Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 103: Sea ghost

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With a shout, a large number of villagers quickly gathered at the door, no longer wanting to meet Gray for the first time, not only to ask questions, but also to prove their identity. Now when the villagers see Gray, they are all exposed. Happy, can't wait to open the door and greet it warmly.

"Master Magister, are you finally back?!"

The village chief Moka strode forward and led a large number of villagers, swarming up, enclosing the crowds of Gray, showing excitement.

After only a few hours, the villagers seemed to have gone through centuries. When Gray left, they still felt a little nervous, for fear that Gray would never return, and now it’s natural to see Gray back in trust.

"Oh, Master Magister? Grey, you are such a big show."

When Naz saw this scene, he ridiculed that after Gray heard it, he scratched his head and surprisingly showed a trace of embarrassment.

"Of course, the village chief, but I promised you. Naturally, I have to keep my word. And I have found my partner. Their strength is very strong. I believe they can help you."

Gray responded politely to each other.

Unexpectedly, the village chief Moka heard the words and looked at Ma Yuan. They suddenly shot a fine mane in their eyes, and even the tears were flowing, and they were very excited.

I thought that relying on the strength of Gray alone, to solve the problem of curse is only a mentality of trying. Unexpectedly, there are so many powerful mages now, naturally as the village chief Moka is happy.

One more person will give you more strength, and the hope of the villagers will all rest on Ma Yuan and Gray.

"Is the village head?" Ma Yuan didn't want to waste any more time. He went straight to the point and went straight to the subject. He said, "What's going on in your village? What curse is bothering you?"

Moka did not dare to neglect Ma Yuan’s inquiries, and quickly replied, “This is this, Master Magister. There is nothing unusual during the day in our village, but after night, the purple moon Once it comes out, our villagers will become demons!"

"Purple moon? Become a demon?"

Ma Yuan began to be confused about these divine logics. What relationship could exist between the two?

"Not only that, when we become a demon, our personality will become very irritable, our body will not adapt, and our brain will be dizzy, and some false pictures will continue to appear, interfering with our brain waves."

The village chief Moka continued to tell the crowd, the loneliness and sorrow exuded between the words, which made the hearers feel sympathetic and a little lingering.

"Not long ago, my son Bobo was completely demonized because of the brain wave disorder, which led to madness. In desperation, we had to death!"

Speaking of which, Moka, the village head, softened her legs, knelt down, and cried with a headache. Without the respect and virtue of the head of the village, she resembled a child, and she burst into pain with impunity.

As the saying goes, tiger venom does not eat children, if there is really no way, nothing can be done, Moka will not kill his children.

Instead of letting people like Bobo live like ghosts or ghosts, just give him a happy count, but nevertheless, after all, it is still the flesh and blood, the kind of child who watches his own death in front of him, this kind of Taste is very uncomfortable.

The village chief Moka wept bitterly, took a picture from his arms, and covered it in his heart, feeling sad.

This scene was captured by Lucy, who was eye-catching. When she saw the middle-aged uncle in the photo, her eyebrows were suddenly raised. She quickly stepped forward, crouched down, and politely said to Moka, "This old man, you can Show me, just that photo?"

Ma Yuan and others are surprised by Lucy’s sudden and weird behavior, not knowing what Lucy wants to do.

After the village chief Moka heard the words, he was stunned for a moment, and even handed the photo in his arms to Lucy, and continued to grieve.

At the next moment, when Lucy clearly saw the middle-aged man in the photo, his eyes were suddenly widened, and he was stunned in the same place.

Originally thought she was dazzling and misunderstood, now looking at the uncle in the photo, Lucy's pupils suddenly contracted, feeling incredible.

Ma Yuan and others were attracted by Lucy's expression, and they became more puzzled.

At this time, the curious Naz approached Lucy and glanced at the person in the photo. The mood was the same as Lucy's before. It was surprisingly shocked and unbelievable.

"This... this uncle is not..."

Naz stunned, took the photo from Lucy's hand, and stuttered.

But before Naz could make a noise, Lucy immediately reacted and reached over his mouth to stop Naz.

Seeing the neurotic appearance of Naz and Lucy, the village chief Moka was also surprised, so he asked, "Why? Masters, do you know my son Popo?"

Moka knew that Popo likes to go to sea, so he guessed that it might have been Naz and Lucy when Popo was alive, otherwise how could the two of them show such faces after seeing the photos?

Just as Moka was casually guessing, Lucy smiled dryly and replied cleverly, "Oh, no, this uncle looks a bit like a friend of us. I'm sorry, but I admit the wrong person."

Having said that, Lucy quickly pulled Naz, leaned behind Ma Yuan and Gray, lowered her voice, and whispered: "Ma Yuan, Gray, this uncle is what I told you before, the one who took us to sea The boatman is the man in the picture!"

After hearing Lucy say this, Ma Yuan and Gray were surprised.

"Are you sure you admit it? This is not a joke."

Gray was a little skeptical and questioned.

"You believe you can ask Naz. It's absolutely not wrong. After driving us out to sea, a huge wave rushed me and Naz into the sea. When we woke up, we were on this island, and The uncle is also missing!"

Lucy said with certainty that Gray and Ma Yuan heard that they turned their attention to Naz, and when Naz nodded sharply, agreeing, Ma Yuan and Gray began to shock.

"Isn't this person dead? But how did you meet it? It's strange, isn't it..."

Gray stroked his chin, speculating.

"Did you meet at sea...ghosts?"

Ma Yuan took Gray's words and said in surprise.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked. ,, ..

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