, constantly accelerating their speed, and going deep into the jungle.

Ma Yuan followed the noise just now, and ran all the way, just like apes, shuttled back and forth in the jungle, and Gray followed.

As soon as the front foot of the **** demon dog disappeared, such a strange call came out in the jungle on the back foot. Ma Yuan felt more and more strange when he wanted to, and determined that this was not a coincidence!

While worrying about the Hell Devil Dog, Ma Yuan's eyes constantly scanned the surroundings of the jungle, trying to find it.

Soon, Ma Yuan's eyes locked on the front. In that empty place, he saw a huge body, lying there quietly, motionless.

Immediately after seeing Ma Yuan, he felt a "chuck" in his heart, his heartbeat accelerated, and the speed of his flight also accelerated suddenly.

"Little Black!"

Ma Yuan looked cold and stared at the body lying on the open ground in front of him, and he was determined to be the missing Hell Devil Dog!

At the same time, he also vowed secretly at that moment, if the **** devil encounters something unexpected, the whole island will bear his anger!

As Ma Yuan moved closer and closer to the body, Ma Yuan could clearly see that a large piece of meat was missing on that body! Obviously it was eaten by some kind of beast, and the blood of a pool of cherry red can be seen clearly on the ground, which is slowly flowing down.

The more clearly you see it, the more disturbed Ma Yuan feels.

Soon, Ma Yuan came to the body and saw the huge and burly body in front of him. The red hair was wet with blood and became sticky.

Ma Yuan squatted halfway down, stretched out his hands and gently stroked the fur of that body. At that moment, Ma Yuan was staring at the beads, irritated, and the whole body was trembling slightly.

And Gray also came quickly, standing quietly behind Ma Yuan, looking at the scene in front of him unbelievably, clenching his fist to cover his mouth, and turning his head, it seemed that he couldn't bear to look directly, and he felt some kind of sadness in his heart.

And more is remorse. If the Hell Devil Dog could be dragged ashore before, I am afraid that such a thing will not happen. While regretting, Gray's heart is more self-blame and guilt.

Ma Yuan changed his posture and knelt in front of that body, because that body was facing away from Ma Yuan, but Ma Yuan did not turn the one in front of him, and already regarded it as the body of the **** devil.

Because Ma Yuan saw the wound that was bleeding in front of him, he was afraid to look directly at the face of Hell Devil Dog, and the bigger reason was that Ma Yuan felt that he had no face to face Hell Devil Dog again!

Since then, Ma Yuan's heart was full of anger. At this time, he had decided that he must find the beast that ate the **** devil at all costs, find it out, cramp, peel, and shatter the corpse. Ten thousand paragraphs, frustrated!

If this murderer cannot be found, Ma Yuan has also prepared the second extreme plan, that is-directly destroy the entire island!

Ma Yuan slowly closed his eyes and put his head on the body, feeling the stiffness and coldness coming from the body, and his heart was cold.

And at this time, Gray behind Ma Yuan had tears in his eyes. I saw his hands clenched into fists, his body was trembling slightly, and he secretly gritted his teeth. He also decided to avenge the **** devil dog!

After a long time, Ma Yuan finished her silence and began to adjust her emotions. After taking a deep breath, Ma Yuan gritted her teeth and slowly raised her head, holding the head of the body with one hand and holding the lower part of the body with the other. And hugged the body.

But at the moment when Ma Yuan picked up the body, the head of the body hung down according to inertia, revealing the ugly face before dying. This scene was clearly seen by Gray behind Ma Yuan!

After Gray saw it, his heart was greatly shocked, and his heart was ups and downs, and there was a wave of turbulence. He stared at the body with dumbfounded feeling. It was incredible and incredible! ,, ..

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