Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 120: Gray vs Leo on

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"No! No! How could he appear on the northern continent, impossible..."

Gray shook his head, his heart kept resisting, and it was difficult for him to accept the fact in his mind.

Then, Gray was awake, his frowning brows immediately stretched out, staring at the mysterious man, projecting a meaningful look, even the legs kicked violently and his body shot out.


Grey burst into a scream and shot in vain. Grey saw his arms spread and jumped to the sky, the cold air between his palms filled with the naked eye, and then he swooped down towards the mysterious man!

Gray's skill is very agile, and soon fell above the mysterious man's head, and the mysterious man was unwilling to show his weakness, he immediately responded, and his body retreated, avoiding the edge.

The mysterious man retreated, thinking that Gray had fallen empty, but unexpectedly, Gray still kept his hands behind.

I saw that Gray's body touched the ground while landing, and the thick and sharp ice cones suddenly emerged from the ground, pulled up, and chased in the direction of the mysterious person's retreat.


The ice cone's offensive was very fierce. The ground was instantly covered with a thick layer of ice. Seeing these offensives, Ma Yuan was shocked, but after being shocked, he was a little puzzled. I don't know why Gray would suddenly launch an attack. And the method is so fierce, no rhythm of keeping hands.

"Humph! Ice Shield!"

When the mysterious man saw Gray so entangled, he snorted and stopped avoiding, so he stopped the step backwards, waved his hand, and an ice shield instantly formed in front of him, so as to do defense.


Grey's ice cone quickly came to the mysterious man, but did not touch the mysterious man halfway, but was intercepted by the latter's ice shield.

"It really is you! Drink!"

Seeing the other party performing the familiar ice magic, Gray's guess was also verified at this time. The arms of both sides slammed suddenly, the cold breath in the palm exploded in vain, and the cold came out, and those ice cones were at this time. It has become more than a few times bigger, and it is instantly higher!


The ice cone stretched again and stood up. A crisp sound like the broken glass came. The ice shield in front of the mysterious man was broken in vain, turned into a pile of ice slag, and scattered in the air, sparkling.

At this moment, the mysterious man no longer has the calmness of the past, his eyes narrowed, and the spin is also a quick response, the sole of the foot violently, the body jumps to the sky, and retreats sharply, avoiding Gray's offensive Too.

Soon, the mysterious man landed, his hands were elegantly placed behind him, looked at Gray, exclaimed, and said: "Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhdayday, as the acquaintances on the fairy tail have long been heard, it seems that now, Sure enough, the name is well-deserved."

Among the words that seemed to be admired, in Gray's ears were full of sarcasm. After Gray heard the words, his face became blue, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Asshole! When are you going to pretend?"

As soon as this remark came out, they shocked the four seats, and everyone frowned, deeply puzzled.

"Do Lord Zero and the other know each other?"

Toby and Yuca wondered and guessed.

"Does Gray know each other?"

Similarly, Ma Yuan and others were puzzled and speculated.

"Hurry up and take off your ugly mask to Lao Tzu, bastard-Leo!"

Grey snarled at the mysterious man, clenched his fists, and leaned forward, and he could clearly see the green knots on Grey's neck. Obviously, Grey was very excited at this time.

"Hehehe, speaking of jerks... I'm afraid I... haven't you **** yet?"

Facing Gray's roar, the mysterious man laughed out loud, while taunting, he reached out and took off his mask.

After everyone heard such a dialogue between the two, they were affirmed, and they must have known each other! And according to the ice magic performed by both parties, there must be some origin between the two!

After the mask was removed, the mysterious person was thrown aside, and Lushan's true face of the mysterious person was also able to peep at this time.

Ma Yuan looked at the white-haired boy not far away. The cold and frosty face was sharp and angular, and there was a trace of coldness and arrogance in his handsome look. His eyes looked like an emperor looking at the world, with domineering exposure.

After making people see this face, they couldn't help but marvel. The temperament exposed by this young boy was very different from his own age, which made the eyes of the hearers amazing.

"Although we meet again in this way and in this way, I still want to say, "Gray, long time no see"."

The young man named Leo showed a wicked smile and looked at Gray as he greeted him, so there was a lot of ridicule and frivolous in it.

"Why are you here?"

Gray ignored the other's frivolous attitude and asked directly.

Leo didn't answer, arms around his chest, and looked at Gray with a smile, not intending to answer.

Gray saw an invisible anger, rising from the bottom of my heart inexplicably, and scratched Leo fiercely, turning his face downcast, and making a cold voice, saying: "Don’t tell me, Dalio The appearance of Pull is also what you do."

As soon as this remark came, Leo finally moved, and immediately smiled, a trace of surprise was wiped from his handsome face, and it was fleeting.

"Have you been to the underground palace?"

After a long silence, Leo asked aloud.

"Huh, people are watching, if I had come to this island by mistake to perform missions, I still don't know what stupid thing you guys are going to do!"

Gray growled angrily, screaming at Leo, his face twitching with excitement.

Regarding Gray's scolding, Leo was self-conscious, disapproving and silent.

"It wasn't so far away. What did you want to do to bring the demons like Dalyola from the mainland? Also, what the villagers said of the "curse" might have something to do with you?"

Gray continued to question, questioning, and was very puzzled by Leo’s move, but his heart was always a little uneasy. This feeling of uneasiness has begun from the moment when he saw Dalyola in the underground palace. Sprouted.

"Grey, you calm down now and tell us who he is? Is there any misunderstanding between you?"

Seeing the excited Gray, Ma Yuan stepped forward, put his hand on Gray's shoulder, and said slowly, trying to ease Gray's excited emotion.

"He...he is..."

Gray looked at Leo, hesitantly, he seemed to have a hard feeling. ,, ..

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