Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 131: Storm is coming

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Looking at the surprised look on Leo's face, Ma Yuan finally laughed with pride.

"Your dragon is an entity formed by condensing ice, and my dragon uses blood as a primer and uses flames to ignite it and transform it into reality.

Ma Yuan explained to the surprised Leo: "The fire and the water meet each other. When your ice dragon touches my fire dragon, it is naturally unable to resist."

"Impossible! Impossible! My ice is not ordinary ice, ordinary flames are impossible to dissolve! I don't believe it!"

Wherever the proud Leo would recognize Ma Yuan's words, while shaking his head to express his resistance, he waved his big hand and manipulated the remaining ice dragon, whistling out, shaking towards the red dragon.

Regarding Leo’s doubts, Ma Yuan did not refute, but chose to use actual conditions to prove that with the move of his heart, the red dragon also rose into the sky and hit the ice dragon.


The two big guys collided with each other, like Mars hitting the earth, shaking the earth, the contest between ice and fire, the two dragons slammed together, and both sides were smashed into fragments, huge The figure collapsed in an instant.

In order to be able to contend with the ice dragon, Ma Yuan dumped all his little remaining magic powers, instilled in the red dragon, solidified itself, and became extremely hard.

But what Ma Yuan didn't think was that the ice dragon of Leo was so powerful that when the ice dragon was dismantled, the red dragon also disappeared.

However, beyond the shock, I am glad that the speculation just took a chance to defeat an ice dragon. If we are facing two ice dragons now, Ma Yuan can't stand it.


The two dragons collided, both were disintegrated, a violent explosion occurred, and a strong wave of gas swept through, raging continuously.

At this time, the ice layer at the foot of Ma Yuan also began to break apart, facing the impact of the air wave. At this time, the magically exhausted Ma Yuan had no power to resist, and the strong wind swept over him, directly to his body. Fell over, and finally hit a rock, and then stopped.

And Leo was also affected by the shock of the airflow, and he stumbled back and forth, staggering, and grabbed the stone pillar beside him with one hand, which barely stabilized his body.

The air wave quickly disappeared and everything calmed down. Ma Yuan's body hit the hard rock, the internal organs were violently shaken, he couldn't help but spit out a blood, and his face suddenly turned pale.

The severe pain caused Ma Yuan to groan in a low voice. After repeated battles, the magic was also exhausted. At this time, Ma Yuan was exhausted, although now he wanted to lie down and sleep well. I felt a bit, but remembered that the enemy hadn't solved it, so he gritted his teeth and broke his tongue, which caused a shock.

Moments later, Ma Yuan struggled to stand up, saw Leo leaning on the rock with one hand not far away, took a heavy step, and walked slowly over.

"I can't think of you being so powerful and so affected that it hasn't died yet..."

Leo took back his hand on the rock, looked at Ma Yuan, and said lightly.

"The same is true for you." Ma Yuan looked at Leo's pale face and responded hoarsely.

"Why? Do you want to continue?"

Leo was also unwilling to show his weakness, said coldly.

The principle of Ma did not respond, but accelerated the pace of advancement, his heavy eyelids were drooping, and then he was forcibly supported by Ma Yuan.

As Ma Yuan kept approaching, without going further, Leo's complexion increased a little, and he became dignified. There were tiny sweat beads on his forehead, but he still did not change his color, and pretended to be very calm. Looks like.


At the next moment, Ma Yuan, who had already been struggling with strength, was finally unable to support it. Although Ma Yuan was struggling to resist, he was helpless. When his eyes were black, he fell to the ground.

"Oh, let me just say, before consuming so much magic power, I can stand up after being hit by the waves of the air. It turns out that I am at the end of my crossbow."

Seeing Ma Yuan fall to the ground, Leo suddenly relieved himself and laughed out loud. He thought Ma Yuan was really so powerful, and he could continue to fight after many twists and turns. If Ma Yuan really still has combat capabilities, I am afraid that it will be profitable. O himself.

Leo spoke while walking towards Ma Yuan, but before he could take a few steps, his head felt heavy, his head was heavy, his ears were buzzing, and his eyes were faint at this time.

In the previous battle of one-on-three, Leo consumed magic too much, and now has side effects.

I saw Leo shook his head violently, trying to clear himself, but in vain.

"Asshole Gray, you are done!"

At this moment, a scream came, which surprised Leo. At the next moment, on the edge of the cliff, a person suddenly appeared. It was Naz who was kicked down the **** by Gray!

After Leo saw Naz, he couldn't help frowning, and he felt a trace of fear. In his current situation, if he were to go to Naz, I'm afraid he would suffer a big loss.

At this point, Leo chose to retreat, glanced at Ma Yuan, who was paralyzed on the ground, and looked at Gray, who was not far away, and said coldly: "This time you are lucky, I will definitely be the next time I meet. Kill you!"

After all, he turned around, reached out to untie the knife in his waist as a cane, moved his pace, and slowly walked back into the palace.

Gray fell, but the consciousness still existed. He watched the figure of Leo leaving quietly, and there was a sour heart in his heart. His mood was mixed, very complicated.

"Hoo! Finally up."

After climbing up the hill, Naz suddenly relieved himself and exhaled a breath. I don't know why. When he rolled down the hill, the ice on the lower body melted naturally, but it was still on the waist post. A big hockey puck looks very funny.

Naz, who was dragging the bulky big ice hockey, climbed up and looked at the mess in front of him. He couldn't help frowning, except for Ma Yuan and Gray lying on the ground, but it was missing Leo's figure.

"Alas, the guy must know that I'm coming to help, and I was scared away."

After Naz froze for a moment, he thought of such a reason to feel good about himself.

"Why are you two guys like this? You've been beaten like this?! Oh, really!"

Naz saw Ma Yuan and Gray in awkward situation, reprimanded with an attitude of hating iron, and even grabbed one hand, carrying Ma Yuan and Gray on their shoulders, respectively, and walked down the hillside. .

At the same time, the battle on the ruins has ended, and Lucy has successfully returned to the village, but behind Lucy, they are closely followed by Toby and Yuca.........

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