Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 141: Deadlock

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The next morning, the first rays of sunlight crawled into the cabin, illuminating the entire room.

In the cabin, Naz presented a "big" character and fell asleep, while Gray lying beside him had already awakened. After a night of rest, Gray was recovered and full of energy.

When Gray woke up, the sky was still not bright, and when it was still gray, Gray opened his eyes. The first thing that came into his eyes was a face, a familiar and cold face.

After seeing this icy face, Gray's pupils contracted suddenly, acting astonished, without sleepiness, and stared at the face in front with a stunned face, and his heart was cold.

Among the cabins, Naz and Gray slept in the middle of the floor, and next to them, I didn't know when there was an extra chair, and on the chair, there was a figure sitting upright.

The man was wearing heavy armor, and wrapped that Miaoman's body in it, even airtight. There was no doubt that the man was Elusa.

After landing on the island last night, from the moment I came to the village and entered the cabin, Elusa stayed up all night. After standing for a night, she might feel sore legs, so she dragged a chair to sit down. Stayed all night.


When Gray woke up to see Alusa sitting in front of him, she was surprised and couldn't believe it, so she rubbed her sleepy eyes. After a closer look, she found that the cold face was After the exclusive Elusa, there was no doubt that he was more shocked.


Grey stared timidly at Elusa's icy face, feeling a little uneasy. Instead of looking at him for a moment, Grey turned his head and dared not face it.

Seeing Gray's cowardly look that he didn't dare to face, Elusa still didn't change her face, her face was indifferent, but she just watched quietly, silently.

Gray's brows were tightly locked, and his eyes were constantly turning. After a moment of thinking, his eyes became firmer. He did not know where the courage came from. He began to raise his head to face Elusa. His fear and tension gradually disappeared.

Gray's performance was seen in the eyes of Elusa, and Elisa Liu raised her eyebrows slightly. She seemed a little surprised by Gray's behavior, and felt courageous.

"Start packing."

Both sides remained silent, not knowing how long it had passed, the sun became hotter, and Elusa spoke coldly, without any emotion in her tone.

"Why do you pack things up?"

Gray heard the words and immediately frowned, and an ominous premonition emerged from the bottom of his heart.

"go away."

"Where to go?"

"go back."

"Back to where?"

"Nonsense, of course, back to the Guild."

Elusa began to look a little impatient, and his tone increased.

Afterwards, Gray was not talking and fell into silence. Elusa looked at the silent Gray coldly without saying a word.

Suddenly, there was a deadlock in the cabin and the atmosphere was strange.

At this time, Naz rolled over and moaned, and continued to wander in his dream, unaware of the current situation.

"I have one more thing to resolve. When I have finished, I will go back with you."

After a moment of silence, Gray suddenly said that Elusa frowned, frowned, and said nothing. She just looked at Gray quietly, not knowing what she was thinking.

"At least I won't leave the island until I have solved those troubles. If you want to persuade me, you should go back first."

Seeing that Elusa didn't stand, Gray continued.

As soon as the words came out, Elusa frowned deeper, and a anger began to appear in her eyes.

This tiny detail was captured by Gray, and Gray disagreed. Instead, once Elusa showed this look, Gray had already disarmed and surrendered to show weakness. Where could he dare to be so tough.

Gray felt that this time was not normal, and this time was very special, so he must be determined to defend his attitude and stand unswervingly!

This is Grey's inner thought.

Qiang! boom!

At the next moment, a gleam of light flashed and a giant sword appeared out of thin air, smashing the ground in front of Gray and inserting it into the ground. The cold light was trembling, and a loud noise rang, and the entire cabin tremble with it, and it was crumbling.


Naz awakened from his sleep and shouted. When he woke up, he found the giant sword in front of him. Looking at the sharp blade, Naz suddenly felt sleepy, his eyes widened, and his scalp tingled.

However, Gray didn't change his face, his face was blank, and he looked at Elusa silently, silently.

There was a lot of movement in the cabin, and the villagers in the village were all aware that they had their eyes projected towards the cabin, and when they saw Ma Yuan and Lucy standing not far from the door, they felt relieved. A lot, but I was a little confused, and then I was busy.

In fact, Ma Yuan and Lucy got up early in the morning, so they came outside the cabin and did not go in. They just stood not far away and seemed to be waiting for something.

"Ma Yuan, is it really okay if Elusa is in trouble?"

After hearing the movement, Lucy was a little uneasy, so she pulled the sleeve of Ma Yuan and asked weakly.

"Look again, it should be fine."

Ma Yuan said lightly, he didn't care, but he spoke so seriously.

"Should?" Lucy was ashamed, suddenly speechless.

In the cabin, Elusa and Gray looked at each other, completely ignoring Naz, and Naz looked blank and surprised, looked at Elusa, and Gray, not knowing what to do.

At the next moment, Gray turned his head and cast his gaze out of the window, feeling that it was not too early, so he lifted the quilt, and suddenly stood up, passing by Elusa, trying to go straight out.


Immediately afterwards, Elusa also got up, left the seat, and pulled the sword from the ground, pointing at Gray's back.

"Naz and Lucy have violated the rules of the guild. The punishment they will face is to expel the guild. The president sent you and Ma Yuan to stop them both and took them back to the guild."

Elusa shouted sharply, looking very annoyed, and continued to shout: "Now?! What stupid thing did you do with Ma Yuan?!"

The voice was loud and angry, and Ma Yuan and Lucy outside the house were all stunned. Lucy showed a trace of embarrassment and shame, and turned down, while Ma Yuan, as always, was calm, not I know what is in my heart.

In the wooden house, Naz was stunned, stunned, at a loss, and Gray slowly turned around to face Elusa without expression.

Poof! Hey!

The next scene shocked the audience again. A dull sound slightly sounded. Grey reached out and grabbed the sharp sword that Elusa pointed in front of him, bringing a trace of blood splashing and dripping. ,, ..

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